If those who lived are judged, what of those how aren't so lucky?
OP - February 16, 2014, 03:36 PM
We are born and we live, therefore we are judged by our actions in the afterlife, yes?
What of those who are aborted, what of those who never reach the egg, what of those who are denied the opportunity to be alive by a trivial matters obstructing sex? A big minority of pregnancies begin as twins, before one vanishes, what of these?
Is it fair that not only do they not get a chance to live, but they also excluded from the chance to be judged and the chance to enter paradise? Why is it that a one-day old baby that dies will enter heaven, but not those that didn't get to live at all?
This isn't exactly philosophical in any way, just a little thought I have from time to time. Whenever I try to share it I never articulate it well enough and just end up giving up. I know I haven't explained it very well here either.