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 Topic: 'Islamic State' a.k.a. ISIL

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  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #510 - August 09, 2014, 01:43 PM

    What a bunch of backwards, arrogant, ignorant losers. What father deliberately brings a child to a war zone?

    I know fathers like that. My kids have one.

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #511 - August 09, 2014, 06:38 PM

    Yezidis: Living in the Shadow of the Islamic State

    ERBIL, Kurdistan Region—The 300,000 Yezidis of Kurdistan, one of the world’s oldest religious communities, are facing a humanitarian disaster as a result of the advance of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS/IS) into their homeland.

    Thousands fled when the Islamist militants moved into Zumar, Shangal and other Yezidi villages at the weekend and thousands more are unaccounted for. Those fortunate enough to reach territory controlled by the Kurdish Peshmerga will join the one million refugees in KRG territory who have already fled violence in Syria and elsewhere in Iraq.

    Rudaw reporters in the region have witnessed a looming humanitarian catastrophe for Yezidi Kurds and for Assyrian and Chaldean Christians. Thousands are scattered across open plains where many have died from hunger and thirst. Twenty children have died of hunger and many elderly collapsed from exhaustion in the summer heat.

    Survivors of two days’ fighting in Sihela, who described their dire situation to Rudaw TV, spoke of a life and death situation on a mountain where thousands of men, women and children spent 24 hours.

    Military officials report the Peshmerga have now re-entered Shangal. But overall the KRG’s ability to protect Yazidi areas has been constrained by an arms embargo imposed by Baghdad and the rest of the world.

    The Peshmerga have been confronting ISIS forces armed with weapons seized from the Iraqi army as it fled Mosul in June. These same advanced weapons have now been deployed against Yazidi and Christian civilians.

    The Yezidi community fears extermination at the hands of Islamic militants if their region falls to ISIS. Their ancient religion, which is related to Zoroastrianism, predates Christianity and Islam but many traditional and radical Muslims dismiss the Yezidis as devil-worshippers.

    In the past decade, insurgents have targeted Yezidi villages and markets with car bombs. In Mosul, Yezidi workers have been kidnapped and beheaded.

    Now they fear the worst fate if the Islamic State claims their land, as it did many parts of Iraq’s Sunni heartland.

    “No one needs to come to our help,” cried a Yezidi woman demonstrating in front of the U.N. office in Erbil on Monday. “Just give us some arms and we the women will go and rescue our own families and relatives.”

    “What do we want? We want humanity. Our children are dying of hunger and thirst under the sun,” she said before breaking down in distress.

    Leaders of this peaceful community have urged the international community to come to their aid. They believe their only hope lies in the Peshmerga forces and they have asked the world to give the Peshmerga the help that is needed.

    The Peshmerga is part of the Iraqi army under the constitution and the force’s budget and arms should be provided by the federal government. But, since the creation of the post-Saddam army in 2003, the Peshmerga has been denied supplies and funding.

    The force has had to rely on what limited resources it has to defend a 1000 kilometer border with ISIS.

    The irony is that the kind of weapons that the Kurdish forces need to defend their borders and prevent the expansion of the Islamic State are now in the hands of the Islamist fighters. The arms were supplied to Iraq by the U.S. and then captured from the retreating Iraqi army by the militants. 

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #512 - August 09, 2014, 06:39 PM

    Hundreds of Missing Yezidis Feared Dead, says Village Chief

    ERBIL, Kurdistan Region—A tribal chief said he is deeply worried about the fate of more than 2,000 Yezidi villagers who were believed to have returned to their village on Sunday after receiving assurances from the Islamic militants.

    Khalaf Elias, chief of the Issa clan said that local Arabs had told him that the Yezidi families had returned to their village of Wardi, but that he wasn’t sure of their fate or whereabouts.

    “Through local Arabs the ISIS asked the Wardi village chief to let his people return to their homes and that they will be safe,” Elias explained. “They returned and now their fate is unknown.”

    Elias who has taken refuge on a rocky mountain with hundreds of other Yezidi families told Rudaw by phone that the militants of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) had captured and taken away more than 50 Yezidi families.

    “What I know now is that all those families have been killed,” he reported.

    Elias said that unless help reaches them soon “the lives of 10,000 Yezidis on the mountain is at grave risk.”

    According to this tribal chief, the Islamic militants who advanced into Zumar, Shangal and other Yezidi villages have an official decree to annihilate the Yezidi population of the region.

    “Thousands of Yezidis are stuck on this mountain and the ISIS can come to them at any moment,” he said. “We don’t have any weapon to defend ourselves.”

    On Sunday afternoon thousands of Kurdish Peshmerga forces were dispatched to the frontline at Shangal, armed with advanced weapons.

    Anwar Haji Osman from the Peshmerga Ministry said that their forces will soon deal the ISIS “a deadly blow,”

    “This is not only talk, people will see it for themselves soon,” he said.

