If you believe that religion serves no further use or at the very least should be practiced in private and never imposed on others,
If you value this life more than the unprovable promised enternal ones religions promise us when we die,
If you believe it is not enough to measure the wellness of society based on the whimes of the free market,
If you believe the earth has a limited carrying capacity and as a result we need to get a handle on our population,
If you believe that the displacement of people, war, climate change, polution, squandered resources, etc are some of the greatest challenges that faces humanity this century. . . in short if you believe that the human race needs to get it's sh**t together than you are a brother of mine.
Okay maybe a bit too intense, on a lighter note and perhaps in the vain of YZV
Therefore, only ONE blatant error is enough to prove that the Quran is not from ALLAH, but MU-HAM-MAD!! Suggestions please

Why was Mo mad at ham? He clearly wasn't mad for ham, was he mad from ham?