Sup guys.
I've been lurking the forum for way too long now, and I think it's time I had the common decency to at least introduce myself
18 year old ex-moose from England. Left about 6 months ago.
As time goes on, my level of incredulity at Islamic beliefs just keeps on increasing. This is probably a result of my parents constant "Islamic teaching" classes they give us at home. And it might be worth mentioning that at one such event, it transpired that my entire family actively believe the part about apostasy being punishable by death.
I should actually be revising for my final exams right now, seeing as I've been accepted into university, and that it's my ticket out of this intellectual wasteland.
Unfortunately, of my current friend circle, about 99% of them hold fundamentalist Islamic beliefs (but lets just ignore the fact that nearly none of them practice their religion fully), and they always drag me along to their religious gatherings and its getting to be a bit annoying. (Although listening to fundamentalist preaching/thought processes kind of makes me laugh and enjoy life more, so there's that).
Anyway, excuse the disjointed nature of this "introduction", and if you willingly got this far down, I worry for your state of mind.