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 Topic: Birthday party

 (Read 9641 times)
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  • Birthday party
     OP - May 02, 2014, 01:55 PM

    So the kiddo turned 6 today, and I'll see her for the first time in a month this Sunday (yaaaaay!)  dance. This will also be the first time we celebrate her birthday, so I was gonna ask you guys about suggestions. The thing is, I didn't celebrate birthdays much when I was a kid so I don't know of any good ideas how to make it special. I thought of asking the neighbors if they wanted to have some cake with us. Other than that, I really don't know what to do Smiley

    "The healthiest people I know are those who are the first to label themselves fucked up." - three
  • Birthday party
     Reply #1 - May 02, 2014, 02:16 PM

    Aww, bless her heart. My daughter just turned 7. For her 6th, I took her to Build A Bear Workshop where she got to pick out and accessorize her own teddy bear. She really enjoyed that. I’m not sure if there is anything like that where you are, but I’ve found that anything that is hands on and creative tends to be a fun time.

    We also went to an aquarium that day and she still remembers all the sea animals she saw.  Cake is always a good idea, too. I think just her knowing that you took the time out to plan a special day for her will make it fun and memorable.

    Have fun!
  • Birthday party
     Reply #2 - May 02, 2014, 02:21 PM

    Her first one? That's so exciting!

    At her age, the kids are pretty easy to please! A nice cake, a couple of gifts, and maybe you can take her and one of her friends out somewhere fun, like to a zoo or some place you know she'll be into. I don't know if they do that where you are, but some places in the states, especially kids' venues and restaurants, will throw in a little cute thing for people with birthdays if you let the waitstaff know or if you call ahead, like having the staff sing to her or give her a little cake. Things like that really blows a kid's mind in my experience. Grin

    Above all, just let her feel special, and let the two of you enjoy a great day together.
  • Birthday party
     Reply #3 - May 02, 2014, 02:28 PM

    OK so I thought of buying some clothes for her (she likes everything sparkly, girly and fun) and perhaps some crafts material (she loves those!). I wanted to buy her some instrument, but it'll be destroyed or kept away from her if she takes it to her father.

     I think I'll take her to a nearby "interactive" museum kind of thing we have. They have sharks, exotic birds and monkeys and everything and a lot of activities for children. I went online and saw that this Sunday they have "build-your-own-kite" day (thanks for the inspiration hm!). And then a cake during the afternoon with our neighbors Smiley I'll make sure to decorate our apartment so it'll be fun for her.

    Thanks for your suggestions, more are welcome. I just want to have the best day together  dance

    "The healthiest people I know are those who are the first to label themselves fucked up." - three
  • Birthday party
     Reply #4 - May 02, 2014, 02:34 PM

    Aw, she's going to have a ton of fun!

    And yeah, no need to get anything fancy for the gifts at her age or anything that would get confiscated. I always have my eye out for bargain toys for my little cousins, a little goes a long way when you're that age. Most kids are just excited to get stuff to unwrap! And when it's cheap you can buy a lot of little things. I have grown to suspect that, at that age, they sometimes prefer quantity over quality. Grin
  • Birthday party
     Reply #5 - May 02, 2014, 02:37 PM

    Hmm I'm not quite sure about that. Every Eid, she's been pretty much under-whelmed by whatever we chose for her Cheesy

    "The healthiest people I know are those who are the first to label themselves fucked up." - three
  • Birthday party
     Reply #6 - May 02, 2014, 02:40 PM

    Really? Maybe I've been spoiled by completely unpicky kids. My little cousins lose their minds over sparkly pens or erasers shaped like animals. Cheesy
  • Birthday party
     Reply #7 - May 02, 2014, 02:48 PM

    You should've seen her reaction last Eid. We had bought her some clothes, and some games and pens and other fun stuff. We let her have the clothes first, because we suspected it wouldn't go all too well. As soon as she saw that it was clothes, she just stopped ripping the paper and said "cloooothes...?" and had this completely bummed out face Cheesy She was a bit happier after seeing her game and pens, though. The thing is, she's not spoiled at all, it's just that we still haven't really figured out what kind of stuff she likes. We always tried to be all rational about it, didn't work out though Grin

    "The healthiest people I know are those who are the first to label themselves fucked up." - three
  • Birthday party
     Reply #8 - May 02, 2014, 02:52 PM

    The interactive museum is a nice idea!! And indeed a nice cake for her and some of here friends, and some french frites and burgers? My mum used to make some french frites and burgers and let my friends come over, and have a piece of cake too and then i would play outside with them!

    Dogs never bite me - just humans. ~ M. Monroe

    Religions seem to cause more grief than good.

