I dont know if i will every tell my family.
So far ive told myself that living a lie if fine, I live how i want, and other than the occassional question from my wife regarding why i dont read salaah, i get left to it. the thing is i get on really well with my wife. And so far ive been able to live fairly happily like this. the thing that worries me is the desire to be more open about my new belief system my start getting to me later on in life.
the only thing i dont get to do is drinnk alchohol, and i tried it last year, and didnt really like the taste. sometimes i think maybe i should find a drinking buddy, and find out why social drinking is so popular.
I agree with what you say, regarding it being a losing game either way. im just trying to figure out which is the lesser of the two evils, losing my family, or not being totally open about my belief.
It isn't easy, I hope it's easier for you than it was for me. I hope your wife understands & you can stay together.
Have to say I took to drinking like the proverbial fish to water! Although I was severely disappointed to find that red wine tastes nothing like ribena, as I'd imagined. I persevered though & am now a bit of a lush. Booze is great, and the best hangover cure is a bacon sandwich (can't believe I made it to 25 without bacon sandwiches - I missed out!).
Best of luck