You should've seen her reaction last Eid. We had bought her some clothes, and some games and pens and other fun stuff. We let her have the clothes first, because we suspected it wouldn't go all too well. As soon as she saw that it was clothes, she just stopped ripping the paper and said "cloooothes...?" and had this completely bummed out face

She was a bit happier after seeing her game and pens, though. The thing is, she's not spoiled at all, it's just that we still haven't really figured out what kind of stuff she likes. We always tried to be all rational about it, didn't work out though

Oh, clothes never went over well for me, either, even if it was something I liked. It wasn't until I was actually responsible for buying my own clothing that I appreciated clothing gifts.

I was way more into toys or games. Those are harder to come by as a kid! I think that's what made birthday/Christmas gifts so exciting. It was a day to get cool stuff to play with, not practical things I needed or obtained in other ways. Toys and crafts are the way to go.