People, if you want to be hostile towards each others, do it somewhere else.
Not in this thread as I don't want my thread to be part of negative words against each other. Go meditate and then talk when you all are relaxed.
Can be jolly good fun.
Until you have sex during periods and just die painfully. Isn't that what happens...
But now what this thread is actually about,
1. Were there any Jews and/or Christians in Mecca on the advent of Islam?
2. What exactly we know about the "hanifs"?
3. RamiRustom mentioned pre-Islamic Arabic poem which described mountains as pegs so I would like to know if there was any Arabic knowledge to round earth before Islam?
I ask many stupid questions frequently.
I am curious, that's why I ask many questions.
I am overly curious, that's why I ask stupid questions.
I lack patience, that's why I ask frequently.
So forgive me and answer me