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 Topic: UK Independence Party......... UKIP interesting 3rd party in UK?

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  • UK Independence Party......... UKIP interesting 3rd party in UK?
     Reply #30 - February 08, 2014, 07:22 PM

    I saw a vid of Saudi clerics going on about Micky Mouse because mice are servants of Satan or something like that, so Mickey Mouse was a concern. Though they realised he wasn't real...I think.

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • UK Independence Party......... UKIP interesting 3rd party in UK?
     Reply #31 - February 08, 2014, 07:31 PM

    I think they said something like if he was real, he'd be put to death.  Tongue
  • UK Independence Party......... UKIP interesting 3rd party in UK?
     Reply #32 - February 08, 2014, 08:15 PM

    LOL No, mice are viewed as vermin and should be killed. We are not supposed to idolize vermin and pests, so "Mickey Mouse" (mice) should be killed. It was like "They are kuffar, we aren't supposed to take after their customs". It was really blown out of proportion, by MEMRI... But still, Munajjid is a misogynist Muslim supremacist.

    "The healthiest people I know are those who are the first to label themselves fucked up." - three
  • UK Independence Party......... UKIP interesting 3rd party in UK?
     Reply #33 - February 08, 2014, 08:18 PM

    What about mice and rats as pets?

  • UK Independence Party......... UKIP interesting 3rd party in UK?
     Reply #34 - February 08, 2014, 08:20 PM

    We're not dirty kuffar!

    "The healthiest people I know are those who are the first to label themselves fucked up." - three
  • UK Independence Party......... UKIP interesting 3rd party in UK?
     Reply #35 - February 08, 2014, 08:21 PM

  • UK Independence Party......... UKIP interesting 3rd party in UK?
     Reply #36 - February 09, 2014, 02:04 AM

    I often hear very bigoted people demand that immigrants integrate and complain when they don't.  I've got news for you- in the same way that you desire slow external cultural change/influence you should also equally expect the same slow cultural assimilation/integration from immigrants . Immigrants can't just flick a switch and stop being who they are and forget their ancestry and cultural heritage- whether you  or anyone else likes it those influences which are a part of them dilute slowly over time but often never completely.

    True-it sometimes can and has been used to stifle discussion about immigration concerns but it should be a sensitively handled area of discussion.

    Twas ever thus. From The Great Sea by David Abulafia:
    Thus a massive immigrant population of Greeks, Syrians, Afrcans, Spaniards grew in Rome, and it is not surprising that Greek, the standard means of communication in the Eastern Mediterranean, was the everyday language of many quarters of the city. The poet Lucan, writing in the 1st century AD, grumbled: 'the city population is no longer native Roman, but the refuse of humanity: such a hodge-podge of races that we could not fight a civil war, even if we wished. His snobbery possessed a tinge of self-hatred: he was born in Cordoba in southern Spain, and had been brought to Rome as a small child.

    I have some sympathy with Lucan's grumbles, snobbery and self-loathing. It doesn't amount to much, and it's a pity that present-day grumbling is so rigorously policed.

    As we all know, Rome assimilated its immigrants to the point that it became a quintessentially Italian (and quite xenophobic) city. It's an ever-repeating process, but we must allow the 'locals' to grumble, and we must accept that civilisations can be lost as well as gained. (This last is a key message of Abulafia's book.)
  • UK Independence Party......... UKIP interesting 3rd party in UK?
     Reply #37 - February 09, 2014, 03:17 AM

    The main tenant of UKIP is to leave the EU and with that, I agree, I also agree that immigration should be very controlled, i.e., only skilled people should be allowed in, people that would be an asset. that excludes refugees of course because we should give shelter to those who are abused by their country of origin.

    Some of UKIPS other policies I cannot agree with, i.e, a referendum on a death penalty and their anti gay policies, but based on their anti EU I am tempted to vote for them.

    If UKIP can upset the UK political scene then I'm all for it, the 3 main parties have had it their way for far too long, anything that disrupts this has to be a good thing.

