Quran's literary style
OP - January 24, 2014, 10:14 AM
I was reading this "dawah" stuff where they talked about the unique style of Quran. So the basic point is that it's neither prose or poetry, which I have heard before, but it said that the uniqueness comes especially from the fact that it mixes those two in magnificent way. Some parts are metric and rhyming, while some are not. It was also claimed that it's not fully Saj'.
So since I don't speak Arabic, I would like to ask few questions about these claims. You don't have to know Arabic but if you do, even better. I was reading Quran in the major translations, then word to word translations and also transliteration (so Arabic but written with our letters), and didn't really see anything remarkable. But there is the same cop out, which is probably partly based on truth though, that since I don't speak Arabic, I cannot get it. (It of course creates problem, that why God couldn't create a book that could be easily translated, but whatever)
So, few questions:
1) Is the style unique?
1b) If it is, then how unique is it?
2) Does it change from metric to free or vice verse so fluently, that you cannot even hear it? Scholar said that it is partly metric and partly free, but so fluently mixed that you have to analyze it very carefully to see where it changes.
3) Are there any other books/writings in history where they have mixture of poetry and prose?
3b) If there is, is it as fluent mix as the Quran supposedly is?
I ask many stupid questions frequently.
I am curious, that's why I ask many questions.
I am overly curious, that's why I ask stupid questions.
I lack patience, that's why I ask frequently.
So forgive me and answer me