New member from birmingham
OP - March 11, 2014, 10:32 AM
Hello everyone, I'm Sab 23 from Birmingham.
I don't really know where to begin, so let's start from the beginning!
I've was raised within a fairly strict Muslim household and practiced Islam, when I turned about 18 I came to the realisation that everything I was taught, told and made to believe regarding Islam was primarily cultured based, with no real religious quranic meaning or back up. So, from birth Islam was drilled into me. Ive classed myself as agnostic for the last few years and announced this to my family 6 months ago. Obviously, they didn't take it well, but my parents and siblings stated that they "expected" this as I was always so distant from religion. Between the ages of 8-12ish I attended mosque, where I stood out like a sore thumb, thus an easy target for the fellow female bullies who classed themselves as devout Muslims.
However, the bullying ended and my faith eroded completely when I studied sociology and phycology at university and began to search deeply into Islam, through my research I began to view Islam for what it really is and how dark and sinister it actually is. The things I was taught in mosque were often so terrifying that I was unable to sleep for days out of sheer terror.
So, I was searching the web to see if there was anyone else like me out there, and I came across this site. I have been regularly viewing this site just to see what was going on, and it's safe to say I'm so surprised at the number of ex-Muslims! It may sound insane but for a long time, i thought it was alone!
One factor of Islam, or any religion for that matter is the way in which we are taught to believe things and it's frowned upon to question them. Whenever I engage in friendly debates with my Muslim friends they simply end most debates with "well that's what I was told in mosque so it's gotta be true, ennit." And I always say Do Your Own Research! Your a person, not a lemming/sheep/minion!
I hope you all welcome me to this forum as I have read through a few threads, very intriguing!
One thing I have always believed, and told myself is that being moral, polite, honest and maintaining appropriate etiquette is more important then anything else. I have not become an ex-Muslim to drink and dress provocatively, I don't drink nor do I dress in a risqué manner, I "dropped" my faith as I did my own research and realized, this isn't me.
This is the first time I have ever expressed myself regarding my religion in a written form, feels like a massive weight had been shifted
"Having a war about religion is like having a fight over who's got the best imaginary friend" - Yasser Arafat
"You can be as good as the best of them, or as bad as the worst." BS