Should bad cultural practices be allowed to continue?
OP - April 24, 2013, 04:38 PM
The dominant global ideology has long come to the realization that slavery, rape and murder is wrong, and this cosmopolitan understanding is implied by many countries in the world and highly encouraged by the international bill of human rights... A lot of us come from a society that instils these ethics within us, but that is not the case for other societies around the world, where, denial of education, FGM, arranged and forced marriage still occur. Should dominant countries (US, EU) be allowed to judge and enforce conformist ideas of morality on these cultures or will it be considered imperialist or racist? Is cultural relativism always bad? (it seems like a stupid question but I'm judging this with what happened last year with the Kony madness and attributing that interference to white privilege made people walk on their toes, and this years insanity with FEMEN parading naked around mosques)