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 Topic: Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan., Engineer, Patriot and Islamic Intellectual ?

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  • Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan., Engineer, Patriot and Islamic Intellectual ?
     OP - February 17, 2014, 02:41 PM

    Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan., Engineer, Patriot and Islamic Intellectual ?

    There is little doubt that on the Patriotic Nature of  Dr. A. Q. Khan for  Pakistan and without doubt Khan   is a NATIONAL HERO of Pakistan.   But his confession of  having been involved in a clandestine international network of nuclear weapons technology proliferation from Pakistan to Libya, Iran and North Korea makes every one to look in to his  complex  personalty carefully.  .

      On February 5, 2004, the former President  General Pervez Musharraf announced that he had pardoned Dr. Khan and put him under house arrest.. And In  recent year after Musharraf left the political power in Pakistan,  Dr. A. Q. Khan started writing articles in Pakistan's news paper. So let us read him what he says and look in to this fascinating man  who happened to be Muslim FOR NO FAULT of his...


    I am not REALLY CERTAIN how many peer reviewed publications he published since his career that  begin in metallurgy but  I am very  glad he shifted his focus to writing his thoughts on Pakistan and in general on Society..

    So let us read him and I will careful  look through his writings...

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan., Engineer, Patriot and Islamic Intellectual ?
     Reply #1 - February 17, 2014, 02:56 PM

    What can you read when you get this message:

    Server Error
    404 - File or directory not found.
    The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.

    No free mixing of the sexes is permitted on these forums or via PM or the various chat groups that are operating.

    Women must write modestly and all men must lower their case.!
  • Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan., Engineer, Patriot and Islamic Intellectual ?
     Reply #2 - February 17, 2014, 02:59 PM

    AQ  Khan the man who copied Centrifuge technology  supposed to be father of Pakisthan's  Atomic weapons   write now a days about Science and Technology.,  What is the point of having Bombs but not electricity to lit the houses in land of pure?... Why this man did not focus his expertise making Power stations from Atomic Energy than building silly bombs ?    This INODCENTRIC Bomb is clearly build on the basis of his Hate to hindus of India as he was born in central India and apparently moved to Pakistan..,  Any way he writes wonderful about the subject where his background in it is not more than any High Scholl student of present times.. he says  at

    The science of the 21st century.  Wednesday, April 01, 2009 By Dr A Q Khan

    Almost a decade ago I was invited as chief guest to an International Conference on Ophthalmology in Lahore. Beside me was seated the president of the Royal Ophthalmological Society of the United Kingdom. Before the conference started he asked me, in a rather amused tone, how it had come about that a nuclear scientist was attending an ophthalmological conference as chief guest. To my smiling reply of, "Sir, I have also got two eyes," he responded: "How right you are – that says it all!"...

     As a scientist I have always been interested in all important, applied scientific disciplines. A Department of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering was established at KRL in realisation of the importance to the country of this discipline. Dr Syed Qasim Mehdi, a scientist of world repute, was appointed as DG. Within a short span of time it ranked among the best laboratories in the world on human genetics and was receiving research grants from international agencies. Furthermore, realising that this was a discipline of the 21st century, I was instrumental in the establishment of the state-of-the-art Institute of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering on the premises of Karachi University about 10 years ago. This Institute has been doing excellent work, both on agricultural and human genetics...........

    Now a few words about the various disciplines involved in this important field. Biology is the science that has most to tell us about the plant, animal and human kingdoms. It seeks to illuminate and answer the most challenging problems facing modern life, focus on the consequences of climate change and on the moral and ethical dilemmas posed by the unravelling of the human genome. The unprecedented rate of recent advances in biological knowledge has, in large part, been driven by the realisation that all organisms, whether microbe, fungus, plant or animal, share a common evolutionary origin.

    .....The biological world is dynamic, complex and fascinating. The drive to understand it stems from our basic curiosity as well as from the needs of society for improved healthcare and quality of life, the presence of technological progress and from concern about the conservation of our environment. Genomics and bio-informatics, new areas of enquiry, are exciting approaches to the characterisation of individual differences during development and to their revelation of biological diversity...........

