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 Topic: Hello from an involuntary double lifer

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  • Hello from an involuntary double lifer
     OP - April 22, 2014, 01:20 PM

    Been following CEMB from afar for quite a while. I am actually very happy that such community exists, because there’s bound to be many of us all over the place that feel so lonely and even frightened.
    Let me tell you my story, in case it interests you.

    I’m an Arab from North Africa born and bred in the UK. My family from both sides are devoted Muslims (no surprises) and both my grandfathers are prominent scholars (no exaggeration). I was raised learning the Quran regularly and up to the age of about 14 I started taking Islam seriously. I started listening to hours and hours of lectures from Wahabi Saudi lecturers, indulging in the most magnificent of (BS) stories of the prophets and the companions and the angels and and and and – I was HOOKED. At one point I was convinced that women should cover up HEAD TO TOE – it was meant to be, that’s how we can survive the hellfire!! I actually reached the point where I memorize half the Quran. Bear in mind Arabic and English are my joint first language so reading the Quran wasn’t just a matter of uttering words for me, I understood it, and believed in it… I was ALWAYS however, a questioner, and always had a huge interest in philosophy in general. I used to debate endlessly with my non-muslim friends about a God and atheism and and and.
    See it got so bad that I built up a reputation, of being a good Muslim. The kind of devoted Muslim that gathers the high school pupils to the Friday Jumma. I used to write AVIDLY all the Jumma Khutbas wanting to step up the notion and provide modern day Khutbas and not just some old school typical boring lectures, I wanted to modernise the interpretation of the religion so people could follow it properly today and engage with it…

    I was always reading and debating through all this however – at one point I stopped listening to MUSIC completely for around 7 or 8 months. I totally believed it was forbidden and bad for you. One thing I’d like to make very clear is that I was NEVER forced to become devoted – maybe the only thing I was “encouraged” to do was go to Quran class to learn the Quran so my parents can feel that they have achieved something good and produced a child that has learnt the Quran!! I did all this religious business from my inner choice, my studying, my sheikh choices and my actions – (embarrassingly) 

    Next up I came across (randomly) this guy online that was questioning the authenticity of Hadith…. It was a shocker for me! Oh my God! I have never come across anybody that has questioned it…in fact, this guy goes so far as to COMPLETELY reject Hadith all together! OH MY GOD! How can you be a Muslim without hadith!! So I read and read and read and even ordered his book The miracle 19 in the Quran. The guy’s name is Edip Yuksel by the way – I still respect him as a scholar and as a searcher who made his own conclusions based on studies he made for years and years. I ultimately, was convinced with his ideas and empirically agreed that Hadith is the writing and record of humans and is NOT from God as it’s completely different from the Quran.


    On of my friends posted a random thought on Facebook… he said “Isn’t it a coincidence that if you’re from Saudi Arabia you’re a muslim, and if you’re from India you’re probably a hindu, and if you’re from Mexico you’re probably Christian etc.” – It was this that I can point to that really got me thinking. And also, seeing as though we are all the same as people, same desires, same pitfalls same strengths and weaknesses – I thought hmmmm.

    Next up came Ramdan. I was like…. What, why am I not eating….? I’m hungry – and I like food. Wait, am I doing this for GOD? The Almighty? Starving myself to give him something? Huh? It just didn’t jell.

    We’re developed animals – that’s what we are. Just because we have more advanced brains we seem to think that different rules apply to us and that we’re superior – there are SO many similarities even from a social level for how humans interact and react compared to say apes and chimpanzees. We are here to survive.

     I am here to procreate and pass on my genetics without dying. Religion is a mere control mechanism to get people under control. It’s all made up.

    I’m now 20 years old – studying in a top uni and unfortunately living at home, living a DOUBLE life. Living the life of a HYPOCRITE. Living a LIE. Praying in front of them when I have to, and not disclosing my real friends and activities outside the home.

    It’s sickening. It’s disgusting. Living a double life is something I will never recommend to anyone. Why would you do that. You should be proud of your colour of your beliefs of your identity, you are who you are, you breathe the air, you pump the blood – nobody else. But I am left paralysed with no choice. I am left in a tight situation. I hate it – and It is doubtlessly affecting my mentally in the most excruciating of ways.

    I wish my family could see who I really am. I wish I could tell them loud and proud “I AM NOT A MUSLIM”. It would make me so much more comfortable. But the reaction would be so terrible I cannot even begin to fathom. God knows whether I’ll be disowned or locked in a room with a little hole where food is passed to me. I have no idea of the results – but as I am not financially independent, I cannot reveal my dirty little secret just yet – but sometimes I think I’d rather live a less luxurious life than live a fake life with two faces.
    The above story is hugely summarized.

    There is so much more to say so many more details I just thought I’d give you the general jist.

    What are your thoughts guys? Should I hold it together finish this degree (1 more year left) and then leave and keep everything in good terms? Should I declare it now to them and slowly? What to do?

    Thank you for listening and reading – I am happy you guys are here.

    Kind Regards, Humans.
  • Hello from an involuntary double lifer
     Reply #1 - April 22, 2014, 01:31 PM

    that's a great introduction, thank you for sharing it. Welcome to the forum  Afro

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Hello from an involuntary double lifer
     Reply #2 - April 22, 2014, 01:34 PM

    What are your thoughts guys? Should I hold it together finish this degree (1 more year left) and then leave and keep everything in good terms? Should I declare it now to them and slowly? What to do?

