I am anti-islam not anti-muslim. I am aware of the difference.
I am here because I like debates.
I call bullshit.
You should realise that most people here (am I being presumptuous) are not anti-Islam but anti-dogma of any kind, including the kind of nonsense I assume that you would espouse.
I would hate to think that any one of God's Lunatics would use anything I said/wrote so as to denigrate one dogmatic system just to validate their own.
Oh, and the Virgin Mary could not have been a virgin if a baby popped out of her foo-foo. I've heard unverified accounts of so-called things happening to this day. But I doubt that what you 'revere' is in fact a true representation of a historical event, it is no doubt a biological improbability/impossibility.
As has been mentioned this is not an anti-Islam/Muslim site, though for comedic purposes we may lampoon aspects of the ideology, we debate and discuss.
I abhor self righteous, fascist, dogmatic systems of belief of all shapes and colours. Do not think for a second that you will be exempt from this. I certainly am not.