Welcome, karamazov. Avatar changing is disabled for brand new members until you've made a few posts.
Also, it's customary for new members to give a little background about themselves and why they joined.
Ah, ok; apologies.
Hm. Well— U.S. resident. Interests: aesthetics/the arts, social theory, anthropology, etc. [also— I guess falling under the latter two categories— religious studies generally]. Shit like that.
Mostly via The Jinn and Tonic Show [on YouTube], I guess, I've been recently [recent, as in, like, in the last few years] interested in learning a bit about Islam, late antiquity, and contemporary Middle Eastern politics. Also have an interest in the dynamics involved [viz. the sociology and psychology, etc.] in leaving religion, and an interest in the plight of non-theists in overwhelmingly [and/or brutally] religious regions.
Enjoy your stay.

And thanks, Quod Sum Eris [Horace, I think? Damn— my Latin's rusty].
[edit: Hey, hey— I have an avatar now].