  • UK Independence Party......... UKIP interesting 3rd party in UK?
     Reply #38 - February 09, 2014, 03:19 AM

    In other words, you agree with them being right wing populist who want to protect their "culture" and society from "pollution", i.e. their welfare state from immigrants and outsiders.
  • UK Independence Party......... UKIP interesting 3rd party in UK?
     Reply #39 - February 09, 2014, 09:49 AM

    protect ... their welfare state from immigrants and outsiders.

    European welfare states, much as we love and are proud of them, are unaffordable in their present form, even without immigration.

    And it there were open borders I'm not sure welfare states could exist at all - unless we had a two-tier system, which rather goes against the grain, for me at least.
  • UK Independence Party......... UKIP interesting 3rd party in UK?
     Reply #40 - February 09, 2014, 10:00 AM

    The trouble with our welfare is that it's top heavy. The money that goes to bailing out the rich hogs the money that could go to those that need it.

    Too fucking busy, and vice versa.
  • UK Independence Party......... UKIP interesting 3rd party in UK?
     Reply #41 - February 09, 2014, 11:02 AM

    In other words, you agree with them being right wing populist who want to protect their "culture" and society from "pollution", i.e. their welfare state from immigrants and outsiders.

    Strawman. "In other words ...". Why don't you answer the posts that arthur1 actually makes rather than putting words in his mouth.

    Being "right wing" (however you define that?) is a legitimate position.

    I can't see anything intrinsically wrong with populism vis-à-vis political parties - I thought that was the basis of democracy.

    Maybe I missed it, perhaps you could point out where arthur1 described immigrants as pollutants?

    Why should we not wish to protect our culture? Is our culture, uniquely, not worthy of protection, of survival?

    The welfare state was not created to look after the entire population of the world, nor can it afford to. Having said that, western European countries with welfare systems have been, generally speaking, fairly generous to "immigrants and outsiders".
  • UK Independence Party......... UKIP interesting 3rd party in UK?
     Reply #42 - February 09, 2014, 07:57 PM


    Not a strawman, and you really shouldn't try to respond to things not meant for you.  The user in question originally said this: "I'm no UKIP supporter, but what makes UKIP, in your opinion, makes them right wing?
    Why do you use these out of date terms?"  and we had a back and forth about this classification.  So try to read the entire thread before responding.  The rest you're giving me is just talking points that can come from the UKIP, or Danish People's Party, or etc.  All I can say to that is, what's your point?  I'm not arguing against them, even if I vehemently disagree with them, all I was arguing with the "arthur" user is it's not incorrect to call them right-wing populist, which he has since and you just now have proven to be a correct classification.  All I can say is I feel sorry for the UK for having its own rising Tea Party Tongue  You guys are going to have a party all about gay bashing, Christian conservatism, and identity populism.  Kind of like some wings of the Republican party...

    European welfare states, much as we love and are proud of them, are unaffordable in their present form, even without immigration.

    Not really.  I'm not a supporter of welfare states, as they're just bandaids to capitalism's intrinsic flaws and contradictions, and are doomed to fail, but the basic idea going around that since population is going down (very much a good thing), one cannot have social programs is nonsense.  You hear this a lot with Social Security here in the states.  One only needs rising productivity gains to fund such programs, and productivity gains are at an all time high, with less and less labor.  Human labor is more and more day by day becoming obsolete in terms of productivity gains, and that also is very much a good thing.  The problem is the productivity gains are only going to a minority of capitalist, as opposed to the entire population.  That's kind of why the world economy is crashing and burning.  That's the whole problem with capitalism and why it's doomed to destroy itself.  That being said, in a non-capitalist economy that still relied on human labor, in which human labors productivity gains and surplus went to everyone via some distribution method, it would be possible even with shrinking populations to continuously fund and sustain these programs.

    So yes, I agree welfare states are unsustainable, for very different reasons.  They leave capital ownership concentrated in few hands, and these few wealthy capitalist have every incentive to undermine the welfare system, and will always use their power to do so, as they are doing across the world.

    Why should we not wish to protect our culture? Is our culture, uniquely, not worthy of protection, of survival?

