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 Topic: Islam controlling every little aspect of your life?

 (Read 6228 times)
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  • Islam controlling every little aspect of your life?
     OP - June 12, 2014, 02:10 PM

    As a Muslim another one of the things that I often have trouble with is Islam's insistence on controlling EVERY damn thing that you do.

    I can't drink water the way I want to, I can't eat with the hand I want to, I can't laugh how I want to, wear what I want. It seems to have specific instructions on how to do every little thing and I find that cumbersome.

    To a lot of Muslims this is a source of pride that their religion is so all encompassing  that it has guidelines on everything. Its an evidence for Islam being a complete code of life.
    But doesn't every human being want a little bit of freedom; however in Islam you even need to carry out mundane everyday tasks in a special routine. It reduces humans to the level of mindless robots.

    I wonder what the wisdom in that is?
  • Islam controlling every little aspect of your life?
     Reply #1 - June 12, 2014, 03:34 PM

    All sects and cults (that is what religion was used for many times) use this tactic. It is to reduce individuals to a collective mass. That way it is easier to control people and know what they think, want, do. It makes them into "us" and "everyone else", which helps the leader/church amass power by control and fear. People become sheep.

    "The healthiest people I know are those who are the first to label themselves fucked up." - three
  • Islam controlling every little aspect of your life?
     Reply #2 - June 12, 2014, 03:43 PM

    Yep it's a form of mass hypnotism, muslims arent capable of thinking for themselves if theyre told to do something non islamic they start to malfunction :/
  • Islam controlling every little aspect of your life?
     Reply #3 - June 12, 2014, 04:00 PM

    All sects and cults (that is what religion was used for many times) use this tactic. It is to reduce individuals to a collective mass. That way it is easier to control people and know what they think, want, do. It makes them into "us" and "everyone else", which helps the leader/church amass power by control and fear. People become sheep.

    I am sure every religion has rituals but not to the extent that Islam does.
    It's not just about worship or prayers; it's literally everything you do. How to enter the toilet, how to leave the toilet, how to talk (for women);  Islam even tries to tell you how to drink water sheesh...

    I don't understand why Islam demands adherence to such an extreme.
  • Islam controlling every little aspect of your life?
     Reply #4 - June 12, 2014, 04:02 PM

    It has a very OCD prophet.

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • Islam controlling every little aspect of your life?
     Reply #5 - June 12, 2014, 04:11 PM

    I am sure every religion has rituals but not to the extent that Islam does.
    It's not just about worship or prayers; it's literally everything you do. How to enter the toilet, how to leave the toilet, how to talk (for women);  Islam even tries to tell you how to drink water sheesh...

    I don't understand why Islam demands adherence to such an extreme.

    Like I said, all religions use this tactic in some way or another. It's just that religions have been "modernized" or "watered down" in many aspects. That's why you see the "literal" and "hard-core" Jews being a minority, and even Christian hard-cores and literalists don't have that much rituals and rules to follow. Islam is a much younger religion so it hasn't gone through the same progression for various reasons.

    And I think that Islam is a lot more cult-ish in essence. Islam shares a LOT of characteristics of a cult. There's a strong person-worship or whatever you call it surrounding Mo, and it is clear when you read the seerah with an open and critical mind that it was pretty clear what Mo wanted to accomplish with all the rules and whatnot. Arabs where not divided so much by ethnicity, but by clans, and Mo had to unite them into one "ummah" but at the same time distinguish himself from non-Muslims. He did that by changing their culture and way of life. How they dressed, how they looked, how they ate and drank, how they went to the bathroom, how they married and so on. That's why Mo talked about "imitating" kuffar being such a grave sin, "he's not one of us". I think that is the reason why some people, both Muslims and non-Muslims, talk about Muslims as an "ethnic" group. It's because there's Islamic dress, Islamic food, Islamic customs and so on.

    "The healthiest people I know are those who are the first to label themselves fucked up." - three
  • Islam controlling every little aspect of your life?
     Reply #6 - June 12, 2014, 04:14 PM

    Also, Mo Ham had people around him literally 24/7 obeying whatever weird command or fetish he might have come up with. Those edicts then became canonized and holy.

