Greetings all,
This is more of a re-introduction because i am not exactly new but have been away for ages.
To be fair even when i was active on the forum i was more of a lurker.
But after a while i got disoriented with the reality of my life as an apostate living in the closet. I became depressed and felt pity for myself for living a double life. So I basically quit the whole online atheist scene. I felt no one could feel my pain, no one could really reach out and make things normal again.
I stopped reading new atheist material or watching any new YouTube videos.
I was struggling to define my new internal identity as an atheist, an ex-muslim.
The good news is I have finally made peace with the fact that even though i shall remain in the closet for the most part of my life, I am glad that my mind is free from the ancient shackles of religion.
I have a lot to be thankful for.
Any time i see someone read the quran or pray to allah, I smile and feel glad that my mind is no longer mohammed's playground.
I feel free even if the freedom is only limited to my mind. I am free.
I hope this message resonates with someone out there who is going through the initial depressed phase i went through. I hope that my little story helps such a person find the strength needed to pull through.
Salam from Nigeria.