    Now you're finally understanding me.  "Culture" and nationalism are just tribalistic forms of identity that should be done away with.
  • UK Independence Party......... UKIP interesting 3rd party in UK?
     Reply #43 - February 09, 2014, 11:41 PM

    since population is going down (very much a good thing),

    Population is going down in Japan, a good thing despite the looming pensions bubble.

    It is rising fast in Britain. Jam today, jam tomorrow, jam ever after (or so The Economist would have us believe).

  • UK Independence Party......... UKIP interesting 3rd party in UK?
     Reply #44 - February 09, 2014, 11:49 PM

    Well it's going down in all the west, and again, not really a problem for "pensions" since they don't rely on raw numbers of people, they rely on productivity gains.  The confusion comes from the fact that historically productivity gains were reliant on human workers, but that's less and less true, and in coming decades will be entirely untrue.  Shrinking populations in this framework (alongside an environmental one) can only be a good thing then.

    The Economist is a brain dead magazine, wouldn't take them too seriously.

  • UK Independence Party......... UKIP interesting 3rd party in UK?
     Reply #45 - February 11, 2014, 04:06 PM

    They do not support stem-cell research and do not accept climate change which means I don't like them. I do however accept that immigration should be skilled based and careful (say no to fundamentalists and yes to bright students like myself  Afro), it is the most logical thing to in a country like the UK which has large immigration intake. I don't know the UKIP's exact policies, but I strongly believe there should be an effort to control the population growth in the country (and across the world). I also think religion should kept under control - no faith schools whatsoever. Also, I don't like how some parties like to pander to Muslims. No gender segregation, no tolerance to religious bigots, upholding peoples right to mock Islam (and religion) as much as they want; as well as severe persecution of perpetrators of FGM as well as religiously inspired violence (like against homosexuals). I'm sorry if I sound harsh but I strongly believe religion has no place in the modern world.

    A combination of a secular party like the labour party (correct me if I'm wrong please, I don't know much about UK politics) supporting free thought and scientific research, and some notions from other parties like UKIP about immigration reform seems like a good choice. I'm not much of an economist so can't say much in that regard.
  • UK Independence Party......... UKIP interesting 3rd party in UK?
     Reply #46 - February 11, 2014, 05:54 PM

    I don't necessarily argue that religion has no place whatsoever in a modern world, religion can have whatever place the individual wants it to have in his or her personal life. The problem arises when religious people want to impose their religious beliefs and values onto others and society as a whole. No religious priviliges or "positive discrimination". I agree with you that faith schools should be banned, they are detrimental for young people's development and integration into society.

    "The healthiest people I know are those who are the first to label themselves fucked up." - three
  • UK Independence Party......... UKIP interesting 3rd party in UK?
     Reply #47 - February 11, 2014, 09:08 PM

    I don't necessarily argue that religion has no place whatsoever in a modern world, religion can have whatever place the individual wants it to have in his or her personal life. The problem arises when religious people want to impose their religious beliefs and values onto others and society as a whole. No religious priviliges or "positive discrimination". I agree with you that faith schools should be banned, they are detrimental for young people's development and integration into society.

    I have an agnostic feeling on religion.  I don't care if people are individually religious or not, I just want to keep it separate from the public sphere, including in schools.  Of course, the UKIP in Great Britain are okay with Christian schools and merging the public sphere ever further with Christianity I'm sure.

    That being said, "religion" is hardly the only source of ideological dogma in the world.  The "Western world" is also led by its own ideological dogma.

    I don't know the UKIP's exact policies, but I strongly believe there should be an effort to control the population growth in the country (and across the world).