    "Hey man, don't splash piss everywhere when you pee, squat down some," becomes "The holy prophet peace and blessings be upon him forbade us from standing while urinating." And so on.
  • Islam controlling every little aspect of your life?
     Reply #7 - June 12, 2014, 04:17 PM

    Yep. There was this whole cult and obsession surrounding his person, which is normal for cults and their leaders in general, so when the cult/sect later on developed to an organized religion this is the shit we ended up with. Yaay, we are so lucky!

    I think one could look at Mormonism and find similarities with Islam on this issue.

    "The healthiest people I know are those who are the first to label themselves fucked up." - three
  • Islam controlling every little aspect of your life?
     Reply #8 - June 12, 2014, 04:33 PM

    The eating with the hands, the right hand was the most irritating for me, my ex had this same ritual, the one where you want to strangle them lol.. His right hand turned into a claw every meal time :( :(    to scoop up the slop with his bare hand, and then he would be gagging for a drink of water, despite having the left hand free he wouldnt dare touch the glass so he had this trick of picking up the glass with his left forearm balancing it with his claw urrrrrgh..   sorry havin a moment
  • Islam controlling every little aspect of your life?
     Reply #9 - June 12, 2014, 04:43 PM

     far away hug

    I know exactly what you mean, it is enough off putting when you know the reason behind it

    "The healthiest people I know are those who are the first to label themselves fucked up." - three
  • Islam controlling every little aspect of your life?
     Reply #10 - June 12, 2014, 05:02 PM

    The eating with the hands, the right hand was the most irritating for me, my ex had this same ritual, the one where you want to strangle them lol.. His right hand turned into a claw every meal time :( :(    to scoop up the slop with his bare hand, and then he would be gagging for a drink of water, despite having the left hand free he wouldnt dare touch the glass so he had this trick of picking up the glass with his left forearm balancing it with his claw urrrrrgh..   sorry havin a moment


    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • Islam controlling every little aspect of your life?
     Reply #11 - June 12, 2014, 05:26 PM

    far away hug

    I know exactly what you mean, it is enough off putting when you know the reason behind it

    What you mean?

    how fuck works without shit??

    Let's Play Chess!

    harakaat, friend, RIP
  • Islam controlling every little aspect of your life?
     Reply #12 - June 12, 2014, 05:32 PM

    Instead of drinking like a normal person, and picking up the glass and drinking with his left hand, he comes up with this strange elaborate "solution" so he can still use his right hand even though it's sticky and yucky with food and whatnot. It's disturbed, it's disturbed that people behave like this because some village fool 1400 years ago managed to get enough followers of his delusional fantasies that people 2014 still can't eat and drink like a normal person.

    "The healthiest people I know are those who are the first to label themselves fucked up." - three
  • Islam controlling every little aspect of your life?
     Reply #13 - June 12, 2014, 05:35 PM

    There should be a TV show. Going on about how much better and superior their way is and islam will dominate the world and not daring to pick up a glass and doing the whole bit! Cheesy Oh I want this on telly!

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • Islam controlling every little aspect of your life?
     Reply #14 - June 12, 2014, 05:36 PM

    "Hey, you seen that new show about the people wanting to dominate the world?"

    "No mate, what's it called?"


    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • Islam controlling every little aspect of your life?
     Reply #15 - June 12, 2014, 07:43 PM

    All sects and cults (that is what religion was used for many times) use this tactic. It is to reduce individuals to a collective mass. That way it is easier to control people and know what they think, want, do. It makes them into "us" and "everyone else", which helps the leader/church amass power by control and fear. People become sheep.

    Christians do not have any law (not nowadays) which tells them how and what to eat or what to wear. Christians can eat anything they want. There are no dietary laws. There are no laws about defecation or urination. There are no set rules about how to pray. etc...... There are some requirements, for example, Catholics are supposed to refrain from eating meat of Fridays (they can eat fish instead) but very few Catholics follow the rule and nobody cares.

