I tried to ask at the end if my speaker would be back or if I would be transferred but the chat cancelled.
W.Khaled has joined the chat.
W.Khaled (06:10:54) : Hey there!
Big Bad Wolf (06:11:08) : Hello
W.Khaled (06:11:27) : On behalf of the eDialogue team, I would like to welcome and thank you for visiting our website!
Big Bad Wolf (06:11:40) : Ta
W.Khaled (06:11:48) : How are you today?
Big Bad Wolf (06:12:23) : Not bad. Trying to give up smoking so craving a fag.
Big Bad Wolf (06:13:04) : Puffing on an e-cig at the moment, hoping it'll help
W.Khaled (06:13:14) : Sorry, my Internet went down.
Big Bad Wolf (06:13:24) : No worries
W.Khaled (06:13:29) : Oh, i understand. It is so hard to give up smoking.
W.Khaled (06:13:46) : But you know what? It is hard, but it is all good when the pay off time is there.
W.Khaled (06:14:34) : You know, I really understand your suffering and I cannot deny how hard is it, but imagine yourself beating it down and more than that, being healhy and safe.
Big Bad Wolf (06:14:44) : Indeed. I'm 27 in July. You can get away with smoking in your teens and 20s, but I want to be an ex-smoker by the time I hit 30.
W.Khaled (06:15:07) : It even goes beyond that, if you leave smoking, you're going to be much more classier and that is amazing.
W.Khaled (06:15:30) : I'm sure you're strong enough to leave it.
Big Bad Wolf (06:15:51) : Well I'm not sure about classier. I actually enjoy smoking, sadly I also realise it's bad for my health
Big Bad Wolf (06:16:25) : I might have the occasional fag with a drink in the future, but my goal is to leave it behind. Which is sad as I love smoking
W.Khaled (06:17:01) : Are you sure you loving smoking? Or your brain is too addicted to it and it make you feel that you love it?
W.Khaled (06:17:50) : You know? It is also tough on your brain and body when you try to leave smoking, that is why, it maybe make you feel you love it.
Big Bad Wolf (06:18:02) : I can safely say I'm sure. I genuinely enjoy it. The only reason I'm quitting is for health reasons, I don't want to have to go through throat or lung cancer down the line
W.Khaled (06:18:30) : Oh, no! I wish all the best for you.
Big Bad Wolf (06:18:40) : Ta
W.Khaled (06:18:39) : Now, be tough on yourself and never go easy!
W.Khaled (06:18:52) : So, tell me, what is your religion?
Big Bad Wolf (06:19:04) : Well, when deserved
Big Bad Wolf (06:19:09) : I don't have a religion
W.Khaled (06:19:31) : Do you believe in God or you don't?
Big Bad Wolf (06:20:13) : I want to say no but that seems misleading. I don't believe but I don't disbelieve. I would say I'm open to the idea
W.Khaled (06:20:53) : Oh, so, may I tell you a bit about Islam?
W.Khaled (06:21:15) : I want to make it very clear, that I'm not convincing you, I'm conveying to you.
Big Bad Wolf (06:21:26) : Sure
Big Bad Wolf (06:21:31) : This is a dawah site
W.Khaled (06:21:42) : And as Allah commands me: "There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. " Qur'an 2:256
W.Khaled (06:21:51) : Oh, yeah!
W.Khaled (06:22:17) : Islam is an Arabic term that means submission and surrender to the will of Allah. Islam also means peace!
W.Khaled (06:22:36) : Allah is the God that all of the Muslims worship and no matter what sect they follow.
Big Bad Wolf (06:22:56) : I've studied islam, as well as other religions, for years. I know the basics.
W.Khaled (06:23:07) : Allah is not a person and Allah is not an idol. Allah is all knowing, all hearing, all powerful and Allah is the most mercy.
W.Khaled (06:23:11) : Oh, that is amazing.
Big Bad Wolf (06:23:23) : I enjoy stories
W.Khaled (06:23:25) : Well, do you know that Allah doesn't rest or sleep?
Big Bad Wolf (06:23:35) : Yup
W.Khaled (06:23:44) : Awesome.
W.Khaled (06:23:56) : Now, do you like to go through the miracles of the Qur'an?
Big Bad Wolf (06:24:39) : No thank you.
I've read the quran and heard the miracles claims.
W.Khaled (06:25:00) : What do you think about them?
W.Khaled (06:25:11) : Don't you think that these are the words of God and nobody else?
Big Bad Wolf (06:25:15) : Mostly I'm wondering if chatting here will give me new knowledge.
Big Bad Wolf (06:25:50) : Well, not really, no. I would be lying if I said I thought they were gods words and nobody else's.
Big Bad Wolf (06:26:22) : But as I said, I'm here to see if I can learn something new
W.Khaled (06:26:26) : How do you explain the miracles?
