I am sure every religion has rituals but not to the extent that Islam does.
It's not just about worship or prayers; it's literally everything you do. How to enter the toilet, how to leave the toilet, how to talk (for women); Islam even tries to tell you how to drink water sheesh...
I don't understand why Islam demands adherence to such an extreme.
Like I said, all religions use this tactic in some way or another. It's just that religions have been "modernized" or "watered down" in many aspects. That's why you see the "literal" and "hard-core" Jews being a minority, and even Christian hard-cores and literalists don't have that much rituals and rules to follow. Islam is a much younger religion so it hasn't gone through the same progression for various reasons.
And I think that Islam is a lot more cult-ish in essence. Islam shares a LOT of characteristics of a cult. There's a strong person-worship or whatever you call it surrounding Mo, and it is clear when you read the seerah with an open and critical mind that it was pretty clear what Mo wanted to accomplish with all the rules and whatnot. Arabs where not divided so much by ethnicity, but by clans, and Mo had to unite them into one "ummah" but at the same time distinguish himself from non-Muslims. He did that by changing their culture and way of life. How they dressed, how they looked, how they ate and drank, how they went to the bathroom, how they married and so on. That's why Mo talked about "imitating" kuffar being such a grave sin, "he's not one of us". I think that is the reason why some people, both Muslims and non-Muslims, talk about Muslims as an "ethnic" group. It's because there's Islamic dress, Islamic food, Islamic customs and so on.