I just found a link on the creation of Adam...
[The four elements and the creation of jinns and humans][19][425] One aspect of this is the fact that when air catches fire and heats up, it burns like a lamp; this is the combustion of fire. The flame [i.e. the flame from the combustion of fire], which is ignited air (or the result of the ignition of air), is what is known as mārij. Jinns are called mārij because they are fire mixed with air, burning air.[20] Marj means mixture, and this is why meadows are also known as marj because of the mixture of plants found there.[21]
[426] Jinns, therefore, come from two sources, air and fire, just as Adam was a product of two sources, water and dust, which when kneaded together were called clay (tīn). The same thing happened with the mixture of fire and air, which was called mārij. In this smokeless fire, God, ever-glorified is He, formed the jinns. The air within them allows jinns to take on whatever form they desire, while the fire within them makes them of weak intellect and proud of its subtlety. Within them also is the desire to dominate, haughtiness and pride, because fire is the highest of the elements and has the power of transforming the natural order of things. For this reason, the jinn behaved proudly when God, ever-exalted and glorious is He, ordered it to prostrate itself before Adam, replying: "I am better than him" (7:11–12). By which it meant that it was of better origin because God had made it out of the most favoured of the four elements.
[427] The genie did not know that the power of water, from which Adam had been created, was stronger than it, as it could make fire disappear. Neither did it know that clay was more resistant than it was to cold and dryness. Adam thus had strength and resistance, as he was filled with the two basic elements with which God had created him. Although it is true that the other elements, fire and air, were also present in Adam, these lacked the power [of earth and water]. The other elements can also be found in jinns, and that is why they are called mārij,[22] but in origin they do not have the power [of earth and water].
[428] Adam was given humility due to his clayey nature, but he behaved haughtily and was punished.[23] He acted like that due to the fiery side within him. Likewise, he had the power to change form in his imagination and in his states, due to the airy side of his nature. The jinns, on the other hand, were given haughtiness due to their fiery nature. Their humility, when they bowed down and were punished, came from their clayey side. Those that were satans were established in acts of seduction, while those that were not were established in acts of obedience.
Here a link :