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 Topic: House vs Trance

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  • House vs Trance
     OP - May 20, 2013, 08:41 PM

    What are you mixing with? Trance is just about the easiest style in the world to mix. Even house is harder...
  • Electric Nirvana, mixed by Abuddha
     Reply #1 - May 20, 2013, 08:50 PM

    Once you know the basic building blocks of a trance track and can beat match there isn't anything more to learn. Trance isn't a loop based music like techno so you can't use turntable and/or ableton tricks. the focus is always on the blend — which i am not a fan of personally, but nor am i a fan of trance. so...
  • Electric Nirvana, mixed by Abuddha
     Reply #2 - May 20, 2013, 09:10 PM

    Actually, when it comes to blending, house is easier. It doesn't have the build-up that trance has (especially once you get to the uplifting stuff with higher bpm), so it's easier to come in and out of tracks whenever you'd like.

    Also, trance mixes are a journey. Your set needs to have highs and lows, and you need to know when to increase the tempo, when to cool down, when to add effects to build tension, etc. And if you're really good, you can even do live mash-ups. Which, again, because trance has a lot of build-up, requires a lot of knowledge about the structure and key of your tracks.

    Which brings up another point: Because trance is very melodic, you really need to mix harmonically. And as with structuring a journey, that's what makes track selection really important in trance sets. And that's also what makes mixing trance really fun. When you mix the melodic elements of two tracks together and they blend in really well, and your set "clicks", it sounds amazing.

    Yeah, trance isn't hip-hop. Trance is trance. Obviously it's not as difficult to mix, but that's not the point of mixing. I mix trance because I love it.

    To answer your question: I'm using Traktor and a MIDI controller.
  • Electric Nirvana, mixed by Abuddha
     Reply #3 - May 20, 2013, 09:32 PM

    LOL what sort of house are you talking about?
    this type of house requires assiduous attention to mixing because the melodic bassline is there from the outset.
    Same with melodic techno, case and point:

    re: mashups surely you need the components of a track to do that? Even if melodies are in the same key the chord progressions could jar.
  • Electric Nirvana, mixed by Abuddha
     Reply #4 - May 20, 2013, 09:57 PM

    House is melodic, but not as melodic as trance. And considering that there isn't much of a build-up the way there is in trance (of there's there's some build-up, but not nearly as much), it's a lot easier to mix in and out at different points of a track.

    You don't need the components for mash-ups. You can even make a remix without the components. That's what bootleg remixes are.
  • Electric Nirvana, mixed by Abuddha
     Reply #5 - May 20, 2013, 09:58 PM

    which i am not a fan of personally, but nor am i a fan of trance. so...

    Then why are you in this thread?

    The only thing we have to fear is fear itself
    - 32nd United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt
  • Electric Nirvana, mixed by Abuddha
     Reply #6 - May 21, 2013, 01:10 AM

    Because he was talking about improving his mixing and I offered my opinion. Calm down Muricans, and own up to Chicago and Detroit. Smiley
  • Electric Nirvana, mixed by Abuddha
     Reply #7 - May 21, 2013, 01:17 AM

    House is melodic, but not as melodic as trance. And considering that there isn't much of a build-up the way there is in trance (of there's there's some build-up, but not nearly as much), it's a lot easier to mix in and out at different points of a track.

    You don't need the components for mash-ups. You can even make a remix without the components. That's what bootleg remixes are.

    But that's my point, with house and techno HipHop style mixing is a useful trick to have up your sleave. It's more complex to mix the stuff because you've really gotta think every minute detail, transposing grooves, how long to keep a record in the mix, cutting between records without falling out of sync, juxtaposing loops with melodic moments as opposed to a saccharine orgiastic maelstrom of melody after melody, breakdown after breakdown. That's why I said that it is harder to mix house than it is trance, if you actually want to entertain/elevate people as opposed to spinning records
  • Electric Nirvana, mixed by Abuddha
     Reply #8 - May 21, 2013, 01:29 AM

    I mean, sure you can try and mix house like trance, but it'd sound absolutely fucking boring. Assuming we're talking about real house and not that EDM garbage.
  • Electric Nirvana, mixed by Abuddha
     Reply #9 - May 21, 2013, 01:42 AM


    You're in a thread dedicated to trance and you're dissing EDM. The trolling is strong in this one.
  • Electric Nirvana, mixed by Abuddha
     Reply #10 - May 21, 2013, 02:31 AM

    Yeah, sorry. Can't do MD anymore. You'll get there, comrade.
  • Electric Nirvana, mixed by Abuddha
     Reply #11 - May 21, 2013, 02:45 AM

    My love for the music is not dependent on any drug. I listen to trance and house sober while at home or on the go, and go to raves sober sometimes.

