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 Topic: 'Islamic State' a.k.a. ISIL

 (Read 483161 times)
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  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #540 - August 10, 2014, 07:33 PM

    Some good news about the Yazidis:
    At least half of the 40,000 people besieged by jihadists on a mountaintop in northern Iraq have escaped in the past 24 hours, aided by Kurdish rebels who crossed from Syria to rescue them...

  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #541 - August 10, 2014, 07:40 PM

    Good going Kurds!
  • Re: ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #542 - August 10, 2014, 08:57 PM

    According to this tweet an F-16 plane has been shot down near Irbil. But I see no other confirmation of this. Anyone heard anything?

    (Clicky for piccy!)

     Cheesy As soon as I saw that I thought "Su 27 doing Pugachev's Cobra at an air show, with flares out its arse". Fuckwits.

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #543 - August 10, 2014, 09:33 PM

    Isn't this going to make most muslims think that the world, especially america, is really just full of devil worshipers?

    They already think that yazidis are devil worshipers, now they'll think, when isis attacked christians, 'so called' christians never came to their aid. Now a bunch of devil worshipers get attacked, and the big shaitan america has to protect them.
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #544 - August 10, 2014, 09:35 PM

    Big deal. They think that already. Tongue

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #545 - August 10, 2014, 09:39 PM

    But when someones bullshit is constantly confirmed day after day, there's little hope for the rest of us that they'll snap the fuck out of it someday.
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #546 - August 10, 2014, 09:48 PM

    Or maybe Muslims around the world will think going around taking towns with your newly-looted weapons and then forcing Christians, Yazidis and Shias to convert or die is not acceptable in the 21st century.

    "Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so." -- Bertrand Russell

    Baloney Detection Kit
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #547 - August 10, 2014, 10:05 PM

    ISIS is composed of "Muslims around the world". Not all of them, obviously, but it's rather worrying how widespread their support is. You would think they would be immediately condemned by anyone sane enough to live outside a padded cell, but apparently not.

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #548 - August 10, 2014, 10:17 PM

    I wasn't referring to ISIS when I said "Muslims around the world".

    I must say, I'm happy to see ISIS get pounded from US airstrikes, and I'm happy that this pounding likely to go on for a long time.

    "Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so." -- Bertrand Russell

    Baloney Detection Kit
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #549 - August 10, 2014, 10:51 PM

    ISIS is composed of "Muslims around the world". Not all of them, obviously, but it's rather worrying how widespread their support is. You would think they would be immediately condemned by anyone sane enough to live outside a padded cell, but apparently not.

    I dont think they have any widespread support for their tactics, also I haven't noticed large support for them outside of salafi community.
    Another thing to point out is that their propagandists, online, are lying and trying to deceive any muslim or nonmuslim who expresses concern. They say that the yazidis are not going to be harmed, neither are the christians. And then you have those fools believing them. I expect them to grow more unpopular over time, and I think they already are to a large degree
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #550 - August 10, 2014, 11:02 PM

    Still, there has been a very muted response from Muslim leaders around the world regarding ISIS's convert-or-die policy. Remind me of that verse again... oh.. There is no compulsion in religion innit. parrot

    "Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so." -- Bertrand Russell

    Baloney Detection Kit
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #551 - August 10, 2014, 11:49 PM

    It depends on what you mean by muted. In real life, the muslims I know are all against IS or Isis& official leadership in muslim organizations in the country I live in have condemned it. But I guess you could say the muslim organizations could do more.
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #552 - August 10, 2014, 11:58 PM

    Mehdi Hasan was getting very agitated when some people pointed out that ISIS source the justification for their persecutions from scripture, tradition, text.  Awkward.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #553 - August 11, 2014, 12:06 AM

    Not being agitated by Islamic scripture is the second best part of leaving Islam...the first being not having wudhu before sleeping and remembering that you haven't prayed Isha and then think... oh thats right I dont believe in that shit anymore.=)
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #554 - August 11, 2014, 12:34 AM

    Also I got just blocked after making the first comment since last night.

    As you see they'e quick to the block button

    Well, that's what you get for being such a treacherous user.
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #555 - August 11, 2014, 12:44 AM

    Mehdi Hasan was getting very agitated when some people pointed out that ISIS source the justification for their persecutions from scripture, tradition, text.  Awkward.

    I wonder how the apologists will weasel out of this one. Now that ISIS is taking women as war booty and killing those who aren't "people of the book" sahaba-style. How can they coherently argue against Mo's sunnah? 

