Our Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan forgot all of his nuclear
TECHNICIAN SKILLS and now he is in to Islam and Islamic history. He scribbles something in Jang on
"Islamic history_ Part - I" Let me pull out some nuggets out of it.
...........My dear friend and noted lawyer, Barrister Muhammed Iqbal Jafree of Salarpur, forwarded me a gem of an email from Ms Mahnoor Khan, which she had sent to Pak Tea House in July last year. I had kept it separate with the idea of giving it wider circulation through my column because of its importance. I am taking the liberty of reproducing her invaluable article below.....
Unfortunately, I have no further information about Mahnoor Khan........
So this is Islamic history lesson from
Ms Mahnoor Khan,., So you have no info on Mahnoor Khan? well the lady is here
onvenient-omissions-from-islamic-history_ Pak tea House.com .. Click & read and talk to her Mr. Khan.
.........Yes, due to thousands of religious seminaries all over the country, a new brand of Islam is being created. It has different forms, all claiming to be the ‘real’ Islam. The various religious parties are the result of this culture and it has only brought us sectarianism, murders and hate campaigns in which they call each other ‘kafir’ and ‘apostates’....
Nonsense., what new brand of Islam? Dammit that Islam which is coming out of these BABOONS from those thousands of religious seminaries in the country is same as what you see in Quran and what you read in hadth /sunnah/sirah whatever you old fool. Go back an read again. Or come here we will read Quran/hadith here in CEMB.
Khan is absolutely correct in reading the mindset of all the religious-minded, orthodox people and scholars who feel that, by going back to the stone age or the sword and arrow age, we can once again become a world force. However, that is like wishing for the moon.
well that is what is there in Quran and hadith DUMBO.. It is all war nothing but war for stupid baseless religion. At that time it was sword and arrow age now we have Atom Bombs, F-16......F-35s.,
but Islamic ideas and ideals are same my good friend ............The Muslims of those times were highly pragmatic; their lifestyle was in accordance with the Quran and Sunnah, but at the same time they kept themselves abreast with the latest technologies. They were able to defeat much more powerful enemies by using better equipment, not by reciting Ayat-e-Karima..............
" Go to war in the name of allah god, try to force the people in to Islam, if they don't either kill them or make them as slaves and dhimmis. But if you get killed you go to Jannah and have houries in allah haven , By chance if you win war then you loot and booty, slave and women to open brothel houses and harems to heroes of Islam."that was the basic Islamic idea, the basic instinct of human species. And that is how Islam spread in the fist 100 years of its birth.
.........The seminaries and the religious parties are not solely to blame for this malaise. All successive governments have been more or less responsible because they failed to provide proper, modern religious knowledge. .............
Are you nuts? GOVERNMENTS HAVE TO IMPART/ TEACH RELIGIOUS KNOWLEDGE?? what nonsense is that? and what is modern religious knowledge? All these stupid religions are from stone age my man, how can you get modern religious knowledge from stupid books written by cave men some 1000s of years ago? You are indeed a fool., You should be thankful to your DUTCH wife., without her I am not sure where you would have been by now.
...........They never bother to read about, or follow the example of the pragmatic approach to religion, ethics, morals and good governance given by Hazrat Abu Bakar (RA), Hazrat Umar (RA), Hazrat Umar bin Abdul Aziz (RA), Hazrat Ali (RA), Hazrat Amir Muawiya (RA), Haroon al-Rashid, etc....
Rubbish.. those guys were TRIBAL BRUTES OF THAT TIME and who is Hazrat Umar (RA), and who was Hazrat Umar bin Abdul Aziz (RA)?
All these guys were local warlords of Islam each one inbreeding with other family members., If you read Islamic history what you have is two of those Caliphs were father in-laws of Muhammad and two were son-in laws Muhammad, Those were brutal rogues of their time., But that was OK., that was 1400years back. Now we are in 21st century., Those silly fools can not be role models to Modern young men from so called Islamic lands..
Well you are what you are and you can write anything you want., I can not help that but I have the right to question it and please read first 100 years of Islamic history and how brutal it was..
You see to think like you, either one has to be brainwashed or one has to be dishonest. And you know dishonesty takes its own toll and demands more of the same to defend it. Islam itself is based on many dishonest scriptures, dishonest preachings, deceits and self-deceits. And it started with that and it is still at the same stage. It is fortunate that millions of Muslims do not follow every silly stuff that is there in those stupid Islamic scriptures ... the so called Quran and hadith..
Well I will wait for your next article ... but those who are interested reading Dr. Khan's Islamic history ..click that link..