    Exmuslim Chat
  • Birthday party
     Reply #9 - May 02, 2014, 02:55 PM

    You should've seen her reaction last Eid. We had bought her some clothes, and some games and pens and other fun stuff. We let her have the clothes first, because we suspected it wouldn't go all too well. As soon as she saw that it was clothes, she just stopped ripping the paper and said "cloooothes...?" and had this completely bummed out face Cheesy She was a bit happier after seeing her game and pens, though. The thing is, she's not spoiled at all, it's just that we still haven't really figured out what kind of stuff she likes. We always tried to be all rational about it, didn't work out though Grin

    Oh, clothes never went over well for me, either, even if it was something I liked. It wasn't until I was actually responsible for buying my own clothing that I appreciated clothing gifts. Grin

    I was way more into toys or games. Those are harder to come by as a kid! I think that's what made birthday/Christmas gifts so exciting. It was a day to get cool stuff to play with, not practical things I needed or obtained in other ways. Toys and crafts are the way to go.  yes
  • Birthday party
     Reply #10 - May 02, 2014, 02:59 PM

    You should've seen her reaction last Eid. We had bought her some clothes, and some games and pens and other fun stuff. We let her have the clothes first, because we suspected it wouldn't go all too well. As soon as she saw that it was clothes, she just stopped ripping the paper and said "cloooothes...?" and had this completely bummed out face Cheesy She was a bit happier after seeing her game and pens, though. The thing is, she's not spoiled at all, it's just that we still haven't really figured out what kind of stuff she likes. We always tried to be all rational about it, didn't work out though Grin

    Before settling on the teddy bear my daughter asked me, without the slightest hint of audacity or nerve, for a Samsung Galaxy S4. Grin
  • Birthday party
     Reply #11 - May 02, 2014, 03:13 PM

    Why can I relate to that?! Cheesy The kiddo already has a smartphone, she used it for games and the occasional phone call to her granny until it was taken away because the games became a too big part of her day Roll Eyes

    "The healthiest people I know are those who are the first to label themselves fucked up." - three
  • Birthday party
     Reply #12 - May 02, 2014, 03:40 PM

    I have no idea how to deal with children so I'll be the worst father ever... that is if I ever have/adopt children.

    Edit: I'll probably give him/her a Physics textbook on one of their birthdays. That would make any child happy right?
  • Birthday party
     Reply #13 - May 02, 2014, 05:34 PM

    ^ Actually, a friend of mine once gave me a physics book for kids. It is in Japanese, so I usually have no idea what it is saying, but it is so adorable. I will have to take pictures of it later. I wasn't a kid, but it was still a great gift.  dance
  • Birthday party
     Reply #14 - May 02, 2014, 05:49 PM

    so tired and headaching to think of anything but all good ideas, i like the build a bear idea, does she have friends she'd like to have a tea party with?

    "I Knew who I was this morning, but I've changed a few times since then." Alice in wonderland

    "This is the only heaven we have how dare you make it a hell" Dr Marlene Winell
  • Birthday party
     Reply #15 - May 02, 2014, 05:53 PM

    Her old friends are children to my Muslim ex-friends. She has some new she met recently when we moved to our new place, but they are a bit younger and wouldn't appreciate going to the museum I mentioned the same way she does at the age of 6. I'll take her there just the two of us, there are always children there we can meet and play with Smiley

    "The healthiest people I know are those who are the first to label themselves fucked up." - three
  • Birthday party
     Reply #16 - May 02, 2014, 05:55 PM

    thats true Smiley have fun  Afro

    "I Knew who I was this morning, but I've changed a few times since then." Alice in wonderland

    "This is the only heaven we have how dare you make it a hell" Dr Marlene Winell
  • Birthday party
     Reply #17 - May 02, 2014, 07:12 PM

    Her old friends are children to my Muslim ex-friends. She has some new she met recently when we moved to our new place, but they are a bit younger and wouldn't appreciate going to the museum I mentioned the same way she does at the age of 6. I'll take her there just the two of us, there are always children there we can meet and play with Smiley

    I don't know in what city you live in but if you're in Stockholm, you can take your child to the Swedish Museum of Natural History, it has a lot of cool stuff for children. They have a cool dome-shaped theatre that plays various films related with nature. It's fascinating.
  • Re: Birthday party
     Reply #18 - May 02, 2014, 09:19 PM

    I have no idea how to deal with children so I'll be the worst father ever... that is if I ever have/adopt children.

    Edit: I'll probably give him/her a Physics textbook on one of their birthdays. That would make any child happy right?

    At that age I would have thought a book on dinosaurs was the coolest thing ever. Cheesy

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
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