That was freaking amazing. Hear, hear.
It’s so tempting to say that I wouldn’t change anything because my experiences made me who I am, but as those words above sink in, I realize that is just a cop out. It’s exactly what Luthiel said.
Live life, man.
I wasted so much time not actually living, not actually experiencing. I’m only now beginning to appreciate just what I’ve been missing.
I feel myself moving into what I am tempted to call a “post-ex-Muslim” phase. My belief in Islam, in conjunction with a lot of other personal factors I’m only now beginning to acknowledge, limited me,
robbed me of some great experiences. Even as much as I was able to travel and experience as a Muslim, I’m realizing now just how much I missed out on and just how much more amplified each of those experiences could have been.
The good thing is, life is still here and there is still time to do things. I literally feel a sort of anxiety at the prospect of missing out on anything else. The good, the bad, and the ugly. I set goals for myself on a regular basis, not only for the things I want to accomplish, but for the things I want to experience. I honestly do not want to let another moment pass me by. My time is limited, so my biggest fear is wasting any more of it.