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 Topic: I'm a new member

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  • I'm a new member
     OP - April 02, 2013, 12:50 PM


    Just wanted to introduce my self,im Mulle,and not my real name... Wink simply because I am in the first fase after having desidet to leave Islam.I am residentting in Denmark with my son who is 2 years old.

    I just arrived back in Denmark with my son,after having lived in Egypt for the past 6 years,I'm originally from Denmark and reverted to Islam around 16 years ago.My son is born in Egypt and his Father is Egyptian.

    I was before Islam a christian,but now I don't know if i wish to believe in anything...I just wan't a normal life,and being able to do things I like to do.
    My reason for leaving comes after the past 2 years of doubt,and because i have seen both side's in Islam,the moderate and the fanatic..and I have asked myself many times if this was the right thing for me..Maybe there is a God,and maybe not.

    I have seen with my own eyes Muslims killing Muslims and I have seen Muslims using drugs / drinking alcohol and Muslim woman selling them self on the streets..wondering how can they if Islam tell it is not right.

    Even the man I was married to used drugs,every day smoking and not praying...I asked myself many times how can Islam be right and not man made when the Muslims do so much wrong.And in the same time,no cleric in Islam so far that I have meet is having the same opinion or view as another one..ask one question and get several different answers....when there actually only should be one answer to a question.

    I'm stil in the first fase..and quit nervous as I have some problems regarding the boy's father, stacking and harassment ...and I have to walk with small steps in my Country,as I fear for any Muslim there to know about my choice...because i have my child also to think about..


  • I'm a new member
     Reply #1 - April 02, 2013, 01:05 PM

    Hello, welcome mulle..  parrot I'm from denmark too! Sorry to hear about your problems, I really do hope things will turn out better.
  • I'm a new member
     Reply #2 - April 02, 2013, 01:13 PM

    Thank you Mrs.Derp

    Well I hope things will get better....The Father of my child is in Egypt,but does not stop him from harassments towards me...I must say I ran off from Egypt with my son..with lying to him,otherwise i wouldn't  had been able to leave with the boy..and i couldnt leave him behind..My Consulate helped me to make a silent pressure on the Father to sign papers fpr passport.

    But he hacked my mailaccount and found out that I told my Brother I wanted to leave now i get alot of hate mails, I blocked him now changed password and even blocked him on my facebook account...He made a Site on facebook called The Victim..with a photo of him self and the boy,trying to show that I'm the evil person running away with his child making him an kafer...

    I just hope to get peace and not to run around being afraid ..
  • I'm a new member
     Reply #3 - April 02, 2013, 01:45 PM

    Hello mulle! As much as I don't like Islam, you shouldn't be judging the religion based on what muslims do. Just because muslims do bad things, it doesn't mean that Islam is bad.

    I hope you get peace Smiley
  • I'm a new member
     Reply #4 - April 02, 2013, 02:21 PM

    Hey Kutta

    I don't actually think Islam is bad...and my judgement upon Islam comes more from the people inside Islam (Muslims) in general..

    For me some Muslims are brain washing others when they enter Islam,and that is what i have been true...
  • I'm a new member
     Reply #5 - April 02, 2013, 04:13 PM

    Hello mulle and Kutta, sorry to burst your bubble. Islam is Evil with capital E. Please read the Quran, I have. Also, I have read many Hadiths and the Sunna. If Islam is so wonderful, why are Muslims so intolerant towards non-Muslims and fellow Muslims who follow different sects?

    वासुदैव कुटुम्बकम्
    Entire World is One Family
    سارا سنسار ايک پريوار ہے
  • I'm a new member
     Reply #6 - April 02, 2013, 05:44 PM

    He made a Site on facebook called The Victim..with a photo of him self and the boy,trying to show that I'm the evil person running away with his child making him an kafer...

    You should actually be able to report that on facebook, its probably not allowed by their TOS to share someone's pictures etc without consent.

    Anyway, just take it easy. I don't think anyone in denmark (even other muslims) have the time or inclination to care about this guy enough to take time out of their way to trouble you. And you have the protection of the police too. I'm sure you'll be fine.

    Just ignore this guy, tune him out of your life, and move on. If needed, change your kid's name and may be have him dress a little differently for a while so he'll look more different to the pictures posted on facebook. In a few years this shouldn't be needed either.

    I must congratulate you on cutting your losses and moving on, especially getting your kid away from there. In most such cases, the life of the mother is pretty much ruined, and the kid grows up indoctrinated in religion.

