Last spring there was this thing in the news in Poland. A doctor and director of Holy Family Hospital in Warsaw, professor Bogdan Chazan refused to make an abortion on a fetus even though it was sure the baby would die soon after birth. He quoted so called "conscience clause", lately very popular among Polish health care. More info about conscience clause here:
He also refused to redirect the woman to other doctor, saying that he doesn't know anyone who would perform abortion. Couple of theys ago it was said he's being sacked by the mayor of Warsaw, Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz. His hospital was fined 70000zl (around £13000). By the way, that baby was born and died 3 days ago.
This is really scary. Poland was always strongly catholic but now it seems catholics are really taking over the country. If a doctor refuses to do a LEGAL abortion because of his religion and he gets a huge support from half of the country's population then it shows how extreme in religion Poles become. It's not only old people that stood in front of his hospital with pro-life posters. There were lots of young people too. When I read the comments from 15, 20 year olds saying prof. Chazan is a hero and that mother will burn in hell it really freaks me out.