    Biology, being the science of living organisms, ranges from the molecular level through to populations and ecosystems. Many of the most exciting and pressing questions in the biological sciences, in molecular and cell biology, behaviour, ecology, evolution, biodiversity and conservation fall under biological sciences.

    Biological science is an exciting and rapidly expanding subject, with many applications in areas as diverse as conservation biology and molecular genetics. The study of living things has undergone a tremendous expansion during the past few years and relatively new fields, such as molecular biology, neuroscience and ecology, continue to advance very rapidly. These developments will have an important and profound impact on society in areas such as medicine, the environment and agriculture. ....

    .....Genetics is of fundamental importance to all branches of modern biology. Its aim is to provide a sound understanding of the principles of genetics and their scientific, social and economic significance. Scientists working in genetics are interested in the widely varying aspects of biology, ranging from biological molecules (molecular evolution, the structure of genes and genomes, gene regulation and molecular cell biology) to biological communities (population and ecological genetics, the evolution of species) to the relatively new discipline of bio-informatics (a fusion of molecular genetics and computing). While genetics in general offers a wide range of specialisation in molecular, developmental, population, evolution and ecological genetics, human genetics is more focused on patterns of human inheritance and emphasises topics such as clinical genetics, genetics and cancer, genetic counselling and the structure of the human genome.

    ..... This will pay rich dividends in the near future, both in terms of better crops yielding higher harvest and better health care. In no way must it be considered a mere cosmetic discipline. It is the science of the 21st century.


    So that is from dr. A. Q. Khan ., that is a wonderful article., and  statements from him caught my eye are

    1). "The unprecedented rate of recent advances in biological knowledge has, in large part, been driven by the realisation that all organisms, whether microbe, fungus, plant or animal, share a common evolutionary origin."

    2). The biological world is dynamic, complex and fascinating. The drive to understand it stems from our basic curiosity as well as from the needs of society for improved healthcare and quality of life, the presence of technological progress and from concern about the conservation of our environment. Genomics and bio-informatics, new areas of enquiry, are exciting approaches to the characterisation of individual differences during development and to their revelation of biological diversity.  

    3).  " realisation that all organisms, whether microbe, fungus, plant or animal, share a common evolutionary origin."

    The above statements are  well known and very Basic   in Biology., Now My old fried with all the intelligence in his mind CAN HE COUPLE THAT  SCIENCE HE WRITES to  Islam and Quran??

     Or does his BRAIN SHUTS OFF the moment he goes into silly  Q'uran of 7th century?.    well,  let read HIS ISLAMIC STATEMENTS in the next post.

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan., Engineer, Patriot and Islamic Intellectual ?
     Reply #3 - February 17, 2014, 03:08 PM

    What can you read when you get this message:

    which link Jedi??  there are many in that post... let me see...

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan., Engineer, Patriot and Islamic Intellectual ?
     Reply #4 - February 17, 2014, 03:26 PM

    Now it works.

    I asked the Jinns to help me.

    No free mixing of the sexes is permitted on these forums or via PM or the various chat groups that are operating.

    Women must write modestly and all men must lower their case.!
  • Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan., Engineer, Patriot and Islamic Intellectual ?
     Reply #5 - March 03, 2014, 10:40 AM

    So recently Dr A Q Khan wrote series of articles on East and west, It is a a dialogue in Jang. That East West dialogue is spread in to 5 parts and that last one is in the above link and here are links for  those articles from him..

    I was casually reading them and waiting until he finishes all his parts,  now  he completed that East  west  dialogue, It is fascinating to read all those 5 articles/ Q& A debates and connect the dots to figure out the mind set of highly  successful, well educated westernized Nuclear scientist  of Pakistan and How a religion like Islam influences their thoughts.   Before we go deeper in to his east-west dialogue., Let me briefly write his life story, After all it is the nature of every human being that our thoughts and actions are heavily influenced by our educational/cultural/religious/family background so let me put some of his  educational/cultural/religious/family background here.