    Finish your degree, and achieve your independence. Then you can deal with this from a position of strength of not being dependent materially on them. It seems stressful right now, but you must be strategic and tactical about it. It seems so far in the distance, but it will pass and you can deal with the issues and find your breathing space when you have got your education and employment issues sorted. That is something to reach forward to as well, which will help you cope in the present, with that light at the end of the tunnel  Smiley

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Hello from an involuntary double lifer
     Reply #3 - April 22, 2014, 01:41 PM

    Hi my fellow double lifer, thanks for sharing your story. We all know how difficult it is to live a double life, but I'm also pretty sure that everyone will agree with me when I say that you should hold out a little bit longer. You've come thus far, I believe you can muster up one year more and then you'll be free forever. You'll have your degree and your whole life ahead of you.

    Oh, and welcome  parrot happydance bunny

    "The healthiest people I know are those who are the first to label themselves fucked up." - three
  • Hello from an involuntary double lifer
     Reply #4 - April 22, 2014, 02:08 PM

    Hello twolives,

    Thank you for sharing your story.  I also come from a religous background and spent my teens and twenties involved with dawah work.  I was completely convinced by islam.  it took till my mid thirties before I lost my faith.

    I am now 35 and living a double life.  I have a wife and children who rely on me.  the more time I spend hiding the truth, the more frustrated im becoming. Not sure how much longer this can continue.

    I agree with everyone else. Get your education finished, find a job, then move out. You are lucky that you are still young enough to make the right long term decisions long term.

    Thanks for sharing and good luck

    A perfectly just God who sentences his imperfect creation to infinite punishment for finite sins is impossible
  • Hello from an involuntary double lifer
     Reply #5 - April 22, 2014, 02:09 PM

    Great introduction! Glad you're here. Sounds like you beat all odds.

    As for your situation, billy's advice couldn't have been better. You're almost through.

    Next up came Ramdan. I was like…. What, why am I not eating….? I’m hungry – and I like food.

    Cheesy Oh man, I can tell that I like you already. I just hope that the folks at the ummah forum don't see this one. I can see them saying, instead of "Atheists are just atheists because they want to sin," "Ex-Muslims are just ex-Muslims because they want to eat!"  Roll Eyes
  • Hello from an involuntary double lifer
     Reply #6 - April 22, 2014, 11:54 PM

    Welcome comrade, Smiley
    To reiterate, great intro and yes best to play the waiting game for now. bunny  parrot
  • Hello from an involuntary double lifer
     Reply #7 - April 23, 2014, 01:28 AM

     parrot  Welcome.

    I was very religious, too. My own fault. I loved Ramadhan. I got high off of it, no joke.
    I think you should push on through this last year. It is hard to be hypocritical, but your reasons are just.
    In the long term, it is the choice with the least amount of regret, in my opinion.

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • Hello from an involuntary double lifer
     Reply #8 - April 23, 2014, 08:56 AM

    Welcome to the forum, twolives Smiley

    He's no friend to the friendless
    And he's the mother of grief
    There's only sorrow for tomorrow
    Surely life is too brief
  • Hello from an involuntary double lifer
     Reply #9 - April 23, 2014, 12:35 PM

    Wuddup cool2
    Have a parrot first, and a bunny too.
    I am in a similar situation except I am 15... which means I've got 2 years or more to go. The way that I am planning my independence is to first get a job, any, part-time so I can go to school as well and be able to afford a far-away college. Secondly, around year senior year of high school I'll begin an emotional deattachment so I won't hurt my parents and myself too much when it comes time to leave (so I suppose this is a bit of "declaring it slowly"). I might have to go to college around my town for a semester or so because I don't turn 18 till November of that year and then I'll send applications to transfer and get out of here.

    I suggest you definitely get your degrees so you can get a job that pays well.

    Just like Johnny Flynn said, the breath I've taken and the one I must to go on.
  • Hello from an involuntary double lifer
     Reply #10 - April 24, 2014, 01:12 PM

    It's very comforting and reassuring to hear from you all.

    Thank you for the advice and the warm welcome.

    Much Love.
  • Hello from an involuntary double lifer
     Reply #11 - April 25, 2014, 12:28 AM

    Welcome. parrot

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • Hello from an involuntary double lifer
     Reply #12 - April 25, 2014, 12:00 PM


    Welcome and I am glad you spoke of your issues. I am virtually in the same situation. I'm nearly at the end of my second year in Uni, 1 Year left and then I finish my degree in June 2015. I am saving up all of my university grants and spending frugally and so far so good. I am doing a short TEFL course soon and then hopefully apply to some teaching jobs for teaching English abroad so that by June 2015 I'll hopefully have secured a job abroad where I'll never be found.

    My advise is try doing something similar but whatever you do BE PREPARED!!! Its not easy and nothing ever is. I think you should do a bit of research behind your family's back to see what your financial, legal and other options are. How much do you have saved? How long will it last? What are your privacy rights? E.g. adults, aged 18 or over, have a LEGAL RIGHT to go missing if they are no risk to themselves or others and not wanted by the police,therefore the police cannot tell your parents if you want to remain hidden. Where will you live? How are you covering your tracks? Which friends or family members can you rely on? Have you considered changing your details if you are forced to leave (perhaps name change through a deed poll, which also means a new passport too)?

    Think about all these things and more because as we know, sadly it is not easy being an apostate/unbeliever and it is not going to be easy if you are forced out/run away from dangers at home and survive alone. NOW is the time to get things prepared for a worst case scenario.
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