Not a strawman, and you really shouldn't try to respond to things not meant for you. The user in question originally said this: "I'm no UKIP supporter, but what makes UKIP, in your opinion, makes them right wing?
Why do you use these out of date terms?" and we had a back and forth about this classification. So try to read the entire thread before responding. The rest you're giving me is just talking points that can come from the UKIP, or Danish People's Party, or etc. All I can say to that is, what's your point? I'm not arguing against them, even if I vehemently disagree with them, all I was arguing with the "arthur" user is it's not incorrect to call them right-wing populist, which he has since and you just now have proven to be a correct classification. All I can say is I feel sorry for the UK for having its own rising Tea Party
You guys are going to have a party all about gay bashing, Christian conservatism, and identity populism. Kind of like some wings of the Republican party...
European welfare states, much as we love and are proud of them, are unaffordable in their present form, even without immigration.
Not really. I'm not a supporter of welfare states, as they're just bandaids to capitalism's intrinsic flaws and contradictions, and are doomed to fail, but the basic idea going around that since population is going down (very much a good thing), one cannot have social programs is nonsense. You hear this a lot with Social Security here in the states. One only needs rising productivity gains to fund such programs, and productivity gains are at an all time high, with less and less labor. Human labor is more and more day by day becoming obsolete in terms of productivity gains, and that also is very much a good thing. The problem is the productivity gains are only going to a minority of capitalist, as opposed to the entire population. That's kind of why the world economy is crashing and burning. That's the whole problem with capitalism and why it's doomed to destroy itself. That being said, in a non-capitalist economy that still relied on human labor, in which human labors productivity gains and surplus went to everyone via some distribution method, it would be possible even with shrinking populations to continuously fund and sustain these programs.
So yes, I agree welfare states are unsustainable, for very different reasons. They leave capital ownership concentrated in few hands, and these few wealthy capitalist have every incentive to undermine the welfare system, and will always use their power to do so, as they are doing across the world.
Why should we not wish to protect our culture? Is our culture, uniquely, not worthy of protection, of survival?
Now you're finally understanding me. "Culture" and nationalism are just tribalistic forms of identity that should be done away with.