OMG my flag thread. Was closing down my 20 tabs from the morning, and forgot I had left this open, and logged in on another tab.
My bad...I suck at continuity.

Is it a certain type of man, or from all walks of life? I wonder if there's an effect on Brazilians who are subjected to that stereotype, especially from a younger age, a mistrust of others because they only want "one thing" or more likely to sleep around either through social pressure, to be liked/accepted or both. Do you find a hostility to "our women" being involved with Brazilian men for sexual stereotype? I'm assuming it's not just women.
Honestly I have no idea if it's a particular type of man, I tend to skuttle off super fast, make no eye contact, and rarely register faces, clothes, voice...anything. I'm just like "eeek, a man is trying to speak to me, run"
But to be fair, I react that way even when women try to speak to me..."shit, someone is trying to talk to".
I should never have discovered online communication, it has made me even worse at socialising.
But anyway as to the other questions, I haven't explored questions on resentment over exclusive racial attractions that exclude oneself, but I will be now.....well soon enough lol, I'm on a break from serious subjects.
So, what are your thoughts so far? Save a tenner and go for it, or be out an extra tenner on something you actually like?
I'm a low decision maker, I'm still on the fence right now.
Is it just a beach towel? I don't know if the whole flag thing is an issue in the UK, but if it's just a towel then I wouldn't care. An extra 10£ is alot of money to spend on a towel, better use it for something more worth it. Had it been a shirt with a flag print on, or a skirt, then I wouldn't wear it if it were for free.
The flag thing is a bit of an issue over here, I find it's heavily associated with white BNP/EDL types, and most of the time those waving it, hanging it from the house, getting key items with it, usually fit the profile.
See, I would still be struggling to decide even if it was free, even though it's just a beach towel.

The british flag is considered quite trendy as a symbol or fashion accessory but i wouldnt wear one, however, if i was an american i would be flying the flag outside my window

why do americans have the flag on display ?
It's not considered trendy at all to me, or to many people I know.

I think a lot of tourists over here go nuts for flag print stuff, as well as like I said, nationalists of a particular persuasion.
I like a lot of things about my country, but no thank you to strutting around with something decorated with an American flag. Especially in people's perceptions, the flag represents much more than what I want to throw my support behind.
Also, in my opinion, +1 for the tacky thing.
Yea exactly. It has a message behind it. I like where I am from country wise, weather could be nicer, but still, I'm just not into what the flag represents.
the american flag with a christian cross is not a good look lol the british flag is equally seen as an insult in many ex colonial countries

The American flag is pretty cheesy as flags go. There's no symmetry. It's obnoxious red and white candy cane stripes with a bunch of big kindergarten cut-out stars. It only looks good on a flag pole. The Union Jack lends itself a little more to fashionable adaptations, I think.
All that said, I'd probably still fork over the extra 10 quid. (You guys call your money quid, right?)
American flag stuff has been in fashion before over here

maybe it's ability to be fashionable on any level depends on not coming from that country.
and yep, quid or tenner.
Or if you want to be more cockney, it's a cockle.