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 Topic: Muslim women send message to Femen

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  • Muslim women send message to Femen
     OP - April 04, 2013, 11:42 PM

    (Clicky for piccy!)
    Muslim women have launched a campaign to send a message to "sextremist" collective Femen. "Muslimah Pride Day" was organised in response to Femen's self-declared "Topless Jihad Day", a day of topless protests around the world to support Tunisian Femen activist Amina Tyler.

    "Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well."
    - Robert Louis Stevenson
  • Muslim women send message to Femen
     Reply #1 - April 05, 2013, 12:00 AM

    You can't help people who don't want to be helped.

    The idea that FEMEN are "telling Muslim women what to wear" is just projection.

    Too fucking busy, and vice versa.
  • Muslim women send message to Femen
     Reply #2 - April 05, 2013, 12:17 AM

    Great stuff. Now send a message to the misogynistic bigots inside Islam and send a message about the misogyny encoded inside Islam scripturally and institutionally and tweet it and upload it and get Al Jazeera to pimp it please.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Muslim women send message to Femen
     Reply #3 - April 05, 2013, 12:37 AM

    I wonder how many of the Muslims protesting against FEMEN actually live in a Muslim country?  It's all well and good when you can protest from the comfort of your own home and in the relative freedom of a Western country but what about those women who are living in Muslim majority countries who don't get that choice?

    Atheism is a non-prophet organization.

    The sleeper has awakened -  Dune

    Give a man a fish, and you'll feed him for a day Give him a religion, and he'll starve to death while praying for a fish!
  • Muslim women send message to Femen
     Reply #4 - April 05, 2013, 01:49 AM

    This may or may not be related:

    Ummu and some 800 other Muslim women in Malaysia are members of the "Obedient Wives Club" that is generating controversy in one of the most modern and progressive Muslim-majority nations, where many Muslim Malaysian women hold high posts in the government and corporate world.
    The new club, launched Saturday, says it can cure social ills such as prostitution and divorce by teaching women to be submissive and keep their men happy in the bedroom.
    "Islam compels us to be obedient to our husband. Whatever he says, I must follow. It is a sin if I don't obey and make him happy," said Ummu, who wore a yellow headscarf.
    The club, founded by a fringe Islamic group known as Global Ikhwan, has been dismissed by politicians and activists as a throwback to Medieval times and an insult to modern women of Malaysia. But the group's activities, which previously included the setting up of a Polygamy Club, show that pockets of conservative Islamic ideas still thrive in Malaysia.
    Groups such as Global Ikhwan are unlikely to gain much popularity beyond generating shock value. Still, there is concern that radical groups could garner support among other Muslims, who make up 60 percent of the 28 million population, and upset decades of carefully nurtured racial and religious harmony.
    "Unfortunately even today, there are still many Muslim women who are ignorant of their rights or culturally inhibited to exercise their rights in full," said Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, a female Muslim minister in charge of family policy.
    Despite the group's conservative Islamic background, Rohayah Mohamad, one of the founders of the club, openly talks about the virtues of marital sex even though most of her colleagues are shy about the topic.
    "Sex is a taboo in Asian society. We have ignored it in our marriages but it's all down to sex. A good wife is a good sex worker to her husband. What is wrong with being a whore ... to your husband?" she said.
    "This way, the family institution is protected and we can curb social ills," said Rohayah, the club's vice president who is also a trained physician.
    She said wives must go beyond the traditional roles as good cooks or good mothers and learn to "obey, serve and entertain" their husbands to prevent them from straying or misbehaving.
    Indirectly, "disobedient wives are the cause for upheaval in this world" because men are not happy at home and their minds and souls are disturbed, she said.
    Authorities recently said Malaysia's divorce rate has doubled from 2002 to 2009 with higher rates among Malay Muslims.
    "When husbands come home, wives do not welcome their husbands with warm alluring smiles and sexy dressing ... That is the reality today," she said.
    The Global Ikhwan group is an offshoot of former members of the Al-Arqam sect outlawed in 1994 after its teachings were found to have deviated from Islam. It is funded by the group's restaurants, grocery stores, poultry and other businesses abroad.
    Most of the 800 women who are members of the new club, including Ummu the new bride, also belong to Al-Arqam.
    Expectedly, the club has faced intense criticism.
    Some Malaysians started a Facebook page called "We do not want sexist nonsense from Global Ikhwan."
    One Muslim man, Amirul Aftar, wrote: "I do not want a wife to submit to my every beck and call. I want a wife who understands me ... we are not your masters, we are your equal."
    Women's group, Sisters in Islam, said Islam advocates marriages based on mutual cooperation and respect. It said domestic violence happens regardless of women's behavior.
    "Communication, not submission, is vital to sustain any healthy relationship," it said.

