First I just want to make sure, that I'm not attention-whoring. I'm so close of liberation from this crap but at the same time I feel like there's no hope. And please,
don't just say that I have to skip these feelings, because I cannot. Also please don't go to these good, but quite vaque points such as:
If God really existed, he would have written this book in every language. Or If these books really spoke about these things it would say it much clearer. I'm not stupid and I understand those points but while they are valid, they still don't overwhelm the idea that what if these translations are just bad and don't grab the essence of the original text. I'm going to doctor tomorrow, so don't worry about my health. Yeezevee; you are nice & funny person, but now is not the time to call muslims rascals.
So I have been watching alot of videos and read alot of Quran for the last 4 days. I look at it like: "This is
man-made for sure" but then I also look sceptically towards my own conclusion and look at the muslim explanations. They always have some meaning in the original Arabic that fits the science. I feel like I'm peed in the eye by them but since I don't speak Arabic I cannot know it for sure.
This is making me crazy and I just want to die :( But I'm afraid of that too. So do you guys/girls want to help me check these words/sentences/passages/etc. together and check this stuff with me, maybe refute some apologetic Islamic arguments too, so I can come to conclusion? I have watched videos from TheRationalizer and 'TheIslamMiracle's series of debunking the Quran miracles, but I don't know if they actually know anything about Arabic. Yes I know that God should've created the book in every language, but it doesn't give me peace yet.
Everyones help is allowed but especially Arabic speakers. I don't know what to do with this crap. I honestly feel like I want to kill myself (I'm not gonna do it though) and it's all because of Islam. I have came to conclusion that according to the Quran, but in the quotes are the Islamic answers that seem to make sense:
1. Earth is created before heavens, then after those comes stars, thus contradicting science.
First, the word translated "then" is the Arabic word "thumma". It can be rendered "Moreover/Furthermore". It is also true that "thumma" can be rendered "then" (as in a subsequent "and").
Second, the Arabic word for "he turned" can be rendered as "he turned", " he has turned", or "he had turned". The implication being a past action has occured. See "Written Arabic - An Approach to the Basic Structures" by A.F.L. Beeston Chapter 3, note 22.
So what does this mean with respect to the verses?
It means that Surah 2:29 may be read as follows:
He it is Who created for you all that is on the Earth. Furthermore, he had turned to the heaven and had made them into seven heavens.
In fact if we assume "thumma" means "then", the sentance could potentially be awkward. (i.e. "...then he had turned...")
2. The Quran doesn't talk about the Big Bang at all.
Quran 21:30 says:
"Have those who disbelieved not considered that the heavens and the earth were a joined entity (ratq), then We separated (fataq) them, and made from water every living thing? Then will they not believe?"
The word ratq means; entity, sewn to, joined together, closed up.
These all circle around something mixed that has seperate (and also distinct) existence, thus fitting the Big Bang theory.
The word fataq means; We unstitched, We clove them asunder, We separated, We opened, We expanded.
The growth of a seed from the soil is one example of the verb 'fataq'.
3. The Quran claims that earth is flat (like a carpet).
Carpet can also be spread on other than absolutely flat surface. Carpet is generally put on a surface, which is not very comfortable to walk on. The Quran describes the earth crust as a carpet, without which human beings would not be able to survive because of the hot, fluid and hostile environment beneath it. The Quran is thus not only logical, it is mentioning a scientific fact that was discovered by geologists centuries later.
Arabic is rich language and words have many meanings.
I also understood that the classical Arabic text can mean just as well that the planet earth was pressed and so it is not ball but exactly like it is.
4 Sun orbits the earth and has setting-place.
The sun and moon rotate on their own axis. The Arabic verb "sabaha" (yasbahuna) in verse 21:33 means rotation on its own axis. The Arabic word "falak" used for planets and planets' movements in Verse 21:33 can mean movement in its own "celestial sphere." Therefore, verse 21:33 establishes the existence of the Sun’s and Moon’s rotation on their own axis or in their "celestial sphere." The moon completes its rotating motion on its own axis at the same time as it orbits around the earth, i.e. 29.5 days, so that it always has the same side facing us. The sun takes roughly 25 days to revolve on its own axis. There are certain differences in its rotation at its equator and poles, but the sun is animated by a rotating motion.
and also this proves that the word translated 'reach' doesn't mean place but time.
5. Quran doesn't tell anything special, correct or detailed about embryology.
"We created man from an essence of clay, then We placed him as a drop of fluid in a safe place. Then We made that drop of fluid into a clinging form, and then We made that form into a lump of flesh, and We made that lump into bones, and We clothed those bones with flesh, and later We made him into other forms. Glory be to God the best of creators."
"Then He made his progeny from an extract of water despised."
1. A semen-drop. The Arabic word
sulala means extract thus referrering to sperm which was not know during those times. Educated people during those days didn't understand difference between semen and sperm which Quran clearly understands.
2. Clinging substance.
Alaqa means leech-like which fits very well. Embryonic lump partly formed and partly unformed.
Such wasn't known to man of that time regardless of education and even less to Muhammad.