From Salafi to Atheist
I was born into what you could call a Liberal Fundamentalist Family. While I was raised to belive that the Hijab was just as haram as not wearing one I was also taught that it was okay if people wore the Hijab.
For things like Listening to Music and Drawing Faces, I'm not allowed to do them but even when I do they don't really care so I guess you could call it a hypocritical upbringing.
At the age of 13 I began doubting Islam and at the age of 14 I went through a depressive phase where I was thinking about suicide, in fact I can thank Islam for me being alive or else I would've killed my self.
I'm now 15, turning 16 in a few months (I know I need to be 16 to join the fourm but....) and I'm no longer a Muslim.
While I had always known and believed in Salafi Islam I didn't really practice it. At the age of 13 I began masturbating even though I knew my hands were supposedly going to become impregnated on the day of Judgment.
A few months ago I met a muslim girl that I was quite fond of. Ironically, meeting her led me to becoming a devout muslim. I started praying again, stopped masturbating and began reading the Quran. I ended up breaking off the relationship with her because of Allah.
I had begun reading Surah Al-Baqarah in both Arabic and English. When I finished it I found many things that I didn't quite agree with in it. I found no mention of Exo-Planents or Galaxies, the whole Surah seemed extremely geocentrical. All Allah talked about was the Heavens and the Earth. I asked my self, why isn't God telling us about what is out there?
I also found out how grouse and sadistic Allah is. The punishments scared me shitless!
These doubts bothered me a lot. So much that I was actually wishing that someone would kill me so I could meet Allah and ask him about it all (THANK THOR THEY DIDN'T!).
I began spending more time on reddit and starting debating people on Islam.
While arguing about Islam on reddit I came across /r/exmuslim. For me this was a big shock! I realized that it was possible to leave Islam! I never knew that I could actually leave. That someone was able to stop believing in what their parents believe in.
I remember my first though when I saw the subreddit. Ironically I said to myself, what kind of idiotic people are these? Don't they realize Allah is going to burn them forever?!
I found it astounding that they weren't scared of being burned alive and so I asked them straight out, why they stopped believing in Allah.
I surprisingly found many reasons on why I should believe in Allah. I started researching Islam critically for the first time. I found that not only did the Quran have many contradictions but it also had many scientific inconstancies.
I became scared. I said to my self, "What if Allah does exist, will he burn me for doubting?". I tried to convince myself that he did exist, I was scared of the unknown!
I didn't want to go deeper into the rabbit hole but I eventually did. I found so much inconstancies that I eventually said, "that's it. I can't believe in Allah!". I did actually give Allah his one last chance. I called out to him, I told him that if he sends me a sign I will not only believe in Islam but I would become a scholar and travel around the world giving Dawah for him! Of Couse he didn't send one because he doesn’t exist.
I have composed a list of reasons on why I don't believe in Allah and I though you guys might enjoy them:
- I don’t want to believe in a sadist God. God creates every life knowing that every single interaction in their life as a child is going to affect who they’re going to be as an Adult. God would know everything about them. He would know that his person would be a Christian because of their childhood indoctrination. He would know that they would deny Islam for the same reasons Muslims deny Christianity. He would believe that he is going to heaven. I cannot believe in a God that would know all of this and then still decide to subject this poor soul to torture FOREVER for denying what some dawah gimp said to him!
- Islam is a criteria for gullibility. God essentially says to us: “Hey guys. I’m not going to provide you with any hard hitting evidence. I’m not going to provide you with any evidence at all. I’m going to put verses inside my book that will cause you to doubt its legitimacy. I’m consciously going to decide not to talk about how the Earth is round and that the Earth revolves around then Sun even though I know that by doing that I could convert millions of you. No, I’m not going to do any of that. I except you to believe in me without any doubts and if you don’t I’m going to torment you forever. I’m going to pour molten brass down your trough. I’m going to throw boiling water upon your heads… Forever! I don’t give a shit if my religion has many contradictions within it, if you don’t believe you’re fucking done for!”.
- Allah says that he doesn’t have any needs yet he desires to create us? How does that make sense? If there was a God I can attest that this God would have no needs, they would be content with what is! They wouldn’t need to actively create people destined for eternal hell unless they were sadists!
- The Quran seems like the writings of a 7th Century Arab not a true God.
- The Quran not once mentions that the shape of the Earth is a sphere or that it revolves around the Sun. Instead it talks about the Earth being flat. I can’t imagine a God actively inciting doubt into his religion.
- If there is a God we must attest that this God would be the most intelligent. Reading the writings of this God would be the most amazing literature on Earth. It would bring every being to tears. Every sentence would be the most calculated and eloquent sentence ever and the Quran does not embody this. The Quran doesn’t have any clarity at all.
- If the Quran was written by a Supreme Being it wouldn’t have any contradictions.
- The whole concept of religion is flawed. So Allah wants me to believe that he exists yet he is actively choosing not to give me proof!
- If there was a Creator that actually wanted us to believe that he exists he wouldn’t pick and choose who gets to know with absolute certainty that exists (eg. Prophets) he would actually rip open the Sky and prove it! What kind of God threatens us to believe in an obscure revelation.
- Islam expects me to believe in it with absolute certainty or suffer eternal damnation while proving absolutely no proofs!
- I said this before but I think it needs to be reiterated. If Allah is real that means the he actively chose not to put scientific facts into his book that would basically prove it 100%! That’s a pretty fucked up God! No, you know what? It’s a fucking despicable God. What kind of sadistic psychotic fucker excepts you to be gullible and if you’re not, they will fucking destroy you forever!
- The Quran is full contradictions!
- The Quran is a combination of cherry picked biblical and Judea stories. Nothing new is introduced inside of it! It is highly evident that Muhammed was most likely taught these stories either by a Rabbi/Priest or while traveling.
Mind my language in the above list, I’m pretty angry about this. Anyway this is why I am no longer a Muslim and if you are a Muslim I hope this convinces you that Islam is falsehood.
Now here's a bunny:

-Abu Murtad