    Quote from: ZooBear 

    • Surah Al-Fil: In an epic game of Angry Birds, Allah uses birds (that drop pebbles) to destroy an army riding elephants whose intentions were to destroy the Kaaba. No one has beaten the high score.

  • Muslim women send message to Femen
     Reply #5 - April 05, 2013, 02:46 AM

    Wow that would get old to have a wife do everything I said. Plus make up sex is Awesome.
  • Muslim women send message to Femen
     Reply #6 - April 05, 2013, 02:35 PM

    How is this news?

    Some women want to be good Muslims and obedient wives. So what? No-one is going to arrest them for posting that on their facebook page?  wacko
  • Muslim women send message to Femen
     Reply #7 - April 12, 2013, 01:07 PM


    Dear Muslimaat,

    I don’t have words to express my gratitude and appreciation for your noble battle against evil. Your #MuslimahPride movement against #Femen was a slap on the collective face of Western imperialists who believe that Muslim women can’t fight for a cause. It was also a resounding reminder for the rest of the world that you have what it takes to spark a revolution. What the ignorant world does not realise is that once you have the permission of your husbands, fathers, brothers, uncles, the approval of your neighbours, in-laws, their relatives and the consent of your spiritual guardians, their God and their scriptures, you can be quite the rebels.

  • Muslim women send message to Femen
     Reply #8 - April 12, 2013, 01:28 PM

    Toor thanks for sharing-it's gone straight on to my twitter. Hoping it will be picked up by a couple of "liberal muslimah" in particular.
  • Muslim women send message to Femen
     Reply #9 - April 12, 2013, 01:52 PM

    That is fantastic. There is nothing quite like satire to rip through a shoddy argument.

    At evening, casual flocks of pigeons make
    Ambiguous undulations as they sink,
    Downward to darkness, on extended wings. - Stevens
  • Muslim women send message to Femen
     Reply #10 - April 12, 2013, 03:19 PM

    I wonder how many of the Muslims protesting against FEMEN actually live in a Muslim country?  It's all well and good when you can protest from the comfort of your own home and in the relative freedom of a Western country but what about those women who are living in Muslim majority countries who don't get that choice?


    The muslimahs taking part in this event are lying, deceitful, hypocrites no less.

    They know very well the opression that women face in islamic countries and they deliberatly deny that while enjoying full freedom in secular countries.

    Put them in an islamic country for a month and they will be wanting to come back to the secular kuffar countries they love to critisize so much. 

    In my opinion a life without curiosity is not a life worth living
  • Muslim women send message to Femen
     Reply #11 - April 12, 2013, 03:31 PM

    It may not be as deliberate as you may think, TDR. A lot of these folks have grown up their entire lives thinking that Islam is synonymous with good. Whatever they deem as good in their own minds in turn must also be Islamic. Because the Qur’an and hadith are full of vague references about honoring women and everyone being equal before Allah, etc, they take this to mean a full on Islamic endorsement for their own views. The other, nasty stuff gets completely ignored like it does not exist. What they fail to realize is that the values they treasure are actually modern and liberal in nature, not Islamic.  It’s a tough case of cognitive dissonance to have to deal with.
  • Muslim women send message to Femen
     Reply #12 - April 12, 2013, 03:44 PM

    I get what ur saying.

    But surely they know of the oppression that women in islamic countries face and they choose to not speak out and even deny it.

