Welcome Cantstopnow, i appluad you for being vegan, i was vegetarian before converting to islam, i was literally force fed lamb by my ex pre wedding day lol :( I have been trying lately to be a raw vegan but it's not happening for me.. i hope all goes well for you with your family and your apostacy..
Oh really? I'm trying to go raw too, just take one step at a time

. It's sickening how anyone would do that, humans really are viruses.
Welcome to the forum! Here is your customary parrot

...And bunny

...And pig

You sound like a smart individual. If you don't mind me asking, what are you studying in university?
Wow I really do feel welcome here. I study Physics

. Thanks for not one but three animals!!
Hi there CantStopNow

Greetings from The Old World

I have wanted to be a vegan since I was 8 or so. Now I'm 41. As soon as I grow a spine...

Don't beat yourself up about it, gradually remove the dead animals and bring in all the fruits and veggies, the highest source of energy!!
Welcome CSN,

Always good to read a new ex mussie introduction and I'm looking forward, hopefully, to reading intros from some 'Ramadanian' ex muslims, this what I like to refer to as ex muslim members who join during Ramadan. We had a brief influx of them last year so please no different this one.
Btw am planning to go more veggie myself, don't think I could ever go full vegan but definitely cut out more meat. My starting point will be to give up those awful processed halal frankfurters (that muslims just because they're halal go so barmey about). My plan is to replace them with Korn style veggie sausages. I reckon with the right amount of relish, cheese and onions it might just work.
Hope you like it here.

The halal slaughter method is horrifying, surely if the animals were aware of Allah then they would sit there and take it rather than panic.
The best thing I could advise is to not tell yourself that you will never eat meat or cheese, milk etc. again but instead make a goal to bring in more fresh fruits and veggies into your diet. The transition should be as comfortable as possible.
Oh I love this place.

hello, welcome to the forum, its great to have you here!

Thanks for having for me


I haven't eaten mammal nor fowl for twenty five years. I eat fish, though. I think most people probably eat too much meat, but I am learning how to cook it for my children, because it is helping them grow without malnutrition. Balancing the diet in the West without meat is difficult, in my opinion, and I don't want my kids to grow up vomiting every time they eat at a friend's house or at school. We live in farm country, where meat is in every meal.
If you slip a little chicken broth into my food, I cannot keep any of it down. I don't want to do that (make the common culture diet intolerable) to my kids without their informed consent, at a certain age.
I can respect that but remember to also teach your kids to eat as much fresh fruit and veggies as possible. Load em up with phytonutrients and phytochemicals that they can't get from meat.
Welcome aboard! It's always great to see that a lurker has decided to join up and say hello

And I'm glad I did.

Welcome OP. Here is a cute dancing rabbit for you

So not eating meat is not pious because Muhammad ate it

? If Muhammad had piles is it Sunnah to have piles too

Thank you for the bunny.
This is the kind of logic that exists inside the mind of a religious person. 60 billion land animals and 90 billion marine animals are slaughtered every year. How can anyone justify this kind of mass murder with a god who's supposed to be all loving?