    I control my drug intake. If you do M often, you'll obviously get burnt out.
  • Electric Nirvana, mixed by Abuddha
     Reply #12 - May 21, 2013, 03:12 AM

    It's not about getting burned out. It's called losing the magic — anyway, liberals always be happy so I'm not surprised. You will have a darkside trip though, it's inevitable. I'm no decadent myself, just for the record.
  • Electric Nirvana, mixed by Abuddha
     Reply #13 - May 21, 2013, 03:34 AM

    Yeah, losing the magic happens after taking a lot of mdma with short intervals. The recommended frequency is around once every three months.

    I don't feel the same magic I felt during the first couple of times—and that goes without saying, because the first few times are always the best—but I still enjoy it. I might or might not stop dropping in the future, but that wouldn't stop me from enjoying the music and going to raves.

    I don't know what kinda stuff you've done, but mdma doesn't make you "trip". There's no hallucination or being lost inside your head—unless you mix it with something else or take really high doses. The only thing that comes close to a bad experience I've had is dud capsules. And I don't mix, and take precautions with what I put into my body.
  • Electric Nirvana, mixed by Abuddha
     Reply #14 - May 21, 2013, 04:25 AM

    I'm not going to talk about drugs so brazenly on a public forum but I'd call the thought patterns of the mind a trip (certainly if you are of a philosophical persuasion and not a god damn hippy). Definitely a psychedelic experience but this is why terms such as 'trip' are inherently misleading.

    Anyway, my MD comments weren't meant to be taken literally; I was being satirical insofar as you migrating to darker and more austere sounds, eventually. When you despair of the cheese. and all those fucking hippies. Fucking hippies I tell you! Tongue
  • Electric Nirvana, mixed by Abuddha
     Reply #15 - May 21, 2013, 05:24 AM

    It's funny that you call uplifting trance hippie music, since hippies are more associated with darker stuff like psy. Grin
  • House vs Trance
     Reply #16 - May 21, 2013, 07:09 AM

    Cheers for moving this discussion to a different thread, don't think I have the privs... Smiley

    Oh I know. I've been to many psy parties. I just meant the PLUR neo-hippie attitude of the rave scene in the states. There was actually quite a load of dark eccentrics in the original hippie scene of the 60s
  • House vs Trance
     Reply #17 - May 21, 2013, 11:48 AM

    Rave culture as a whole revolves around PLUR. It manifests itself in different ways depending on the city and kinda music, but it's still there. Each scene is unique, but they all share similar community values.
  • House vs Trance
     Reply #18 - May 21, 2013, 05:54 PM

    No it doesn't.
  • House vs Trance
     Reply #19 - May 21, 2013, 06:02 PM

    Well, maybe in the US. But not in Europe.
  • House vs Trance
     Reply #20 - May 21, 2013, 07:35 PM

    Well, I don't get what's so bad about it. Ultimately, PLUR is about creating a space where people are free to be themselves, without judging or being judged by others. The fact that people judge ravers as "neo-hippies" or what-have-you is testament to the need for such an environment.
  • House vs Trance
     Reply #21 - May 21, 2013, 08:32 PM

    I maintain that from my experiences certainly, this PLUR attitude is exclusively a middle class phenomenon. UK raves wouldn't be raves without shady characters. Sure, you can hug your best mates whilst buzzing on MD or even with someone you've gotten to know, but it isn't as all inclusive as stateside raves seem to be. Then again that tension seems to add to the rich musical corpus, but raves can have those sorts of dialectical contradictions.
  • House vs Trance
     Reply #22 - May 21, 2013, 08:40 PM

    So something is bad by default because it's "a middle class phenomenon"? Huh?
  • House vs Trance
     Reply #23 - May 21, 2013, 10:05 PM

    Please don't tell me your 16 and have actually read some German philosophy.
  • House vs Trance
     Reply #24 - May 21, 2013, 10:06 PM

  • House vs Trance
     Reply #25 - May 21, 2013, 10:09 PM

    What? Huh?
  • House vs Trance
     Reply #26 - May 21, 2013, 10:14 PM

    Praxis, my friend, praxis.
  • House vs Trance
     Reply #27 - May 21, 2013, 10:17 PM

    What on earth are you on about? What do German philosophy and praxis have to do with PLUR being a middle class phenomenon?
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