    U cant get much more deliberat than that.

    In my opinion a life without curiosity is not a life worth living
  • Muslim women send message to Femen
     Reply #13 - April 12, 2013, 04:18 PM

    Peer pressure maybe? not to be seen as the person who is a 'traitor' of Islam and siding with the enemy. You mustn't speak anything remotely negative about Islam in anyway...?

    "Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." - Viktor E. Frankl

    'Life is just the extreme expression of complex chemistry' - Neil deGrasse Tyson
  • Muslim women send message to Femen
     Reply #14 - April 12, 2013, 04:41 PM

    It may not be as deliberate as you may think, TDR. A lot of these folks have grown up their entire lives thinking that Islam is synonymous with good. Whatever they deem as good in their own minds in turn must also be Islamic.

    Yep, and this is by no means limited to Islam, it is part of human nature to focus on the positives of any kind of ideology or identity that we adhere to and ignore the negatives. To basically see the world the way you want it to be rather than how it actually is.

    But whilst it is part of human nature, it is still a childish attitude. Mature people should be able to distance themselves from their own ideological biases when obvious facts are presented to them.
  • Muslim women send message to Femen
     Reply #15 - April 12, 2013, 05:33 PM

    We all know which one got the most news coverage and got their point across.

    ***~Church is where bad people go to hide~***
  • Muslim women send message to Femen
     Reply #16 - April 12, 2013, 06:16 PM

    There is a new group on Facebook, looking for members from here and supporters to show solidarity. If you're on Facebook, highly recommend joining up to show support:

    "Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused."
  • Muslim women send message to Femen
     Reply #17 - April 14, 2013, 09:20 PM

    Maryam Namazie: In defence of nude protest: freedom is my culture

    SesapZai: A discussion on Saudi female cyclists, hypocrisy, Femen, and clashing ideologies of feminism

  • Muslim women send message to Femen
     Reply #18 - April 14, 2013, 09:36 PM

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Muslim women send message to Femen
     Reply #19 - April 15, 2013, 02:40 AM

    That is an awesome article  Afro I didn't think one could get away with writing stuff like that in Pakistan  Shocked
  • Muslim women send message to Femen
     Reply #20 - April 15, 2013, 03:45 AM


    You can't.

    That man is risking his life by writing that article.

    If a governor in that country can be assassinated for making comments in support of religious minorities than noone is safe in Pakistan.

    In my opinion a life without curiosity is not a life worth living
  • Muslim women send message to Femen
     Reply #21 - April 15, 2013, 03:57 AM

    Wow, I was just astounded to read that column coming from a Pakistani publication. Well one thing I know about the people living in Pakistan, they certainly don't lack in courage.

    how fuck works without shit??

    Let's Play Chess!

    harakaat, friend, RIP
  • Muslim women send message to Femen
     Reply #22 - April 20, 2013, 04:00 PM

    According to Alexa, the Femen website is most popular in Arab countries. In Tunisia it is ranked at 400, which is quite extraordinary, 

    It also has a pretty high ranking in Egypt and Morocco:

    So it seems their message is really reaching an audience, now whether it will have a positive impact or not is another matter...

    But this is absolutely brilliant, some Femen activists stood outside a Mosque in Paris and burnt the Rashidun flag:

  • Muslim women send message to Femen
     Reply #23 - April 20, 2013, 04:10 PM


    But this is absolutely brilliant, some Femen activists stood outside a Mosque in Paris and burnt the Rashidun flag:

    (Clicky for piccy!)

    This is better..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Muslim women send message to Femen
     Reply #24 - April 20, 2013, 04:19 PM

    Yeah, I am not quite sure I like that Yeez, it just seems condescending to Muslim women, as if they are just children without the ability to think for themselves. 

    Obviously there is a lot of brainwashing that goes on, but telling Muslim women that they are like children, unable to form their own opinions on these issues without help from the West is perhaps counter-productive....
  • Muslim women send message to Femen
     Reply #25 - April 20, 2013, 04:43 PM

    Brilliant. Do you know anything about Kunwar Khuldune Shahid?