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #513 - August 09, 2014, 06:50 PM

    Just had a chance to watch these videos. How distressing this woman's plea was. And how further distressing it was to hear that the only objections raised were to her statement that they were being butchered under the banner of La ilaha illallah. Even though that is literally and actually the case. How horrible are these ideas that make people forget their basic humanity. It is times like this that I wish religions to the bottom of the sea! We human beings deserve better ideas.
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #514 - August 10, 2014, 12:36 AM

    I've been reading some really disturbing stuff about what is going on.

    Can't stop thinking, how exactly do ISIS, persecuting 'pagans', killing those who oppose them, taking women as slaves, differ from what Muhammad and his companions did?

    this is all very awkward for apologists to explain away.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #515 - August 10, 2014, 12:52 AM

    It isn't much different billy.
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #516 - August 10, 2014, 12:57 AM

    I've been reading some really disturbing stuff about what is going on.

    Can't stop thinking, how exactly do ISIS, persecuting 'pagans', killing those who oppose them, taking women as slaves, differ from what Muhammad and his companions did?

    this is all very awkward for apologists to explain away.

    Yes, it seems to be an exact imitation. The Sahaba reincarnated. I cannot find much to contradict the Sunnah in what they do.

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #517 - August 10, 2014, 12:59 AM

    Im not sure if everything being said,(slavery) is accurate, but christian ethnic groups and yazidis have very good reasons to run. Since yazidis are not people of the book, they're option is convert or die,no jizyah involved.Christian ethnic groups too will be under the sword. I hope western goverments make sure that they know that any attempt to genocide will end their precious caliphate.

    Another thing I'd like to add is that since I've been trying to get jihadis to debate me, atleast on twitter, Ive found most of them evasive and cowardly when it comes to debating a person who knows Islam. They 'rewilling to support bronze age laws&persecution of people of other faiths/beliefs, but cant for a second name one successful Islamic state
    And also they delete tweets&entire conversations +block, very often,
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #518 - August 10, 2014, 01:11 AM

    I am not surprised at their tactics. It's nice to have them clearly exposed like that. Are you saving all this somewhere?

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #519 - August 10, 2014, 01:12 AM

    Im not sure if everything being said,(slavery) is accurate

    I've read some reputable people saying women and girls have been abducted and thought of 'what your right hand possesses'

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #520 - August 10, 2014, 01:16 AM

    This happened during Anfal, too. There is a local precedent.

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #521 - August 10, 2014, 01:18 AM

    I've read some reputable people saying women and girls have been abducted and thought of 'what your right hand possesses'

    Its not that I have difficulty believing,its just that considering the number of stories turning up false is a bit higher than usual, but they most definitely do believe in slavery. What sources do you have btw?
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #522 - August 10, 2014, 01:25 AM

    Kamil Amin.
    Red Crescent.

    Those two are good enough for me.

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #523 - August 10, 2014, 01:27 AM

    I'm cautious about it. I'm thinking is it feasible that this might occur? And yes, I don't think it would be surprising if this was happening as ISIS advance.

    Hundreds of Yazidi women have been taken captive by Isis and are being held in schools in Mosul, Kamil Amin, the spokesman for Iraq's human rights ministry said yesterday. He said the ministry learned of the captives from their families. "We think that the terrorists by now consider them slaves and they have vicious plans for them," Amin told The Associated Press. "We think that these women are going to be used in demeaning ways by those terrorists to satisfy their animalistic urges in a way that contradicts all the human and Islamic values."

    the Yazidi MP also mentioned this in her video

    this guy is with Yazidis in Kurdistan and talking about their stories, its quite harrowing

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #524 - August 10, 2014, 01:38 AM

    Indeed, it perfectly could happen and it fits the ideology. Boko Haram took children kept them as slaves. Yezidis are considered pagans and would be killed if they don't convert. Christians, its arbitrary, jizya or death depending on how the local IS leaders feel.
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #525 - August 10, 2014, 01:40 AM

    Christian woman speaks to the BBC

    says women are being raped and sold by ISIS

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #526 - August 10, 2014, 02:32 AM

    As I've said earlier in the thread, Ive been 'experimenting' in challenging these IS,ISIS or ISIL supporters,online. Their strongest presence online is probably on twitter.  This IS supporter can't fanthom how christians who speak arabic can't have accepted Islam.
    I invite you to, in a civil way,disprove Islam to this guy, Hopefully he'll be a murtad before I wake up. Tongue

    ..since this guy probably is either planning to or has already joined IS, i think it will be alot of hasanaat in bringing him to riddah. Tongue Indeed, if anyone should become a murtad it should be kinds these fanatics, who deep down are insecure when met with evidence.I don't think they fear death, they fear apostasy&apostates.

