This. So many times I've attempted porn only to find myself laughing uncontrollably at the horrid writing and acting, awkwarded out by the humongous amounts of fat that pop out from mowhere; as if to replace the clothes, and frankly irked by how a fist(or a penis) looks inside a vagina(call me weird but just staring at sex organs for 10+ minutes isn't that arousing)
I would have to disagree. I think there is a lot of beautiful and sensual porn out there, but just like there are tons of bad movies, there isre tons of bad porn. The bad porn is just out front and center because it's so easy and cheap to make, and there are tons of sites you just go to find it. Finding nice stuff takes some time, and some of it, as I said, is really quite nice

Agreed, prefer raunchy scenes from film and TV.
Fine! I agree in certain situations - I much prefer raunchy scenes from film and TV when they add to the story and aren't tacked on. Quite often I feel like they are just thrown in for "artistic" purposes or because it sells (the number of times I've heard things like "I watched that movie because of X's tits.." In those cases, I feel like there is even less of a connection, because it detracts from the story, and is just there for the sake of it. At least with porn, the intentions are clear.