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 Topic: 'Islamic State' a.k.a. ISIL

 (Read 483298 times)
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  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #570 - August 11, 2014, 07:09 AM

    I'd like to see you try. grin12

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #571 - August 11, 2014, 08:06 AM

    Okay for starters the party solved the issue of unemployment and inflation. It unified Germany under a common cultural heritage. It turned what was a 3rd world nation and economy into a world power in less than a decade. This vastly increased the morale of the people as well as providing individuals a source from which to feel pride in and that in the eyes of their families. The development of technologies during the war paved the way for technology we use today. Nuclear power, jets, rockets, aeronautical system. programmable computer systems, acoustic technology. They developed the first mass roadway system which is now seen in modern highway systems. As I said, much of the technology was use now is based on technology developed by Germans under the rule and support of the party. The party is the most effective government humanity has every seen.
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #572 - August 11, 2014, 08:09 AM

    Fuck. Sounds awesome. Vote 1 Nazis! dance

    I think you're leaving out a few bits though.

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #573 - August 11, 2014, 08:14 AM

    Mehdi Hasan was getting very agitated when some people pointed out that ISIS source the justification for their persecutions from scripture, tradition, text.  Awkward.

    Sounds like fun. Anyone got lynx?

    ETA: Oh and speaking of complete twats, here's a wonderful piece from one of the Guardians journobots.

    US air strikes in Iraq: have the lessons of occupation been forgotten so soon?

    Quote from: Summary
    In the end, Islamic State will have to be defeated militarily but this can only be done by Iraqis themselves, on behalf of a credible national unity government. War waged by cynically self-interested foreign forces allied to a narrowly sectarian regime will exacerbate precisely the dynamics that created this situation to begin with. That, after all, is a major lesson of the post-2003 US-led occupation.

    IOW, bitching about the Yanks is the most important thing. Fuck the Yazidis.

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #574 - August 11, 2014, 08:26 AM

    Fuck. Sounds awesome. Vote 1 Nazis! dance

    I think you're leaving out a few bits though.

    Obviously I left out the nasty bits but I could spin this as well. The treatment of Jews was directly related to the banking and industrial systems present. Systems which failed to solved the issue and which the owners of profited from. The invasion of Poland was due to the refusal to allow Germans in Danzig and western Poland to rejoin the German nation. The partition of Germany was was imposed upon the nation. The Allies in WW1 forced Germany to pay a debt for the war, a war they did not start. They granted German lands to a foreign nation. Poland in fact was not a nation at this time and had not been for 200 years. So one could argue that Poland was a usurper nation which had no right to sovereignty nor the land granted it. It was a created nation due to the end of WW1. This is the same type argument Palestine use regarding Israeli and the conflicts over land.

    Like I said one can spin any sort of negative system into a positive one if you distort history enough.
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #575 - August 11, 2014, 08:30 AM

    You'd have to have an audience that was completely ignorant of history, or who were determined to deliberately ignore it. Wink

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #576 - August 11, 2014, 08:51 AM

    Yes which is the case when apologist spin their jargon to believers. Most believers know next to nothing about the history behind their religion, they just know what the religious authorities tell them. They want people to reinforce and confirm their beliefs not prove them wrong. 
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #577 - August 11, 2014, 08:56 AM

    ETA: Oh and speaking of complete twats, here's a wonderful piece from one of the Guardians journobots.

    US air strikes in Iraq: have the lessons of occupation been forgotten so soon?
    IOW, bitching about the Yanks is the most important thing. Fuck the Yazidis.

    I've read rants about how the Kurds are allied with the ghastly Americans as an argument against Kurdish independence. Ideologues are an odd bunch, leftists are no exception. We're all for self-determination for persecuted peoples everywhere…but only as long as it serves our reactionary anti-Western worldview. If ISIS was building gas chambers for Yazidis, you'd only hear these types complaining if it somehow turned out some of the remnants of the steel used for the chambers were made in the U.S. 
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #578 - August 11, 2014, 09:13 AM

    So the Kurds want heavy weapons to deal with the IS, which has heavy weapons captured from the Iraqi (Excuse For An) Army. If the US does decide to arm the Kurds with similar weapons that could be interesting, since Turkey aint gonna be feeling relaxed about a heavily armed Kurdistan...

