Allah and morals
OP - May 30, 2014, 05:05 PM
Allah and morals
I've heard many people say that we need God to be moral. Some even say that we need Allah to be moral.
I'm sorry but I don't see how that works. The only thing that can come from worshipping a moraly bankrupt God is turing yourself into a moraly bankrupt person.
Allah is the oppisite of morality. I lost my ethics, humanity and morals while being a Muslim. I became a detestable disgusting shameful person. I would shame girls that didn't wear hijab. I once told a grown women that I didn't respect her because she didn't wear hijab; I said that none of her deeds would be accepted.
I would make fun of homosexuals. I honestly belived that they had a mental illness. I belived that homosexuals deserved to die (pretty ironic considering that I'm bisexual).
Looking back at the person I was, I am disugsted. The shit that came out of my mouth! And all of this came back to one source, Allah!
Allah is NOT the Most Merciful. The only thing that Allah is, is the Most Morally Bankrupt.
There is none more morally bankrupt than Allah. He created a whole gender and then kicked them to the curb just for the fun it.
Even if Allah does exist, he most certainly doesn't deserve worship.
There is only one person that deserves eternal punishment and that is Allah himself. Fuck murders, fuck physcopaths, fuck hitler, Allah is worse than all of them combined.
Allah is a God that created less intelligence beings for the sole purpose of worshipping him, but he had to make it harder. Allah made it absolutely impossible to worship or even respect him, and then designated enteral punishment for failing to do so.
It's like designing a test for the sole purpose of making people fail.
Now of course all of this is irrelavent considering all Allah is, is a reflection of his inventor, Mohammed.
Ash'hadu An La Ilaha - I bare witness that there is no God.