    According to Alexa, the Femen website is most popular in Arab countries. In Tunisia it is ranked at 400, which is quite extraordinary, 

    It also has a pretty high ranking in Egypt and Morocco:

    Men wanking.
  • Muslim women send message to Femen
     Reply #26 - April 20, 2013, 09:40 PM

    Brilliant. Do you know anything about Kunwar Khuldune Shahid?

    Men wanking.

    Highly likely men wanking. I am liking that Kunwar chap, very gutsy man.
  • Muslim women send message to Femen
     Reply #27 - April 21, 2013, 06:11 PM

    Brilliant. Do you know anything about Kunwar Khuldune Shahid?

    Not really, but I've bookmarked his column for further light reading. A bit hit and miss, but with this one, he hit the bullseye.
  • Muslim women send message to Femen
     Reply #28 - April 22, 2013, 08:07 PM

    It would seem that he's had a few responses. His answer follows.

    It’s amazing what a week of introspection can do. I now realise how ridiculous it was of me to try and promote Western, postcolonial and imperialistic ideals like gender equality and human rights. I realise how foolish it was to stereotype everything by quoting your authentic religious commandments and regularly reported events in Islamic countries. I realise how obnoxious it was to think that demonstrating against stoning women to death was a better cause than protesting against shameless infidels. Last week’s letter was clearly a remonstration against the fact that women spoke out, not against the fact that they could’ve spoken out against something more meaningful. In any case, who am I to judge what’s more deserving of a protest; women being stoned to death, or a protest against women being stoned to death. It’s obviously a cultural debate and has got nothing to with basic human rights.

    Dear Muslimaat, I’m sorry the previous letter was brimming with a condescending tone. For, it has for ages been a part of the noble legacy of your religious creed. I’m sorry I tried to promulgate my thoughts in a disgustingly repressive way. For, propagating one’s ideals through words is as oppressive – if not more – as propagating them through threats of beheading and warnings of eternal hell. I’m sorry I said that most of the Muslim women are pressurised into wearing hijabs. For, almost all of them wear it by choice; especially the three-year-olds. I’m sorry I cited religion as a major tool of female oppression. For that undoubtedly means that I perceive Western secularism as being seamlessly successful in eradicating gender discrimination.

    Dear Muslimaat, I’m terribly sorry I thought #MuslimahPride was a hypocritically egotistical and blatantly self-defeating demonstration against the fact that #Femen stole your voice. I was idiotic enough to think that if you aren’t oppressed and don’t need liberation, Femen never spoke on your behalf in the first place. I was imprudent enough to believe that you could’ve taught those infidels the “right way” of preaching freedom, instead of showcasing denial about the atrocities that your fellow women face for not choosing the way of life that you’ve ostensibly chosen. I was foolish enough to think that a protest in hijabs in support of women being coerced into wearing them would’ve been an astoundingly effective way of telling the world that despite your differences you stand with those who face death threats and need liberation. I’m sorry I thought “Nudity doesn’t deserve brutal death” would have been a far stronger message than “Nudity does not liberate me”.

    Dear Muslimaat, I’m a very dim-witted person, as has been made clear by our previous interaction. And so, despite going through last week’s letter several times I failed to figure out how it was an advert for nudity. I’m sorry about being oblivious of the simple reality that nude protests promote nudity, just like hunger protests promote hunger. I’m also sorry for not realising that the right way of countering foreign protests against a burning issue is by citing your own example and how it’s not an issue that affects you personally. I shall now be looking forward to seeing all the women who haven’t been raped protesting against foreign rape activists. I shall also be looking ahead to Western poverty awareness campaigns being dubbed capitalistic and imperialistic demonstrations by everyone who can afford two meals a day. And I’ll personally demonstrate against any movements against bombings because I don’t think that I’ve ever been killed.

  • Muslim women send message to Femen
     Reply #29 - April 22, 2013, 08:12 PM

    That's weapons-grade sarcasm.

    Too fucking busy, and vice versa.
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