    Anyway, people have been saying that while ISIS was going around killing Muslims, there was no outrage but as soon as they started targeting Christians, everyone screamed "genocide" and the U.S. came to help. Personally, I think it's more due to people killing their own people being seen as very different from a group trying to wipe out a minority. 
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #556 - August 11, 2014, 12:53 AM

    Im just bothered with how many of them try to trick ordinary people , whether muslim or nonmuslim, to think that the media is only distorting their image. Most of the time they start out believing I'm a muslim saying ''you shouldn't trust the media'' or quoting the quran on not trusting 'fusaq'. I think that among the Salafi jihadis,even though most of them are not, there's a disproportionate number of clinical psychopaths. Earlier I linked to one of those.
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #557 - August 11, 2014, 01:03 AM

    One of the pro-ISIS people on my fb posted that they were righteous Muslims fighting for Islam and all the stories of atrocities are made up and part of a Zionist conspiracy to discredit them. How common do you think that is, Skywalker? I remember Muslims saying that about the Taliban in the past. 
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #558 - August 11, 2014, 01:22 AM

    Everything that puts IS in a negative light is denied, even if they believe in those things. That includes stoning. They're quick to use international media when it favors them but deeply oppose using the same sources when it doesn't.
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #559 - August 11, 2014, 01:47 AM

    I'd love to pose the question to them. How would an "ideal Islamic state" deal with people deemed to be devil-worshipers?
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #560 - August 11, 2014, 01:59 AM

    Evasive maneuvers are to be expected then

    And here he's almost explicit, he says they have to leave, which means if they can guess
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #561 - August 11, 2014, 02:04 AM

    I'd love to pose the question to them. How would an "ideal Islamic state" deal with people deemed to be devil-worshipers?


    I thought that they devil worshipers were fine as long as they were not Islamic apostates and payed the jizya ? 

    In my opinion a life without curiosity is not a life worth living
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #562 - August 11, 2014, 02:09 AM

    they will not be rejected or harmed until after the message

     banghead banghead

    That's the entire fucking point!!
    I swear one of the reasons I'm not as active on twitter anymore is because I literally do not have the patience to deal with such utterly stupid people. They make me lose my faith in humanity sometimes.
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #563 - August 11, 2014, 02:11 AM


    I thought that they devil worshipers were fine as long as they were not Islamic apostates and payed the jizya ?  

    Jizya is only for ahl al kitab.  (Though historically, caliphs and sultans have included other  groups out of convenience.)
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #564 - August 11, 2014, 02:13 AM


    I thought that they devil worshipers were fine as long as they were not Islamic apostates and payed the jizya ?  

    They don't believe that for pagans,alawites and shia, atleast if they adhere to the view thats common among salafi jihadis and other salafis, which is the same opinion as ibn taymiyyah&many others.

    Usually this is how it ends when there's some discussion on IS crimes.
    Hard to accept facts even when presented with video evidence in which top leader executes noncombatants for being shia.

    Jihadi ladies lol'ing and takfeering at the same time =)
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #565 - August 11, 2014, 02:57 AM

    Could you imagine if this shit were actually real. Could you imagine ISIS gaining control through the aid and victory of the Lord of the Universe? Could you imagine a world where these savage psychopaths prevail and, with God's help, massacre every member of every ancient faith, every atheist scientist, and every irreligious musician. Could you imagine a mahdi or a Messiah coming down to help these barbarians impose their simplistic world views and backwards, hateful ideologies across the entire planet, bringing us back to politics of the 7th century and plummeting our world into chaos? Every Muslim should be asking themselves some really serious and practical questions about what have up until now been very abstract ideas about Islamic domination.
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #566 - August 11, 2014, 03:06 AM

    Could you imagine if this shit were actually real. Could you imagine ISIS gaining control through the aid and victory of the Lord of the Universe? Could you imagine a world where these savage psychopaths prevail and, with God's help, massacre every member of every ancient faith, every atheist scientist, and every irreligious musician. Could you imagine a mahdi or a Messiah coming down to help these barbarians impose their simplistic world views and backwards, hateful ideologies across the entire planet, bringing us back to politics of the 7th century and plummeting our world into chaos?

    Not really, no.  Tongue

    how fuck works without shit??

    Let's Play Chess!

    harakaat, friend, RIP
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #567 - August 11, 2014, 03:12 AM

    Could you imagine if this shit were actually real. Could you imagine ISIS gaining control through the aid and victory of the Lord of the Universe? Could you imagine a world where these savage psychopaths prevail and, with God's help, massacre every member of every ancient faith, every atheist scientist, and every irreligious musician. Could you imagine a mahdi or a Messiah coming down to help these barbarians impose their simplistic world views and backwards, hateful ideologies across the entire planet, bringing us back to politics of the 7th century and plummeting our world into chaos? Every Muslim should be asking themselves some really serious and practical questions about what have up until now been very abstract ideas about Islamic domination.

    I hope that is what happens. I hope more people find themselves unable to reconcile doctrine and tenets with the realities and necessities of a moral life.

    Nothing registered for me until I realized that the Islamic system was horribly incomplete and unjust and therefore could not be Divine, not to mention how it should never have been "sealed".  Now we have the living proof of that on screen.

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #568 - August 11, 2014, 04:52 AM

    I feel the same. How do devout Muslims argue that jizya, killing infidels who aren't ahl-al-bayt, the taking and rape of infidel women in war, etc is against Islam? It's exactly what Mo and the early Muslims did. It's not "theoretical" anymore, a caliphate has been established and Islamic supremacy is being imposed. This is why Islam badly needs a proper reformation rather than apologetics on the grounds that "it's all theoretical".
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #569 - August 11, 2014, 05:09 AM

    Cognitive dissonance explains it all. Anyone can spin a horrible system into a utopia with enough effort. After all this is what apologists do as a living. Heck I could spin National Socialism into a utopian system if I wanted to.
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