(Classical) Islamic chat up lines.
Reply #25 - April 19, 2014, 04:59 PM
Girl there is no goddess but you, I'll give it all for your sake.
I'll make your bed shake like the final earth quake.
Fall on my face between your legs I'll bow and prostate.
Make my circles around you, kiss you like the black stone.
No shirk with you baby, I'll worship you alone.
Recite prayers in your name while you let out a moan.
Know your body like an angel had told me to read it.
Spank you softly like the surah that told me to beat it.
Cause you got what I want and you know how I need it.
You're the sun in my sky, you're my heaven and earth.
And all that's in between baby, that's what you're worth.
I'll do whatever it takes to make you wanna be mine.
To eat from your fruit and sip from your river of wine
I'll break my fast with your kiss, quench my thirst with your smile.
Call out your name so loud they're gonna call me Bilal.
Five times a day I'll sing and won't ever stop it.
When you reveal yourself to me, girl, I feel like a prophet.
Your fragrance is Jannah, but you're hotter than hell.
Even a ruqya can't break me out of your spell.
You're what's first and what's last, what's apparent and what's hidden.
You're the beginning, the end, and all that the pens have ever written.