    Well population growth scares are largely bullshit (just think about those who normally promote this talking point), but even if they weren't, the world population is ever shrinking and stabilizing.  It doesn't need some authoritarian social structure forcing it.
  • UK Independence Party......... UKIP interesting 3rd party in UK?
     Reply #48 - February 15, 2014, 12:51 PM

    I don't like what they stand for but I am glad they are around because they will split the tory vote at the next election. Although Nu Labour are hardly a radical alternative , the left have very little real presentation in parliment

    According to the polls only 1.6 % of Americans are athiests. So what gives you the right to call the other 80% morons?'
  • UK Independence Party......... UKIP interesting 3rd party in UK?
     Reply #49 - February 17, 2014, 11:21 PM


    Shocking! What type of misogynist is this??.......Oh wait, its for 'religious reasons', oh we're so sorry to have offended your deeply held sensibilities.... we only have the utmost respect for your bronze age opinion that women should be at home washing your Y-fronts, or if they must leave the house, cover up and keep quiet, the filthy harlots!!!

    I am better than your god......and so are you.

    "Is the man who buys a magic rock, really more gullible than the man who buys an invisible magic rock?.......,...... At least the first guy has a rock!"
  • UK Independence Party......... UKIP interesting 3rd party in UK?
     Reply #50 - February 17, 2014, 11:23 PM

    I saw a vid of Saudi clerics going on about Micky Mouse because mice are servants of Satan or something like that, so Mickey Mouse was a concern. Though they realised he wasn't real...I think.

    So how do they explain THIS then?

    I am better than your god......and so are you.

    "Is the man who buys a magic rock, really more gullible than the man who buys an invisible magic rock?.......,...... At least the first guy has a rock!"
  • UK Independence Party......... UKIP interesting 3rd party in UK?
     Reply #51 - February 18, 2014, 08:56 PM

    That being said, "religion" is hardly the only source of ideological dogma in the world.  The "Western world" is also led by its own ideological dogma.

    Sure but it's the only one that I am aware of that seems to get 'universal respect', even from those who don't accept it.

    We can all say without fear that Stalin, Hitler, Kim Jong Il & Un, Communism, fascism and other extreme nationalistic and political ideologies  are all failed systems or the leaders are just a bunch of See-You-Next-Tuesdays. They are put in context and held up for criticism and rightly so. No-one in any free country is ever vilified or accused of being rude for saying Stalin was a twat, or communism has failed and we don't want it here, or drawing an unflattering picture of Kim Jong.

    Also these ideologies don't tend to last and usually fail the test of time, so they are amended, changed, or scrapped altogether to adapt to current attitudes. You cant do that with religion. No-one ever says "Hey this thing in the bible/quran that no-one likes we will get rid of it!" It just doesn't happen.

    I am better than your god......and so are you.

    "Is the man who buys a magic rock, really more gullible than the man who buys an invisible magic rock?.......,...... At least the first guy has a rock!"
  • UK Independence Party......... UKIP interesting 3rd party in UK?
     Reply #52 - February 18, 2014, 08:58 PM

    Sure but it's the only one that I am aware of that seems to get 'universal respect', even from those who don't accept it.

    We get "universal respect" because we're the most powerful and aggressive, and thus dominate the world.  The "respect" we get is the same kind the mafia gets Tongue

    We can all say without fear that Stalin, Hitler, Kim Jong Il & Un, Communism, fascism and other extreme nationalistic and political ideologies  are all failed systems or the leaders are just a bunch of See-You-Next-Tuesdays. They are put in context and held up for criticism and rightly so. No-one in any free country is ever vilified or accused of being rude for saying Stalin was a twat, or communism has failed and we don't want it here, or drawing an unflattering picture of Kim Jong.

    If this is supposed to be some sort of pep talk on "freedom of speech", then no the "Western World" is no shining example of that since we suppress speech and dissent all the time. 

    Also these ideologies don't tend to last and usually fail the test of time, so they are amended, changed, or scrapped altogether to adapt to current attitudes. You cant do that with religion. No-one ever says "Hey this thing in the bible/quran that no-one likes we will get rid of it!" It just doesn't happen.

    Oh please, the "Western world" is full of dogma.  Just open up a textbook on Econ 101.  Our dogma is literally killing us, and taking the planet with it...
  • UK Independence Party......... UKIP interesting 3rd party in UK?
     Reply #53 - February 18, 2014, 09:22 PM

    Everyone seems to want to talk about immigration and benefits at the moment here in the UK rather than wealthy bankers pocketing their bonuses again. I found this debate amusing.