W.Khaled (06:26:35) : Okay, please watch this video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2s14T6x5AMBig Bad Wolf (06:26:42) : What miracles?
W.Khaled (06:26:54) : The miracles of the Qur'an!
W.Khaled (06:27:17) : Watch the video, the miracles are mentioned in brief, there!
Big Bad Wolf (06:27:24) : Zakir Naik? I hate that guy
W.Khaled (06:27:37) : Oh, why so?
Big Bad Wolf (06:27:53) : He's a bigot and a liar
W.Khaled (06:28:03) : How did he lie?
Big Bad Wolf (06:28:21) : I remember during a period I was trying to see if islam was true, someone gave me one of his vids
Big Bad Wolf (06:28:43) : One of the most racist and bigoted things I'd ever seen, worthy of the BNP
W.Khaled (06:28:48) : What was the tittle of that video?
Big Bad Wolf (06:29:24) : "Dr. Zakir Naik - Does God exist?"
W.Khaled (06:29:30) : Well, I don't think he is bigoted nor a liar. However, if you have evidence, then bring it to the table.
W.Khaled (06:29:40) : In this video, there is a lie?
W.Khaled (06:29:43) : What lie is that?
Big Bad Wolf (06:32:35) : I remember one vid where someone asked him about (I'm going from a vague memory so forgive me if I'm wrong) the water cycle. He rattled off a load of quranic verses very fast. I looked them up and it was bullshit. He just rattled off a load of verses, said mashallah and everyone clapped. I actually looked up the verses, it was bollocks. As for the bigot thing, he said ex-muslims should be killed, and whenever I've seen him try to talk about mortality, every time he plays the role of a villain he's a non muslim. "Okay, I am a non muslim, try to convince me stealing is wrong" as if you're not a muslim you can't be a good person
Big Bad Wolf (06:33:25) : I really don't like him, little more than racist
W.Khaled (06:34:16) : Ex-Muslims, not all of them should be killed..
Big Bad Wolf (06:34:24) : At least , if islamophobia is a form of racism, then kaffirphobia also is
W.Khaled (06:34:34) : There is a verse in the Qur'an that clears out, those people at the time of the wars
Big Bad Wolf (06:34:53) : Well it's mostly the hadiths that give islam a bad name
W.Khaled (06:34:59) : used to join Islam at the morning and leave it at the very time that a war is about to happen
Big Bad Wolf (06:35:25) : Are you talking about the Ridda wars?
W.Khaled (06:35:52) : What is Ridda?
Big Bad Wolf (06:37:02) : I might have misspelt it. In early islamic history?
W.Khaled (06:37:23) : Well, at the time of the prophet Mohammed (PBUH)
Big Bad Wolf (06:37:29) : The Ridda wars (Arabic: حروب الردة), also known as the Wars of Apostasy
W.Khaled (06:38:02) : No, the Qur'an came at the period when prophet Mohammed was alive.
W.Khaled (06:38:25) : These wars you speak about, happened when the prophet died.
Big Bad Wolf (06:38:31) : I'm aware, you asked me about the ridda wars
Big Bad Wolf (06:38:38) : Ah
W.Khaled (06:38:49) : So, when the prophet died, there was no more Qur'an.
Big Bad Wolf (06:38:56) : Well, you did ask. Like I said, I've studied religion for years
W.Khaled (06:39:03) : Yes, sir.
W.Khaled (06:39:33) : I'm sorry, I'm not okay now.
Big Bad Wolf (06:39:37) : So yeah, that was the ridda wars. Mo died and a load of people left islam
W.Khaled (06:39:40) : I should go to get some rest.
W.Khaled (06:39:48) : I will transfer you to someone else.
Big Bad Wolf (06:40:00) : I hope I haven't offended you
W.Khaled (06:40:02) : I'm so sorry.
W.Khaled (06:40:04) : No, sir.
W.Khaled (06:40:10) : It's not about you.
W.Khaled (06:40:19) : I promise, it is not about you.
W.Khaled (06:40:23) : Just stay online.
W.Khaled (06:40:29) : I will transfer you.
W.Khaled (06:40:32) : Okay?
Big Bad Wolf (06:41:04) : Okay, I know religion can be a sensitive topic. As I said, I've studied in depth and was wondering if I could lean something new here
W.Khaled (06:41:26) : I will transfer you to one of the best member of our team.
W.Khaled (06:41:29) : Stay online.
W.Khaled (06:41:41) : And it is not you, it's just I got a bad news.
W.Khaled (06:41:51) : Stay online, okay?>
Transferring chat to AzizIn.
AzizIn has joined the chat.
Big Bad Wolf (06:42:36) : Hello.
