To really get an idea of how shallow Islam is. Compare it to Buddhism, in Buddhism your reward for following it is enlightenment and all knowledge of the universe and life. The pride of Islam in heaven is to offer you is indulgences in excess (sex, food, wealth), no wisdom mentioned (or if it is, I have not heard of it). Is that really something to strive for and be proud of?
This got me thinking.
I watched the video 'Stunning beauty of your wife in Jannah' that someone posted and asked myself:
How in the blue Hell does Allah know what sexually arouses us?For example, if I say 'this is beautiful' I must have a concept of beauty as a frame of reference. Therefore, there are things that I consider to be beautiful.
If I think that men will be sexually aroused by a certain woman, it must mean that a) I feel sexually aroused by that woman or b) have been sexually by a woman and am able to empathise with other men who may be sexually aroused by a woman.
So, if the houris turn men on then it must be that Allah is, in turn, turned on by them too. For if he had no concept of beauty (and we all know that this incorporates sexuality) then why refer to it as beautiful and provide provocative, seductive, alluring descriptions of said objects (women).
For Allah to know what turns men on He must have felt some of that desire Himself otherwise how could He know that it would form a powerful incentive to lure people into worshipping Him. Simply observing that men like women is not enough. If He knows everything (is omniscient) then He must know what sexual desire must be like. If He knows what sexual desire must be like then He must have had sexual urges. If He has had sexual urges then He must desire to have sex. If He desires to have sex and can not do so then He must be sexually frustrated. If He is sexually frustrated than He may inflict His resentment upon women.....hmmmmmmm.......