Medieval England plunged into chaos following publication of blasphemous Jesus and Mo cartoonEarly reports indicate that Ye Olde England has erupted in sporadic violence after a parchment was found in a cow shed depicting what the Archbishop of Canterbury Harold Godwinson referred to as a ‘grotesque misrepresentation of our dear Lord Jesus Christ.’ He took to the pulpit and declared that ‘this blasphemous image of our Lord is a mockery of the One True Faith and an act of war. It is our duty to seek out the heretics and strike them with the almighty wrath of God.’
For more on this outdated story: Hey Jedi, you may find this blasphemous but do you wanna hear my Star Wars joke?
Yeah you do? OK, here goes:
Darth Vader and Han Solo are in the pub.
Darth Vader says to Han Solo (best to do this in a booming voice into an empty pint glass)
"I know what Luke Skywalker's got for Christmas!"So Han Solo says to DV
"How do you know what Luke Skywalker's got for Christmas?"
and Darth Vader replies (empty pint glass) ...........
"I felt his presents"