    From here on your life should only get better, so take it easy.

    P.S you can also move out of denmark and to somewhere else in the EU, if you wanted to be extra safe. I'm sure Sweden or Netherlands wouldn't take any shit.

    Yeah an I am super ugly, I can't even beat my chest am too skinny and when I roaaar to attract women, they laugh at me, because it sounds like a girl screaming. I can't even attract any bitches!  Cry

  • I'm a new member
     Reply #7 - April 03, 2013, 04:13 AM

    :)Thank you all..

    Well Ram,I could easy talk bad about Islam,but don't because of a respect to other people,what I feel inside is something else and trust me,if you knew you would relax...I dont want to move away from DK,why should I run....

    Everything now seems pretty much a mess,but I hope with time  its getting better,and I am looking at it as a step further to get better...There is a lot of things to cooparate with,but not more than it can be fixed..

    Yes the police can stop him,and I dont think He even can enter DK without a visa and as far I know who should help him with that,it needs a garanty from someone here,and also a healthinsurrence of 30.000 euro..something wich he cant get in easy in Egypt..

  • I'm a new member
     Reply #8 - April 03, 2013, 09:04 AM

    Hey and welcome, mulle. Thanks for sharing your story with us.

    Just a little something, though, about the visa thing: The health insurance is supposed to cover a person up to 30k euro, but it's actually pretty cheap (I buy mine the equivalent of 15 to 25 euros, depending on how long I stay). Also to get a visa to a Schengen country, you don't necessarily need a guarantee from a resident/citizen. You can just apply using a hotel reservation and by showing you have sufficient money to stay there (which can be borrowed, trust me). I hear Denmark is very strict with those kind of visas, and given your situation (if you have formally divorced) they will probably be reluctant. However, if your husband has relatives in other Schengen countries (France, Germany, Italy, etc.) they might help him get a Schengen visa, and then not much can stop him from entering Denmark provided he enters the visa-delivering country first.

    I'm not trying to scare you. Just letting you know so you can cover your bases.

    Good luck.

    He's no friend to the friendless
    And he's the mother of grief
    There's only sorrow for tomorrow
    Surely life is too brief
  • I'm a new member
     Reply #9 - April 03, 2013, 09:21 AM

    Hey Naerys

    Thanks for your advice..anyway he does not have family in my country..and well I have my ways to stop him,by danish law,as he is a stalker on my person,we just got a law here in DK that protect a person in this situation..

    He also have some issues I know about and can use in the state when I go to make sure i get full custedy of my son,so he wont be able to see or get him..Anyway its all steps I am working on right now together with my caseworker.

    Danish law request I just paste this from my government site..

     You must normally meet the following basic conditions in order to be granted a visa:

    Your passport or other form of valid travel document must be valid for three months past the visa expiration date. Moreover, the passport or travel document must have been issued within the past 10 years.
    You must have the necessary means to pay for your stay and return trip. What will be considered as necessary funds will be determined by the Danish diplomatic mission and depends on the length of your stay, and whether you will stay at a hotel or with friends or family. As a general rule, you must have at your disposal approx. DKK 350 per day. A smaller amount may be accepted if you are staying in a private home and your host will cover all costs. If you are staying at a hotel, the amount must be greater, approx. DKK 500 per day.
    You must hold a travel insurance policy to cover possible expenses in connection with a return for health reasons or death, indispensable medical treatment or acute hospitalisation during your stay. The insurance policy must cover all Schengen countries, and the minimum policy coverage is €30,000. The insurance policy must be valid for the same period as the visa. The validity of the visa may be shortened if the insurance policy does not cover the entire period.
    You may not be registered as an undesirable in the Schengen Information System (SIS).
    You may not have been deported from Denmark and given an entry ban.
    You may not be listed on UN or EU sanction lists.
    These conditions apply at the time your visa is issued, as well as when you enter and stay in the Schengen region. It is therefore important that you are able to document at all times that you have the necessary funds to pay for your stay and return trip, and that you hold a valid travel insurance policy. If you do not meet these conditions, your visa can be confiscated and revoked, in which case you will be required to leave the Schengen region immediately.

    If the Immigration Service suspects that you intend to seek permanent or long-term residency in Denmark or another Schengen country, or that you may pose threat to national security or public safety, your visa application will be turned down.

    If you remain in Denmark after your visa expires or if you attempt to use your visa stay to obtain permanent or long-term residency in Denmark, you can be given a penalty period of three or five years. And again there are still more issues that a visa seeker must apply to get the visa..