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #579 - August 11, 2014, 09:23 AM

    Turkey might not be as hostile as it used to be.

    Turkey Would Support Iraqi Kurds' Bid For Self-Rule, Spokesman Says In Historic Remark
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #580 - August 11, 2014, 09:29 AM

    Yeah but that's only for Kurds in Iraq, not all Kurds. If they get a Kurdish state in what used to be Iraq*, what's the bet other Kurds will want in?

    *Iraq and Syria effectively don't exist any more anyway

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #581 - August 11, 2014, 10:03 AM

    I've heard some crazy theories that Turkey would expel its Kurds (not gonna happen, waaaay too many of them). I'm not sure what it'd mean for Turkey's Kurds; there's no way they're going to separate from Turkey. It's anyone's guess if Kurdish militancy will reignite or what will happen exactly.  

    I think the Kurds in Syria will be the next to push for autonomy. Kurdish separatism in Iran has been minimal historically (Shi'a Kurds are half the Kurds in Iran and they're for remaining in Iran) so I don't think Iran has much to worry about on that front. 
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #582 - August 11, 2014, 10:22 AM

    What makes me sad is that this is what a country ruled by Shariah is meant to look like. Its not the Utopian, imitation of heaven on earth stuff Muslims like to think. It's what ISIS did in Syria or what taliban did in Af/Pak.

    How do Muslims disagree with these people when their actions are condoned by religion.
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #583 - August 11, 2014, 01:20 PM

    I believe US involvement is what rouses a support from basic minded muslims towards ISIS. So far muslims around me IRL don't seem to support ISIS but rather blame the conflict on Arab lack of unity. I guess Boko Haram acts must have change their views towards Islamic militancy which is a welcome development in my book.

    "I'm standing here like an asshole holding my Charles Dickens"

    "No theory,No ready made system,no book that has ever been written to save the world. i cleave to no system.."-Bakunin
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #584 - August 11, 2014, 01:30 PM

    I was going to say this is disgusting or sadistic or psyopathic but even those words can't describe the madness and insanity this man demonstrates.

    A shocking image has been posted on Twitter showing a young boy, reportedly raised in the suburbs of Sydney, holding up the severed head of a slain Syrian soldier....The photo is believed to be that of his son and was posted with the words, “Thats my boy!”


    In my opinion a life without curiosity is not a life worth living
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #585 - August 11, 2014, 02:00 PM

    :O that's absolutely horrifying. 

    I believe US involvement is what rouses a support from basic minded muslims towards ISIS. So far muslims around me IRL don't seem to support ISIS but rather blame the conflict on Arab lack of unity. I guess Boko Haram acts must have change their views towards Islamic militancy which is a welcome development in my book.

    I feel like jihadism is losing popularity as its becoming clearer to Muslims that these groups mostly spill Muslim blood and wreak havoc in Muslim countries. Al-Shabab had a similar impact among Somalis in that people started rejecting Islamist militancy.  

    There are surveys which actually confirm this trend away from Islamist extremism and militant groups in the Muslim world:
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #586 - August 11, 2014, 02:49 PM

    I've been reading some really disturbing stuff about what is going on.

    Can't stop thinking, how exactly do ISIS, persecuting 'pagans', killing those who oppose them, taking women as slaves, differ from what Muhammad and his companions did?

    this is all very awkward for apologists to explain away.

    This is a very interesting question. If I were still a salafi, I'd likely fault IS for using jihad as a first tactic instead of a last resort. Based on what we can gather from the seerah, the argument can be made that Muhammad seemed to have been more pragmatic than these ISIS bandits.  He did not seem as interested in fighting just for the sake of fighting as these ISIS folks seem to be. He entered into peace treaties, even with the pagan Arabs, allowing him to free up his resources and build his community. He also only seemed to attack at opportune times, for example, when he stood to capture lots of booty to feed his men or when he had a great chance at successful conquer. Remember, the battle of badr was only initially meant to be a caravan raid until Abu Sufyan discovered Muhammad's plans and called in the Makkan army. Muhammad was initially considering fleeing until his men talked him into fighting.

