Try not to view hell as a literal place that actually exists, think of it more like it actually is, a representation of people's desperate need to believe that no matter how much shit they go through in this life, no matter who wrongs them, or others around them, some form of justice exists after they die, since no form of justice existed in this world for them.
Justice for so many back then involved extreme brutal torture, and so hell has to show itself to have the ultimate in torturous punishment. Doesn't make it a real destination, just the collective barbaric desires of the place and time these descriptions came in to being.
Same for heaven, since if you think about it, of what use are rivers of honey, and endless wine, women and wealth and opulence to people who have ready access to those things in the real world? islamic heaven is for desert people who didn't have water on hand all the time, and who didn't live in comfort.
That idea of heaven, to me, who grew up in the west, sure in the poor bracket, but still I've had honey, water and wine to spare in my life., well it doesn;t move me to say the least and actually seems unbelievably boring when I used to think of it.
Not to mention, being part of a man's possessions even in heaven? it's not a heaven that caters to women.

although hell caters exclusively to women since apparently we are all pretty much headed there anyway.
This is why to me, neither concept, hell of heaven, is anything more than the fantasies of a water deprived, honey addicted, and crazy man, and people of days best consigned to history books.