    There are 3 different groups in the visa section for my country..and he belongs to the 2 one..which is :

    The immigration group

    The immigration group is divided into two sub-categories:

    Countries whose citizens are required to have a certain attachment to the individual they wish to visit
    Countries whose citizens are not required to have a certain attachment to the individual they wish to visit, but who must have a host in Denmark
    The following countries are currently listed as part of the immigration country category whose applicants are required to have a certain attachment to the person residing in Denmark:

    Armenia, Bangladesh, Belarus, Burma (Myanmar), Burundi, Cameroon, China, Egypt, Ethiopia, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, India, Ivory Coast, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Russia, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, Vietnam and Yemen.

    Citizens from countries in this group are normally granted visas if they are spouses, cohabiting partners or boyfriends/girlfriends, children irrespective of age and accompanying spouse, parents and accompanying spouse, siblings and accompanying spouse.

    Visas are also granted to nieces, nephews and grandchildren under the age of 18 who wish to come to Denmark for a temporary holiday visit unaccompanied by their parents or another adult, close acquaintances of previously foreign-stationed Danes, sponsor children under 18 and applicants accompanying older, frail family members. Furthermore, a visa can be granted to spouses, cohabiting partners or boyfriends/girlfriends and children under 18 of a Danish citizen who has effectively established him/herself in a foreign country, if the couple plans to travel to Denmark on vacation, or similar.

    In order to grant visas to boyfriends/girlfriends - including applicants wishing to travel to Denmark for the purpose of marriage - the couple must document that they are in an actual relationship. That is, they must be able to document that they are both unmarried and that they know each other personally, and that they have seen each other in the year leading up to the visa application. It is not enough that the couple only know each other through telephone and/or written contact. If the couple do not have a significant level of mutual personal knowledge, the visa application will be turned down.

    For certain countries - Russia, China, Ukraine and India - so-called travel agency arrangements have been established, making it easier for citizens from these countries to visit Denmark as tourists. Read more about travel agency and tourist arrangements.

    Currently, citizens from the following countries are not required to have a particular attachment to the person residing in Denmark:

    Albania, Azerbaijan, Benin, Bosnia-Herzegovina*, Congo (Brazzaville), Macedonia (FYROM)*, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro*, Nepal, Niger, Peru, Philippines, Serbia*, Thailand, Togo, Tunesia and Zimbabwe.

    *Citizens of Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia (FYROM), Montenegro or Serbia who hold a biometric passport are not required to hold a visa. Read more about visa requirements for visiting Denmark.

    Visas are generally granted to applicants from these countries, no matter who they intend to visit, including friends and acquaintances. In other words, there must be a host in Denmark, but the applicant is not required to have a particular attachment to the host. Furthermore, a visa can be granted to a spouse, cohabiting partner or child under 18 of a Danish citizen residing outside Denmark if, for example, the couple wish to go on holiday in Denmark.

    For applicants from the entire immigration group, an application for a visa will be turned down if the immigration authorities have reason to believe that an applicant may seek permanent or long-term residency in Denmark or another Schengen country.

    This may be the case if the immigration authorities have particular reasons to suspect that an applicant will misuse his/her visa, for example, if he/she has previously violated the conditions for a visa or residence permit.

    If the applicant is someone other than a spouse/partner, child under 18 or parent of the person in Denmark, the application will be turned down if the application authorities assess that his/her attachment to his/her country of residence is not strong enough to guarantee that he/she will return after the visa stay.

    In connection with this assessment the authorities will consider which type of long-term residency the applicant is likely to seek.

    In certain cases, an applicant can be granted a visa even if the authorities assess that he/she is likely to seek long-term residency. This will be the case if he/she is deemed likely to seek a type of residence permit which does will not cause a penalty period.

  • I'm a new member
     Reply #10 - April 03, 2013, 01:56 PM

    Ram and Mulle, Islam is evil to me too. All I am saying is that it is unwise to make judgements about a religion based on its followers.
  • I'm a new member
     Reply #11 - April 03, 2013, 10:00 PM

    Welcome my Danish sister, I hope you find solace by being reunited with your home country. Smiley
  • I'm a new member
     Reply #12 - April 04, 2013, 06:13 AM

    :)Thank you Doubting Tomas
  • I'm a new member
     Reply #13 - May 07, 2013, 07:50 PM

    Hey Mulle
    wellcome. I'm danish aswell and left islam after 7 years
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