     Also, the treaty of Hudhaibiah was seemingly not in favor of the Muslims, but it freed up Muhammad to focus on conquering the fertile northern oases and recruiting more desert Arab tribes to his movement. By the time he decided to conquer Makkah, Muhammad had already won over, through skirmish and through bribery, many of the Bedouin tribes (remember, one of the permissible uses for zakat is to "soften the hearts of those who just accepted Islam," aka, bribing tribal leaders who submitted to his rule with gifts.) He took Makkah without a fight because they simply would not have been able to put up a resistance.

    Muhammad seemed to have been a lot more patient and focused on achieving his long term goals. He didn't go picking fights he knew he could not win, or killing people who disagreed with him right away. Remember, he refused to kill people he considered hypocrites because he didn't want the news to spread that "Muhammad kills his companions." While he did do some really atrocious things as he captured cities, massacred men, and enslaved and raped women, he didn't seem to do these things just for the sake of doing them. He seemed to have had his end game strategy in mind the entire time and tried not to shoot himself in the foot for the sake of being overzealous.

  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #587 - August 11, 2014, 03:01 PM

    You were a typical madkhali, isn't that right sir? =)
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #588 - August 11, 2014, 03:03 PM

    Literally drank from the man's hands. Tongue
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #589 - August 11, 2014, 03:06 PM

    Have you met him? Finding a picture of him is difficult...for some reason I wanted to know what he looks like...but he probably is one of those who think taking photographs is forbidden=/
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #590 - August 11, 2014, 03:08 PM

    Yes. I met him more times than I care to remember. Nonetheless, as crazy and harmful as his teachings are, I'd take a thousand Rabee' al Madkhalees over one of these Jihadi fuckwits any day.

    And yes, he did teach that photographs were haram. He has reddish skin and a full white beard, if that helps. He kinda reminded me of Anthony Quinn in Lion of the Desert, with a more Arab look.
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #591 - August 11, 2014, 03:13 PM

    I also remember him and his old buddy Fawzaan turning against eachother after declaring all other muslim groups  as ahlul bid3ah. Though I despised jihadis far more than those fellas, when I was a muslim.
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #592 - August 11, 2014, 03:27 PM

    part 3 of VICE documentary on ISIS - enforcing sharia in Raqqa

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #593 - August 11, 2014, 03:44 PM

    This is a very interesting question. If I were still a salafi, I'd likely fault IS for using jihad as a first tactic instead of a last resort.

    I read a Salafi say there is nothing wrong with imposing jizya on Christians and muhrik yazeedis, but its wrong for ISIS to do it because they have not followed the correct technical steps to qualify as caliphate with the authority to do so.

    So nothing wrong with what they do in principle, only that they haven't followed correct procedures to do it.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #594 - August 11, 2014, 04:02 PM

    ^Yeah, I'd say that is about right. It's what my above post boils down to in essence. Salafis (madkhalees) spend a lot of time talking about "manhaj," which goes beyond beliefs and practices and encompasses the overall methodology and MO that a group employs.  It's not that the jihadis are not basing their actions on the sunnah, it's that they are going about implementation all wrong, in their opinion.
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #595 - August 11, 2014, 04:06 PM

    Thanks for posting these, billy. 

    It's really sad to see how Syria has deteriorated. Who would've thought five years ago that you'd have a fucking caliphate based in Raqqa? 
    Some of the prisoners seemed really miserable. And wtf was with a niqabi not being sufficiently covered?! 

  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #596 - August 11, 2014, 04:11 PM

    let us put all those three parts of that "The Islamic State"  of Islamic heroes together   -Part 1    -part2   -part3

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #597 - August 11, 2014, 04:21 PM

    part 3 of VICE documentary on ISIS - enforcing sharia in Raqqa

    Nazi twats!
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #598 - August 11, 2014, 04:26 PM

    Deluded morons.
  • ISIS take Mosul
     Reply #599 - August 11, 2014, 04:27 PM

    And wtf was with a niqabi not being sufficiently covered?! 

    It was sexy material.

    Seriously these wankers are going to split into ever more pious/strict groups and end up killing each other over not using the Miswak or forgetting to pray nafila.
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