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan., Engineer, Patriot and Islamic Intellectual ?
     Reply #6 - April 28, 2014, 06:24 PM

    Our  Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan  forgot all of his nuclear  TECHNICIAN SKILLS and now he is in to Islam and Islamic history. He scribbles  something in Jang  on "Islamic history_ Part - I"   Let me pull out some nuggets out of it.
    ...........My dear friend and noted lawyer, Barrister Muhammed Iqbal Jafree of Salarpur, forwarded me a gem of an email from Ms Mahnoor Khan, which she had sent to Pak Tea House in July last year. I had kept it separate with the idea of giving it wider circulation through my column because of its importance. I am taking the liberty of reproducing her invaluable article below.....

    Unfortunately, I have no further information about Mahnoor Khan........

     So this is  Islamic history lesson from Ms Mahnoor Khan,., So you have no info on  Mahnoor Khan?  well the lady is here  onvenient-omissions-from-islamic-history_ Pak tea ..  Click &  read and talk to her Mr. Khan.
    .........Yes, due to thousands of religious seminaries all over the country, a new brand of Islam is being created. It has different forms, all claiming to be the ‘real’ Islam. The various religious parties are the result of this culture and it has only brought us sectarianism, murders and hate campaigns in which they call each other ‘kafir’ and ‘apostates’....

     Nonsense., what new brand of Islam?  Dammit that Islam which is coming out of these BABOONS  from those  thousands of religious seminaries in  the country is same as what you see in Quran and what you read in hadth  /sunnah/sirah whatever you  old fool.  Go back an read again. Or come here we will read Quran/hadith here in CEMB.
    Khan is absolutely correct in reading the mindset of all the religious-minded, orthodox people and scholars who feel that, by going back to the stone age or the sword and arrow age, we can once again become a world force. However, that is like wishing for the moon.

    well that is what is there in Quran and hadith DUMBO.. It is all war nothing but war for stupid baseless religion. At that time it was sword and arrow age now we have Atom Bombs, F-16......F-35s., but Islamic ideas and ideals are same my good friend
    ............The Muslims of those times were highly pragmatic; their lifestyle was in accordance with the Quran and Sunnah, but at the same time they kept themselves abreast with the latest technologies. They were able to defeat much more powerful enemies by using better equipment, not by reciting Ayat-e-Karima..............

    No no.. MUSLIM BRUTES OF THAT TIME   DID NOT HAD BETTER WARFARE  EQUIPMENT OF THAT TIME ., What they had is an idea., The idea is

    " Go to war in the name of  allah god, try to force the people in to Islam,   if they don't either kill them or  make them as slaves and dhimmis. But  if you get killed you go to Jannah and have houries in allah haven , By chance  if you win war then you loot and booty, slave and women to open brothel houses and harems to heroes of Islam."

    that was the basic Islamic idea, the  basic instinct of human species.  And that is how Islam spread in the fist 100 years of its birth.

    .........The seminaries and the religious parties are not solely to blame for this malaise. All successive governments have been more or less responsible because they failed to provide proper, modern religious knowledge. .............

      Are you nuts?  GOVERNMENTS HAVE TO IMPART/ TEACH RELIGIOUS KNOWLEDGE?? what nonsense is that?  and what is modern religious knowledge? All these stupid religions are from stone age my man,  how can you get modern religious knowledge from stupid books written by cave men some 1000s of years ago?  You are indeed a fool.,  You should be thankful to your DUTCH wife., without her I am not sure where you would have been by now.

    ...........They never bother to read about, or follow the example of the pragmatic approach to religion, ethics, morals and good governance given by Hazrat Abu Bakar (RA), Hazrat Umar (RA), Hazrat Umar bin Abdul Aziz (RA), Hazrat Ali (RA), Hazrat Amir Muawiya (RA), Haroon al-Rashid, etc....

    Rubbish.. those guys were TRIBAL BRUTES OF THAT TIME  and who is Hazrat Umar (RA), and who was  Hazrat Umar bin Abdul Aziz (RA)?  

    All these guys were local warlords of Islam  each one inbreeding with other family members.,  If you read Islamic history what you have is  two of those Caliphs  were father in-laws of Muhammad and two were son-in laws Muhammad,  Those were brutal rogues of their time., But that was OK., that was 1400years back.  Now we are in 21st century., Those silly fools can not be  role models to Modern young men from so called Islamic lands..

    Well you are what you are and you can write anything you want.,   I can  not help that but I have the right to question it and please read first 100 years of Islamic history and how brutal it was..  

