Islamic urban legends
OP - April 20, 2013, 08:43 AM
I'm sure we all heard our fair share of these stories that are meant to keep our faith in place. Magical religious dreams that come true, corpses that don't decompose, or creepy stories about corpses of people who don't pray turning black or something when they wash them, a sign from God that they are doomed for neglecting their prayers, or about experiences with the Jinn and such.
These have a very powerful effect on people, and it scares them into submission, and they're very frequent in the Islamic world. I countered its effect by looking up reports of weird things that happen to non-muslims, and there they were. Every religious group seems to have something like this.
Even though I'm pretty sure they're all myths and exaggerations, they still bother me a little. Why do people feel the need to protect their faith with lies if they're so confident in their religion? And what about those who really believe they had supernatural experiences? Can hallucinations be powerful enough to trick a non-schizophrenic mind?