Alhamdullillahhi Rabbil Allameen
Brothers and sisters whilst reading The Glorious Qur'an Majid I came across a miracle.
The verse:Surat an-Nisa: '
Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth.' The Evidence:The European women earn on average 17.67 % less than the European men, if we compare gross hourly earnings. The difference reach 22.27% in Germany and 21.34% in the United Kingdom. The difference is only 5.26% in Italy and 8.6% in Romania. Commentary:Mashallah my brothers and sisters, let us rejoice at this miracle. Allah foretold that men are superior to women in terms of income distribution and He revealed this so that women would observe their place in this world. How could a common man know that this would be the case in the 21st Century? It would be impossible for any man, let alone Muhammad (saw), to have forseen the future. The Qur'an accurately predicts the future, something which is not present in any other book.
Unequal gender income distribution is something that scientists are only now discovering. A 7th century scholar would not have access to this kind of information even if he lived in the grand library of Alexandria itself all his life. Only those who are foolhardy and arrogant will dismiss this sign from Allah az'wajal.
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Can you find any miracles?