    You see  to think like you,  either one has to be brainwashed or one has to be dishonest.   And you know  dishonesty takes its own toll and demands more of the same to defend it.   Islam itself is based on many dishonest scriptures, dishonest preachings,  deceits and self-deceits.   And it started with that and it is still at the same stage.  It is fortunate that  millions of Muslims do not follow every silly stuff that is there in those stupid Islamic scriptures ... the so called Quran and hadith..

     Well I will wait for your next article ...  but those who are interested reading  Dr. Khan's Islamic history that link..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan., Engineer, Patriot and Islamic Intellectual ?
     Reply #7 - May 08, 2014, 03:55 PM

      Dr.  AQ KHAN writes about another opinion article  on "Islamic History ., it is some sort of discussion between two Islamic intellectuals.,    in this he says

    Last week I introduced an article written by Ms Mahnoor Khan and posted by Pak Tea House, Lahore. I also gave a brief introduction to my friend, Prof Dr Muhammed Javed Iqbal Jafree of Salarpur, who had forwarded the article to me, and about the background of the Pak Tea House.

    Unfortunately I have no information about Ms Khan but some of her personality is reflected in her excellent article. Here follow some further extracts and my comments thereto.

    Mahnoor Khan (MK): So how should we teach Islamic history to our youth?  My answer – be honest. Honesty is tricky though. You can be dishonest without being untruthful; just omit the uncomfortable truths without committing an actual lie. The narrative presently in vogue ignores the fact that the real reason Muslim empires were dominant in the past ages was due to better governance of state affairs compared to their counterparts in the Christian world, not because of some kind of superior Islamic conduct of the rulers. Their fortunes declined when governance deteriorated, and that process happened in full view of every one and not as part of some grand conspiracy.

    Dr Khan (DK): Very accurate. When you read about famous, successful Muslim rulers, it is always about their excellent governance (no corruption, honest, efficient, people-oriented). Yes, many uncomfortable truths are being omitted, not only by us, but also by western authors, especially journalists...

     AQ Khan ., reading this form you

    "Honesty is tricky though. You can be dishonest without being untruthful;  just omit the uncomfortable truths without committing an actual lie."

    tells the reader your  level of lying about  Islam and its history.  Yap that is what most recent Muslim historians did .  With the exception of hadith and Quran I say Islamic history is full of holes.  and I don't want to read  your Islamic history.

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan., Engineer, Patriot and Islamic Intellectual ?
     Reply #8 - May 03, 2016, 06:16 AM

    so friends in this forum write often against Islam w.r.t   "rights of women in Islam vs Rights of men in Islam. " with their personal experiences   

    Now I have a lot of issues with marriage in Islam. It's like the husband owns his wife........

     He gets to be the leader of the house and make all the decisions......

    ....... she has to obey him and be eternally grateful or end up in hell with all the other ungrateful women.

    In the Quran it says shirk is the worst evil but then it's OK to tell a woman she should do sujood to her husband

     it's not just her mind he gets to control, her body belongs to him too.

    He gets sex whenever he wants and if she refuses the angels curse her till the next morning. This is basically teaching men to be rapists.

    And only the man gets to divorce his wife even if he was an awful husband, she has no say in this.

    She either remains his wife or has to go to the Sharia people for help who give her further abuse.

     Meanwhile he is free to do as he pleases, even get himself another wife because he is allowed four!

    Some things just confuse me more than anything, like where it says hitting your wife is bad but if you must then don't hit the face or leave a mark and use a toothbrush/stick.............

    I have good news for you. All your suspicions are true. Men are granted rights over women under Islamic doctrine, and yes, this is wrong.

    Women are not in need of correction or management or even oversight.....

    but what does real Islam say?   well on that   Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan., Engineer, Patriot and Islamic Intellectual ? wrote  an article today.,  let me put here..

    Rights of women in Islam
      By Dr A Q KhanMay 02, 2016

    In this column, I will concentrate on those Quranic verses dealing with the protection of women’s rights.

    “And of His Signs is that He has created mates for you from your own kind that you may find peace in them and He has set between you love and mercy. Surely there are Signs in this for those who reflect.” – 30:21.

    “They (women) are your garment and you (men) are theirs.” – 2:187.

