Osmanthus I had discussions on the subject with pro-choice advocates and Atheists.
Totally irrelevant to the point in question. You could have discussed it with a pack of aardvarks and it would make no difference.
Pro-life does not mean anti-abortion just like pro-choice does not mean pro-abortion.
ORLY? Ok, so tell me this: since you are saying that you "believe life of an unborn child is sacred and seek alternative methods to keep women from persuing an abortion" then would it not be fair to conclude that you are, in fact, anti-abortion? If you are not anti-abortion, then there would be no reason for you to seek alternatives.
You are playing with words. Why not just admit, without prevarication, that you are anti-abortion? This can still allow for the fact that, for practical reasons that are not entirely in tune with your preferences, you recognise that making abortion illegal is not a good option. However, you are still anti-abortion, and you still wish to describe your position as "pro-life", and you still wish to think of people who are in favour of abortion as "not-pro-life", and therefore presumably something else.
Pro-life is also defined for people who care about the baby after it is born.
It's never used that way in the context of debates about abortion. It's only ever used to denote an opposition to abortion.