    वासुदैव कुटुम्बकम्
    Entire World is One Family
    سارا سنسار ايک پريوار ہے
  • Islam controlling every little aspect of your life?
     Reply #16 - June 12, 2014, 08:15 PM

    No Ram, that is also what I said when I talked about religions going through progress and "modernization" Smiley

    "The healthiest people I know are those who are the first to label themselves fucked up." - three
  • Islam controlling every little aspect of your life?
     Reply #17 - June 12, 2014, 09:45 PM

    The eating with the hands, the right hand was the most irritating for me, my ex had this same ritual, the one where you want to strangle them lol.. His right hand turned into a claw every meal time :( :(    to scoop up the slop with his bare hand, and then he would be gagging for a drink of water, despite having the left hand free he wouldnt dare touch the glass so he had this trick of picking up the glass with his left forearm balancing it with his claw urrrrrgh..   sorry havin a moment
  • Islam controlling every little aspect of your life?
     Reply #18 - June 12, 2014, 10:34 PM

    It's very hard to explain to other Muslims how crazy and mindless it is because they will put it down as another beauty of their religion.
  • Islam controlling every little aspect of your life?
     Reply #19 - June 12, 2014, 10:38 PM

    It's very hard to make non muslims realise you're not joking when you tell them about it.

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • Islam controlling every little aspect of your life?
     Reply #20 - June 12, 2014, 11:13 PM

  • Islam controlling every little aspect of your life?
     Reply #21 - June 25, 2014, 02:48 PM

    Is this an allegory of Jihad

    Just like Johnny Flynn said, the breath I've taken and the one I must to go on.
  • Islam controlling every little aspect of your life?
     Reply #22 - June 25, 2014, 06:32 PM

    No just the obsession with left and right hands along with the use of either. Also the whole claw thing with Suki's husband eating. However yes I suppose you could link Allah with the end part, being chosen and going to a better place. Although this was not my intention.
  • Islam controlling every little aspect of your life?
     Reply #23 - June 25, 2014, 07:01 PM

    I am a lefties who's been forced to eat right my whole life, but it does have it's benifits.
    How many of you can eat and write at the same time huh? That means any homework for my last block is always done in lunch  grin12

    Just like Johnny Flynn said, the breath I've taken and the one I must to go on.
  • Islam controlling every little aspect of your life?
     Reply #24 - June 25, 2014, 07:25 PM

    awwwwman, I wished I had mastered that skill. I can eat "simple" food with my left hand, and write with my right. But If I'm going to use a fork or spoon and eat like a normal person, there's no way I could do that.

    "The healthiest people I know are those who are the first to label themselves fucked up." - three
  • Islam controlling every little aspect of your life?
     Reply #25 - June 25, 2014, 08:06 PM

    With food that I can spear with fork like a salad I am good but spoon business is out.

    Just like Johnny Flynn said, the breath I've taken and the one I must to go on.
  • Islam controlling every little aspect of your life?
     Reply #26 - June 25, 2014, 08:14 PM

    As a Muslim another one of the things that I often have trouble with is Islam's insistence on controlling EVERY damn thing that you do.

    I can't drink water the way I want to, I can't eat with the hand I want to, I can't laugh how I want to, wear what I want. It seems to have specific instructions on how to do every little thing and I find that cumbersome.

    To a lot of Muslims this is a source of pride that their religion is so all encompassing  that it has guidelines on everything. Its an evidence for Islam being a complete code of life.
    But doesn't every human being want a little bit of freedom; however in Islam you even need to carry out mundane everyday tasks in a special routine. It reduces humans to the level of mindless robots.

    I wonder what the wisdom in that is?

    Because they will be rewarded.
  • Islam controlling every little aspect of your life?
     Reply #27 - June 25, 2014, 08:30 PM

    As a Muslim another one of the things that I often have trouble with is Islam's insistence on controlling EVERY damn thing that you do.

    I can't drink water the way I want to, I can't eat with the hand I want to, I can't laugh how I want to, wear what I want. It seems to have specific instructions on how to do every little thing and I find that cumbersome.

    To a lot of Muslims this is a source of pride that their religion is so all encompassing  that it has guidelines on everything. Its an evidence for Islam being a complete code of life.
    But doesn't every human being want a little bit of freedom; however in Islam you even need to carry out mundane everyday tasks in a special routine. It reduces humans to the level of mindless robots.

    I wonder what the wisdom in that is?

    Getting people so compliant that it is easy to get them to do your will. Its long term manipulation.
  • Islam controlling every little aspect of your life?
     Reply #28 - June 26, 2014, 05:24 AM

    in conclusion, Islam is Arab Imperialism disguised as a religion.
  • Islam controlling every little aspect of your life?
     Reply #29 - June 26, 2014, 08:46 AM

    Just as Christianity became used as a form of Roman imperialism.
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