Ok, Abu can we call a truce for now and get back on track pls..
1. Meeting fate with courage. Whether this is truly a value of the Indo-European people is far from definite since we actually know so little about - but let's assume it is - tell me what religion, ideology, view or whatever - does not advocate this? The Abrahamic religions which you seem to think are so inferior to these Indo-European religious values - are no different in this respect.
Considering how the Abrahamic views aim to use the fear of the death to keep its hold on followers is a good and simple example. IE religions dont have this idea of a lovely, happy heaven and that god will 'take care' of death for the believers. I have noticed that the fear of the death/the unknown is central to a Muslim's/Christian's faith, if they question their faith, that is what ther fear most.
What's interesting about the IE world-views is that they dont try to invent a fantasy around death to make that easier. Atleast there isn't an idea that is central to the world-view and spans the different branches.
2. Truth/Reason - What truth and reason is contained in believing in the Hindu Gods, Nordic Gods, Greek Gods etc...?
Reason and Truth are closely related so I will treat them as one. In Vedic Rta is a central idea which can be translated as Truth, Eternal Law, Existence, well-formed etc. What's interesting is that this concept is more important and more powerful than any god. The gods are secondary and 'everything', including them, is subject to Rta.
The greeks had something similar called Logos. The Persian equivalent was Arta though that does not have the full meaning of Rta.
IE religions being polytheistic, tend not to revolved around gods, but something more universal such as Truth, Reality, Destiny etc.
IE religions do not have a dichotomy between Science and Religion. They are both talking about the same thing, Reality. As there are no 'revealed' texts in IE religions (atleast non taken literally) there is nothing against science, unlike the Abrahamic faiths that both have had major problems with scientific research. Notice how there was not religios impediment to The Greeks when they 'began' western civilization.
3. A relationship with God not based on fear - Which God/gods is that? Please be specific? Is it Zuess? Vishnu? Thor? Are you saying you have a relationship with one of them that is not based on fear? Does he share his cream doughnuts with you or what? Could you please explain how this relationship works?
I havent myself seen in any IE religion a god punishes those that do not worship him or worship someone else. I believe this is universal in the Abrahamic faiths. Fear of the punishment of god keeps many Abrahamics from considering the weaknesses in their religion.
IE worship for many reasons, fear or punishment for non-worship is not one of them.