quote author=Maya link=topic=25644.msg730189#msg730189 date=1390489673]
America shouldn't do ANYTHING in Syria imo, let them sort it out themselves.

I said that!
This just blows my mind. How do you make a big deal about a dead giraffe in a Copenhagen zoo, and keep whining about poor rhinos that are being pouched in Africa, and rage because of a video of a French boy torturing his cat, but when it comes to the Syrian children who are being slaughtered every day by the Syrian regime, you don't show any shred of mercy or sympathy? Actually you show worse than that, you call for inaction and leaving the Syrian regime committing one massacre after the other. How could you be so companionate about animals, but in the same time be so ruthless when to comes to a huge human tragedy?
Is it because Syrians are Arabs and Muslims? I can't find any reasonable explanation other than this. If you have a better explanation then please tell me about it.
I remember a Bosnian leader who said: if the situation in Bosnia was the opposite, i.e. it's Muslims killing Christians, then the world would have intervened immediately, not after three years of massacres.
Now I wonder if we, Syrians, were Christians, would you be saying today what you are saying? Would you be saying "stay the fuck out of Syria" or "Let them sort it out themselves"? I don't think so. You would be calling for an immediate action to save poor Syrians
For a month now the Syrian regime has been air striking the rebel held areas in Aleppo. More than 1800 civilians have been killed. So many gut-wrenching videos and images are coming out of Aleppo every day but the world isn't giving a shit about it, the world is busy with the poor giraffe and poor poached rhinos.
Here's a fresh example from today's outcome of air stikes against Aleppo. The image shows a father carrying his dead daughter and walking towards the crying mother. For the record today's airstikes against Aleppo resulted in 48 deaths. I wish there was a giraffe among the casualties maybe then the civilized world would get outraged by the Syrian regime's airstrikes and calls for an action to stop that.

Everyday such images and videos are surfacing from Aleppo and from different parts of Syria, but the world doesn't give a shit. Maybe because it's just Arabs and Muslims dying.
Here are two videos of the aftermath of today's Airstrikes on Al-Haidariya district in Aleppo (Warning graphic)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrwtVXeRGi8&feature=youtu.behttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAbQlmgtffg&feature=youtu.be The US or the Nato can in a matter of hours destroy the entire Syrian fleet and thus end this misery which also resulted in hundreds of thousands of refugees who left Aleppo during the last month. but who gives a shit about Syrians?
If Obama had called for a military intervention to save the endangered rhinos in Africa, I think the vast majority of the people of the so called civilized west would had supported this move. But when he wanted to carry out a fucking limited strike after the Syrian regime had killed 1400 people in a matter of hours using chemical weapons, most Americans started to bitch about it like an angry street whore, and they went saying "we are not the world's police" "stay the fuck out of Syria" "don't touch our tax paying money". And they started a crusade to pressure the congress men to refuse the proposal. Congress men started to receive thousands of emails and phone calls all day from Americans expressing their refusal for any military intervention. They did this although the horrific pictures of the victims of the attack were all over the news. Videos of Children suffocating to death, tens of small bodies laid on the ground, all this didn't affect the conscience of those Americans who get outraged by the silliest animal abuse. Why? Because those dead children are Muslims. You have to be a white Christian, or an animal somewhere on the planet to deserve the sympathy of the people of the civilized world.
when you are a Muslim or an African and you are in a huge human tragedy, forget about the civilized west.
The limited strike that Obama wanted to launch was expected to target mainly the Syrian air fleet. If the strike was carried out then non of todays horrors in Aleppo would be happening. But thanks to the pressure of the compassionate people of Britain and the US, the strike was cancelled.
Thank you the people of America and UK, because of you Assad is still enjoying the use of war jets against civilians. Assad really loves you and appreciates your help.
America does nothing, and the preachers start screaming about how they don't care and this and that and use it to further hatred of them. America does something, and the preachers start screaming about how they're just in it for themselves and interfering in muslin business and in muslim land and use it to further hatred of them.
Damned it you do, damned if you don't.
Who the hell screamed and bitched when the US intervened in Bonsnia, Kosovo and Libyia??? No one. Cuz the reason behind the intervention in these Muslim countries was to stop the massacres against civilians. Plus the US didn't deploy boots on the ground on those countries. It mainly helped by airstrikes.
This kind of Muslim protesting was about the US invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq. And as you know these two countries were invaded with thousands of US soldiers, and not for humanitarian reasons. So it was a different story.
This is why if the US carry out airstrikes against the Syrian regime no Muslims will bitch about it. It's only the westerners who will.
Mr. Nikolaj, thanks for pointing out Assad's role in strengthening extremism and alqaeda in Syria. You said nice things before about Syria and I really appreciate your sympathy. I wish we had more westerners who think like you do. I LOVE YOU.
Shit, as I am writing this post, explosions are going off and the doors and windows of my house are trembling. Seems like a mortar shelling nearby. But guess what, we got used to this shit! Thank you civilized world.