    “Believers! It is not lawful for you to become heirs to women against their will. Nor you should treat them with harshness… Live with them on a footing of kindness and equity. If you take a dislike to them it may be that you dislike a thing and Allah brings about through it a great deal of good for you.” – 4:19.

    “Divorce can be pronounced twice: then, either honourable retention or kindly release should follow. (While dissolving the marriage tie) it is unlawful for you to take back anything of what you have given to your wives unless both fear that they may not be able to keep within the bounds set by Allah.” – 2:229.

    “And so, when you divorce women and they reach the end of their waiting term, then either retain them in a fair manner or let them go in a fair manner. And do not retain them to their hurt or by way of transgression; whosoever will do that will indeed wrong himself. Do not take the signs of Allah in jest and remember Allah’s favour upon you. He exhorts you to revere the Book and the Wisdom that He has sent down upon you. Fear Allah, and know well that Allah has full knowledge of everything.” – 2:231.

    “Just as there is a share for men in what their parents and kinsfolk leave behind, so there is a share for women in what their parents and kinsfolk leave behind – be it little or much – a share ordained (by Allah)” – 4:7.

    “Thus does Allah command you concerning your children; the share of the male is like that of two females. If (the heirs of the deceased are) more than two daughters, they shall have two-thirds of the inheritance; and if there is only one daughter, then she shall have half the inheritance. If the deceased has any offspring, each of his parents shall have a sixth of the inheritance; and if the deceased has no child and his parents alone inherit him, then one-third shall go to his mother; and if the deceased has brothers and sisters, then one-sixth shall go to his mother… But these portions have been determined by Allah, for He indeed knows everything, is cognizant of all beneficent considerations.

    “And to you belongs half of whatever has been left behind by your wives if they die childless; but if they have any children, then to you belongs a fourth of what they have left behind… And to them belongs a fourth of what you leave behind, if you die childless; and if you have any child, then to them belongs one eighth of what you have left behind… And if the man or woman (whose inheritance is to be distributed) has no heir in the direct line, but has a brother or sister, then each of these shall inherit one-sixth; but if their number is more than that, then all of them shall be entitled to one-third of the inheritance… This is a commandment from Allah. Allah is All-Knowing, All-Forbearing. These are the bounds set by Allah…” – 4:11-14.

    “People ask you to pronounce a ruling concerning inheritance from those who have left behind no lineal heirs (kalalah). Say: ‘Allah pronounces for you the ruling: should a man die childless but have a sister, she shall have one half of what he has left behind; and should the sister die childless, (but have a brother), he shall inherit her (share). And if the heirs are two sisters, they shall have two-thirds of what he has left behind. And if the heirs are sisters and brothers, then the male shall have the share of two females. Allah makes (His commandments) clear to you lest you go astray. Allah has full knowledge of everything. To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and in the earth. Allah is sufficient for a Guardian” – 4:176.

    Many people emphasise the difference in status between a man and a woman as justification for declaring man superior to woman. They base this on (mis)interpretations of some verses from the Quran. For example: “Men are the protectors and maintainers of women because Allah has made one of them excel over the other and because they spend out of their possessions to support them” – 4:34.

    “Women have the same rights against their men as men have against them, but men have a degree above them. Allah is All-Powerful, All-Wise” – 2:228.

    “The share of the male is like that of two females” – 4:11.

    “Believers! Whenever you contract a deal… call upon 2 of your men as witnesses; but if 2 men are not there, then let there be one man and two women as witnesses from those acceptable to you so that if one of the two women should fail to remember, the other might remind her” – 2:282.

    From these edicts, it appears that men and women have equal rights. Regarding the ‘superiority’ of man, the Almighty has explained that this is due to his responsibilities and hard work in earning a living and supporting his family. This does not mean that the man should sit on a sofa, while his wife sits on the floor at his feet, or that the husband has the right to mistreat his wife.

    And nowhere is it mentioned that honour killing is acceptable. If it were otherwise, the Almighty would not have clearly stated: “And Women shall have rights similar to the rights against them, according to what is equitable” – 2:228.

    To be continued


    that is what he writes...with lots quranic verses., and I am pulling my hair to understand his logic.

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
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