    And your comments....
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #527 - August 10, 2014, 03:24 AM

    ^ Unfortunately, I don't have a twitter account. And what if these crazies start stalking me or something? 
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #528 - August 10, 2014, 12:43 PM

    Islamic State kills at least 500 from Iraq's Yazidi minority  says news
    BAGHDAD: Islamic State militants have killed at least 500 members of Iraq's Yazidi minority in northern Iraq, burying some of their victims alive and kidnapping hundreds of women, a Baghdad government minister said on Sunday.

    The insurgents' advance through northern Iraq has forced tens of thousands to flee, threatened the capital of the Kurdish autonomous region and provoked the first US air strikes in the area since Washington withdrew troops from Iraq in 2011.

    Iraq's human rights minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani told Reuters that he had evidence that the Sunni militants had thrown the Yazidi dead into mass graves, adding that some of those buried alive were women and children. About 300 women had been forced into slavery, he said.


    “We have striking evidence obtained from Yazidis fleeing Sinjar and some who escaped death, and also crime scene images that show indisputably that the gangs of the Islamic States have executed at least 500 Yazidis after seizing Sinjar,” Sudani said. “Some of the victims, including women and children were buried alive in scattered mass graves in and around Sinjar.”

    Speaking before US warplanes struck militant targets for the second straight day, Obama said it would take more than bombs to restore stability, and criticised Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's Shia-led government for failing to empower Iraq's Sunnis.

    France joined the calls for Iraq's feuding leaders to form an inclusive government capable of countering the militants. “Iraq is in need of a broad unity government, and all Iraqis should feel that they are represented in this government,” Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said...................

    well that is the news.. read the rest at that link...

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #529 - August 10, 2014, 02:43 PM

    ^ Unfortunately, I don't have a twitter account. And what if these crazies start stalking me or something? 

    In my case, I'm only concerned with intel agencies making mistakes and lumping accounts for communicating with these criminals. I don't worry about jihadis themselves, since the account and the email is anonymous. I also use Tor for twitter and councilofexmuslims, though that might be a bit excessive :p. But using an account with your own name and picture  is something I wouldn't recommend, off course.

    Also I got just blocked after making the first comment since last night.

    As you see they'e quick to the block button
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #530 - August 10, 2014, 02:49 PM


    Also I got just blocked after making the first comment since last night.
    As you see they'e quick to the block button

    So........................So if a few yazidis do something, all yazidis are responsible.Where is the logic in that?

    well if some one go on pushing people into a corner in their own house like that above post., and if you entered in a house with full of angry people that will happen  Skywalker

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #531 - August 10, 2014, 03:00 PM

    As you see they'e quick to the block button

    Because they can't kill you.

    Danish Never-Moose adopted by the kind people on the CEMB-forum
    Ex-Muslim chat (Unaffliated with CEMB). Safari users: Use "#ex-muslims" as the channel name. CEMB chat thread.
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #532 - August 10, 2014, 03:05 PM

    They're acting as if its not the Yazidis religious beliefs that makes them want to kill them. They keep using the same story over and over again.

    Essentially they believe that Yazidis should be exterminated, but for propaganda purposes try to dehumanize them, and the same is done with alawites. And I doubt christians will be excluded from this.
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #533 - August 10, 2014, 03:21 PM

    Because they can't kill you.

     Facebook/twitter should get rid of the ability to block for jihadis.
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #534 - August 10, 2014, 03:26 PM

    Usually, I'm not the type that seeks to proselytize to Muslims or people of any other faith. But these guys are something different and they need to lose that certainty they have that gives them reasons to murder and genocide.
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #535 - August 10, 2014, 04:20 PM

    They're acting as if its not the Yazidis religious beliefs that makes them want to kill them. They keep using the same story over and over again.

    Essentially they believe that Yazidis should be exterminated, but for propaganda purposes try to dehumanize them, and the same is done with alawites. And I doubt christians will be excluded from this.

    I remember that quite well. Most from that area blamed the death on her running off at all, not about religion. Kurdish girls who run off have compromised the family honor.

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #536 - August 10, 2014, 05:14 PM

    According to this tweet an F-16 plane has been shot down near Irbil. But I see no other confirmation of this. Anyone heard anything?

  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #537 - August 10, 2014, 05:37 PM

    Abu Ali
    There's a alot of psy-ops going on. This is jihadi propaganda, unless there is a discrediting done afterwards, in that cases IS opponents.

    Eitherway the story is fake
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #538 - August 10, 2014, 05:46 PM

    Thanks, I replied to the tweet saying it is a fake photo and gave one of those links.
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #539 - August 10, 2014, 06:35 PM

    This is a very interesting take on ISIS and how their 'logic' of 'purifying' in the name of spiritual purity inevitably will lead to ethnic / religious 'purifying' of people - especially regarding the Yazidis who are in their mind a religion and a people who must be ended


    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

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