This thread is due to a request by Ishina. I'm sure you are all familiar with Dawkins' ultimate Boeing 747 gambit. Within this argument (and the God delusion itself), Dawkins mentions "The God hypothesis". With reference to his arguments, which lack a logical form(which makes sense) as it is a book for a popular audience. The argument he presents is essentially a teleological one for atheism. There are two God hypotheses which are relevant to his gambit.
They are:
(GH1) There exists a contingent, physical, complex, superhuman, supernatural intelligence that created the universe and has no external explanation.
I don't know what this means. One thing that would clarify it for me is the answer to this question: Can the GH1 theory be refuted by empirical evidence (at least in principle)? I'm guessing you would say 'yes' because you used the qualifier "physical" to describe GH1 -- and because in my view, if a theory is physical then that implies that the theory is empirically testable.
(GH2) There exists a necessary, nonphysical, complex, superhuman, supernatural intelligence that created the universe and has no external explanation.
The same question I have above applies to GH2. Here I think the answer to the question is 'no' because you used the qualifier "nonphysical" to describe GH2 -- and because in my view, if a theory is nonphysical then that implies that the theory is not empirically testable.