    When truth is hurled against falsehood, falsehood perishes, for falsehood by its nature is bound to perish.
  • UK Independence Party......... UKIP interesting 3rd party in UK?
     Reply #54 - February 18, 2014, 09:29 PM are UK resident?

    Did you watch BENEFITS STREET?

    I love it.

    No free mixing of the sexes is permitted on these forums or via PM or the various chat groups that are operating.

    Women must write modestly and all men must lower their case.!
  • UK Independence Party......... UKIP interesting 3rd party in UK?
     Reply #55 - February 18, 2014, 09:44 PM

    Hi Jedi- Yes- Im from UK- you? I did watch a few episodes- Yes. I'm not sure I loved it but was definitely interesting.  I think they had a debate to end the series yesterday too but haven't seen it.

    When truth is hurled against falsehood, falsehood perishes, for falsehood by its nature is bound to perish.
  • UK Independence Party......... UKIP interesting 3rd party in UK?
     Reply #56 - February 18, 2014, 10:52 PM

    There was one yesterday.

    A guy said 'Labour fucked it up' or something to that effect and now my four eyar old keeps saying 'oh no!  Fucked it up!' So cute since she doesn't know what it means!

    No free mixing of the sexes is permitted on these forums or via PM or the various chat groups that are operating.

    Women must write modestly and all men must lower their case.!
  • UK Independence Party......... UKIP interesting 3rd party in UK?
     Reply #57 - February 20, 2014, 01:42 AM

    Where immigration is concerned, do people think that we can go on forever taking in hundreds of thousands of people, when do we reach a point when it's enough?
    Because there has to be a point when we can take not many more.

    By immigration I don't include refugees, we should always extend a helping hand to those fleeing terror.

    I voted no to the common market in the 70s because I have always thought that we have more ties with the commonwealth than with Europe. The EU forced us to abandon our commonwealth friends.

    People are often telling me that immigrants do jobs that the English are too lazy to do and this is such a fallacy, would you pick cabbages for 5 quid an hour, for a 10 hour day, no, only someone desperate would work for that, I've worked on farms and it is back breaking work and it's better done by a machine.

    They say, oh the NHS would collapse, no it would not if only we would spend the money on training Brits, no we save money by poaching the Doctors and nurses from other countries.
    In a way depriving those countries of their investment.

    My Doctor by the way is Indian and in all my 70 years is the best Doctor I've ever had. I don't want to go into my health problems so suffice to say, without him I'd be dead.

    There used to be many British companies who felt that it was their duty to return some of their profits to help people, for example Cadburies, take a look,

    Quaker Oates,

    John Lewis,

    Many British companies acted like this, the CO-OP movement for example,

    Most of this has gone because the profit motive means that these companies have been sold off to big American, China, and other countries who have no social feelings at all.

    Same with the banks, once they were companies who had social responsibilities, now they are only concerned with profit, British capitalism was an aspect of our culture destroyed by foreigners.

  • UK Independence Party......... UKIP interesting 3rd party in UK?
     Reply #58 - February 20, 2014, 02:07 AM

    You could always say immigrants work their tits off so English born can live a life on benefits.

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • UK Independence Party......... UKIP interesting 3rd party in UK?
     Reply #59 - February 20, 2014, 03:16 AM

    You're both wrong.  Productivity is all one needs to continue keeping an economy afloat, and it doesn't require as many people anymore, and that number will be dwindling, to the point in the near future that we'll not need many people working.  On the reverse, that means supporting larger numbers of people will also be easier.  Plus I'm simply for open borders.

    There used to be many British companies who felt that it was their duty to return some of their profits to help people

    Hahahahaha, actually no, you're old enough to have lived in a time that British corporations had no choice but to act in such a way, for both legal and simply sensible reasons.  Once technology enabled them the chance to leave, they took it, primarily to avoid the social contract they were forced to sign to avoid revolution.  You're just another person complaining about capitalism without even knowing it, and bitching about some scapegoat instead.  Which of course is immigrants.
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