AzizIn (06:42:49) : hello brother]
Big Bad Wolf (06:43:47) : If you know W.Khaled in real life, could you tell him I hope his news isn't anything he won't recover from, and if so I wish him all the strength in the world
AzizIn (06:46:06) : May Allah bless you and guide you to truth of islam. May Allah give you all the happiness and peace in this world and a beautiful heaven in here after.
Big Bad Wolf (06:46:21) : Mashallah.
AzizIn (06:47:24) : Thank you for your kind visit
Big Bad Wolf (06:47:40) : If you know W.Khaled in real life, could you tell him I hope his news isn't anything he won't recover from, and if so I wish him all the strength in the world
AzizIn (06:47:54) : insha Allah
Big Bad Wolf (06:48:18) : God willing isn't yes or no
AzizIn (06:48:15) : jazakallh al khair brother
Big Bad Wolf (06:48:32) : I don't now what that means, sorry
AzizIn (06:48:52) : it means may Allah reward you for this
Big Bad Wolf (06:49:19) : Well I wasn't after reward, just hoping if you know W.Khaled you could tell him my thoughts are with him
AzizIn (06:49:39) : ok brother
AzizIn (06:49:43) : thank you
AzizIn (06:50:33) : just a curiosity r u muslim
Big Bad Wolf (06:51:07) : No brother, I'm an atheist...or an agnostic deist, it depends who you ask
AzizIn (06:52:06) : so if you are agnostic means you are between GOD and no GOD
Big Bad Wolf (06:52:31) : Depends if that god is theist or deist
AzizIn (06:53:26) : what is your preferance
Big Bad Wolf (06:54:10) : Honestly I've never thought about it enough to have a preference.
Big Bad Wolf (06:54:33) : That is if you're asking if I'm atheist or agnostic
AzizIn (06:54:48) : no
Big Bad Wolf (06:54:55) : No?
AzizIn (06:55:00) : i like to know your GOD preferance
AzizIn (06:55:08) : you told 2 things
Big Bad Wolf (06:55:23) : Oh, well I'm open to a deistic/prime mover god, but not convinced by it
AzizIn (06:55:44) : any how i am happy you are close to accepting the existence of a creator
Big Bad Wolf (06:56:08) : I don't know if close is the word
AzizIn (06:56:28) : brother i like your logical way of trying to find GOD
Big Bad Wolf (06:56:42) : Ta
AzizIn (06:56:46) : i am shure GOD will guide you
Big Bad Wolf (06:56:57) : I've studied very religion you can think of
AzizIn (06:57:55) : pls read this verse and pls accept my deep prayers for you also
AzizIn (06:57:59) : 41:53. We will show them Our Signs in the universe, and in their ownselves, until it becomes manifest to them that this (the Qur'an) is the truth. Is it not sufficient in regard to your Lord that He is a Witness over all things? AL Quran
Big Bad Wolf (06:58:20) : Okay...and?
AzizIn (06:58:23) : 41:53. We (Allah) will show them Our Signs in the universe, and in their ownselves, until it becomes manifest to them that this (the Qur'an) is the truth. Is it not sufficient in regard to your Lord that He is a Witness over all things? AL Quran
AzizIn (06:58:43) : ok brother
Big Bad Wolf (06:58:54) : No it's not sufficient.
AzizIn (06:59:07) : keep researching and keep studying
Big Bad Wolf (07:00:01) : I aim to. But the verses you've given aren't that great. Basically, those are the verses that describe the obvious and say allah did it
Big Bad Wolf (07:00:36) : Do you see how the shadows move? Allah did it. Do you see how the birds fly? Allah keeps them in the air. Etc.
AzizIn (07:01:21) : brother i personally feel good about you and give all the credit to my GOD who bring you here on this site
AzizIn (07:01:47) : becos we beleive no body can change your mind unless its from GOD
AzizIn (07:02:03) : ok brother
Big Bad Wolf (07:02:12) : Yes?
AzizIn (07:02:12) : i need to go now for prayers
AzizIn (07:02:19) : can i
AzizIn (07:02:36) : just for 15 mints
AzizIn (07:02:38) : ok
Big Bad Wolf (07:03:08) : Sure, I can wait. When you return may I tell you my reason for being here brother?
AzizIn (07:03:21) : ok
AzizIn (07:03:31) : i need to disconnect it now
AzizIn (07:03:33) : ok
Big Bad Wolf (07:03:51) : Ta, I dunno if you can see the text of the last person I chatted to when I'm transferred
AzizIn (07:03:49) : and thank you once more for your kind visit
Big Bad Wolf (07:04:04) : Thank you for speaking with me
Big Bad Wolf (07:04:13) : May your prayers bring you peace
AzizIn (07:04:25) : ok bye brother
Just ended the chat, didn't get transferred or anything.