Thank you everyone for the responses. I guess I should actually tell you what happened.
sara...I think this is a good thing isn't it.
Why would you want to meet up with your parents and bring up the 'issues' on your birthday when your boyfriends family will be there.
Just meet them on the doorstep, be polite, get your presents and say good bye. Keep it short and sweet and then slowly...slowly...aista...aista...who knows what will happen.
Happy 18th btw!
Thank you!

But it's not that I WANT to have an argument, it's just that I don't want to speak to my father until he gives me an apology. I mean, he's read my texts and my emails, tried to pull me out of college, tried to make me feel guilty about leaving Islam, wrote my Mother's emails to me for her, turned my siblings against me, kicked me out 4 weeks before my AS exams then refused to give me my work for another week (and he only did that because it's actually illegal for him to deny me my work. You know, right to education and all). My boyfriend's family also has Jewish heritage (although none of them are practicing) so he's said racist comments about them. The list goes on. I think I deserve an apology and the only chance I have is if we meet up which he has refused many times before so we thought this would be a good opportunity.
Anyway, my Father is an absolute arse and he brought all of my extended family over. Most of them disliked me anyway because they felt I was 'too liberal' but they all came. And no one spoke. It was one of the worst things I have ever experienced. My Father had told some of them to say things like how my Granddad is ill so he couldn't come and all of them gave me money or presents (sometimes both) and all the cards had religious messages in them. (The cake wasn't poisoned, but they forced me to eat a piece in front of them all. It's actually quite nice

) My Dad who is fluent in English, even has an English accent, refused to speak anything but Punjabi (I can't speak Punjabi) and my brother and sister didn't say hello or goodbye to me and my sister looked hateful.
Wasn't a great night. :L

P.s. born the same day and year

Happy birthdayyy!!
Birthday twins!! :

Happy birthday!!

Urgh. I hate my Father.