So the kiddo is super upset over the fact that I once, a long time ago in a conversation about music, mentioned that I really liked a particular singer and had been crushing on her since I was 14. This was just something silly, but the kiddo took it so seriously that she can't even stand hearing her songs anymore, despite both of us liking her in the start, because of pure jealousy. So after hating on her every time she heard her name or when her songs came up on my playlist, she all of a sudden said in a pleasent voice "next time you meet *** (I've been to her conserts more than once) tell her how much you like her".... after a while she mutters "just you wait I'll put up traps for her".

Then she never fails to tell total strangers, in an upset manner, "my mom has a crush on ***, I really don't get her".
I'm both feeling confused and amused at the same time, like I usually do with her, but this blown out of proportion "crush" the kiddo has imagined I have on this singer is just a little bit more crazy than her usual ideas she comes up with.