bad bad people
How can you CEMB guys learn about allah? You guys are brain washed..
rainy.dark1 brother?sister? friend .....
DO NOT WORRY ABOUT THESE GUYS ., but please continue to read and write Genuine lol at this.
Well if the point hasn't already been made, I sincerely hope R.D1's first language isn't English, otherwise I'm thinking wind up and some troll f**king with CEMBers(it's not necessary, we already know how mental Islam is).
Bytheway This is your own lives and Allah says you have complete freedom to live as you wish either belive in me and follow right path if you want paradise or either follow devils path so you will be entered into hell fire
But giving'em the benefit of the doubt, above is the clincher, when all else fails, play your trump card and use the old, 'Carrot vs Stick' persuasion tactic.