Thank you for the links, my friend.
Is the later one based on the Quran? For example the part: "O People of the paradise! Your Lord, Blessed and Exalted, requests you to visit him so rush to visit him. So they will say: "We hear and obey" Until when they hasten to their appointed places to finally reach the wide valley where they will all meet, and none of them will turn down the request of their caller." looks exactly like passages from the Quran. Or is this from the Quran: "Has He not already made our faces bright, scales heavy, entered us in the paradise" ?
Was anything from the Quran in that later poem? For some of it surely looked exactly like the Quran.
I didn't really like the first one that much, it sounded like the reciter lacked emotion.
Although I do love the sound of this. The Qurans Literary and Linguistic Miracle isnt based on Aestetic reception.
Ibn Ishaq recorded the reaction of one of the most fervent opponents of the Prophet(P), al-Walid bin Mugira:
They said, "He is a kahin." He said, "By God, he is not that, for we have seen the kahins, and his (speech) is not unintelligible murmuring (zamzama) and rhymed prose (sajc) of a kahin." "Then he is possessed (majnun)," they said. "No, he is not that," he said. "We have seen and known the possessed state, and here is no choking, spasmodic movements, and whispering." "Then he is a poet," they said. "He is not that," he replied. "We have known poetry in all its forms and meters, and this is not poetry." "Then he is a sorcerer," they said. "No, he is not that," he said, "for we have seen sorcerers and their sorcery, and here is no spitting and no knots."
[Ibn Ishaq, as-seyr wa al-Maghazi, Edited by Suhail Zakkar, p.151; Ibn Hisham, Sira, vol 1-2, pp.270-71]
It seems to be that most muslims cannot really agree what exactly is the supposed miracle. Some say it's unmatched in beauty, some say it's unmatched in amount of rhetorical devices and some say it's unique in literary style. This makes me doubt the validity of the supposed miracle even more since many muslims seem not to get what exactly is the miracle.
Thanks for the links, again, they are both better than majority of modern music
I ask many stupid questions frequently.
I am curious, that's why I ask many questions.
I am overly curious, that's why I ask stupid questions.
I lack patience, that's why I ask frequently.
So forgive me and answer me