Haha, yes I did try the Quran, and of course, I got bored. It puts such an emphasis on how 'great God is' and how 'twatty the disbelievers are', doesn't seem all that perfect to me anymore... Half of it doesn't make any sense as well. So much for the 'perfect and fully detailed book' :/ Oh and I meant I was born and raised Muslim
Well, boring or no, if this is something you're interested in figuring out in full and putting to rest one way or the other in your mind, the Quran and ahadith are the way to go.
Quran.com is excellent, you can read multiple translations and also see and hear it in Arabic. If some parts stick out for you, write or call some local masjids and there may be an imam willing to sit down with you and explain the passages. I would not recommend doing this if you live somewhere that this might make trouble for you. I definitely wouldn't recommend taking your doubts and questions to a masjid your parents visit.
Otherwise, for most problematic verses, there's a plethora of apologist articles online you can read and make up your mind about, although it truly helps to find sources that go out of their way to defend their positions by explaining the Arabic behind it. There's no shortage of disagreements, even within sects, so read everything critically.
At the same time, it's not on you to read and study the texts of every single religion in the world before making your decision. Anyone who claims to have studied each exhaustively before settling on Islam or atheism or Christianity is most likely lying. If you already feel like you've seen enough of it, maybe you have. At any point in your studies, that's your call to make.
I would recommend again that you take your time. There's no rush to declare yourself one thing or another.